First, let’s clarify who “us” is. We (us) are those who: (a) don’t and wouldn’t commit crimes of violence against other people; and, critically, include (b) most people who are, to a greater or lesser extent, in a position to influence what powers (and protections) the police where we live may have. The “protections” are primarily against investigation, publicization, regulation, and discipline for situations in which police officers might abuse people who either committed no crimes, or only committed crimes with the participation or permission of the police. At the present moment, it’s widely propounded that police throughout America have … Continue reading

The post Reining in the Police Would Endanger Us appeared first on LewRockwell.

Events ensuing from a minor fracas starting around April 16 at Panama Beach City, Florida offer a striking picture of the power of militarism in American society today. They emerged from the clash of two annual events taking place at this otherwise peaceful beachside resort town in Florida’s panhandle: Spring Break for college students and the Warrior Beach Retreat put on by an organization whose membership is restricted to US military veterans wounded in combat. It is tempting to see the contretemps as something motivated by ideologies and clearly aggravated by the levels of alcohol consumption at least on the … Continue reading