You may recall the international spectacle Alan Greenspan sparked in 1996. In an otherwise dull and forgettable speech, Greenspan, the Federal Reserve chairman at the time, said the now famous phrase “irrational exuberance.” Investors thought Greenspan meant the Fed was about to raise interest rates. Of course, Greenspan didn’t say the Fed would raise rates. Nor did he intend to signal that. Nonetheless, investors quickly panicked. US markets were closed at the time, but stocks in Japan and Hong Kong dropped 3%. The German stock market fell 4%. When trading started in the US the next day, the market opened … Continue reading

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Doug Casey, Jeff Thomas, and Nick Giambruno recently discussed a critical topic—the rise of a police state in the former “free” world. Nick Giambruno: In my experience, the US has some of the most aggressive police in the world. I first noticed this when I started traveling many years ago. I’ve also noticed that law-abiding citizens are more likely to encounter the police in the US. Both of these trends are accelerating. What happened to “the boys in blue”—the friendly cop on the beat that everyone knew personally and trusted? Doug Casey: The fact is that police forces throughout the US have … Continue reading

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The Establishment is setting up Donald Trump. The mainstream media hates him. Hollywood hates him. The “Intellectual Yet Idiot” academia class hates him. Most critically, the CIA hates him. So does the rest of the Deep State, or the permanently entrenched “national security” bureaucracy. They did everything possible to stop Trump from taking office. None of it worked. I think the CIA hates Trump for a very simple reason: he’s threatening to take away their livelihood. Trump wants to make nice with Putin and the Russians. But countering the so-called “Russian threat” is how many thousands of Deep State bureaucrats … Continue reading

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A Note From Nick Giambruno: I consider “Financial Martial Law” a must-read. In this timely article, which I’m sharing below, my friend and colleague Chris Lowe warns that banks have become arms of the US government. This means terrifying things for your savings. When I read this article, I knew I had to pass it along to International Man readers. Chris is the editor of Bonner & Partners’ Inner Circle publication, which shares insights from Bill Bonner’s personal network of analysts and investment experts around the world. Bill and Doug Casey are decades-old friends and colleagues. Time to buy old US gold coins Like … Continue reading

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For the aspiring Edward Snowdens among you, Kazakhstan does not have an extradition treaty with the US. It’s one of the few places on Earth outside the long reach of US law. You can always hide in Kazakhstan. Though, having just been there, it wouldn’t be my first choice. I went to Kazakhstan because it’s the world’s largest uranium producer. I think uranium has the most profit potential of any resource market right now. I watch the industry very closely. The country also showed up on my Value Radar’s sweet spot. (The Value Radar is a proprietary tool I created … Continue reading

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Nick Giambruno: The decline of Western Civilization is on a lot of people’s minds. Let’s talk about this trend. Doug Casey: Western Civilization has its origins in ancient Greece. It’s unique among the world’s civilizations in putting the individual—as opposed to the collective—in a central position. It enshrined logic and rational thought—as opposed to mysticism and superstition—as the way to deal with the world. It’s because of this that we have science, technology, great literature and art, capitalism, personal freedom, the concept of progress, and much, much more. In fact, almost everything worth having in the material world is due to … Continue reading

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Nick Giambruno: What exactly are Cultural Marxists, and how are they, and political correctness, contributing to the decline of Western Civilization? Doug Casey: Economic Marxism was intellectually debunked decades ago. With the collapse of the USSR, and radical changes in China, the man in the street became aware that the “intellectuals” were fools. And that is reinforced by the ongoing disasters in Cuba, North Korea, and Venezuela. So, since they recognize that there’s nothing to steal if they implement Marxian economic policies, most “intellectuals” no longer talk about them. Cultural Marxism, however, is just as destructive. It divides people not into economic … Continue reading

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Dozens of renegade commandos in three Black Hawk helicopters swooped in on the president’s holiday residence. Their mission was to capture him—or more likely, to kill him. The commandoes engaged in a fierce gun battle with the president’s bodyguards, killing a number of them. The president, however, was nowhere to be found. He’d been tipped off and made it safely to his private jet, cheating death by mere minutes. When the renegade soldiers learned of his escape, they commandeered a couple of F-16 fighter jets and sent them to shoot down the presidential jet. Current Prices on popular forms of … Continue reading

The post Turkey Could Start a Global Meltdown appeared first on LewRockwell.

On April 23, French voters could drive the entire European Union into its grave. Doug Casey and I recently discussed this historic election—and why it matters to US investors. Nick Giambruno: Doug, you predicted the fall of the European Union a few years ago. What has changed since then? Doug Casey: Well, what’s changed is that the entire situation has gotten much worse. The inevitable has now become imminent. The European Union evolved, devolved actually, from basically a free trade pact among a few countries to a giant, dysfunctional, overreaching bureaucracy. Free trade is an excellent idea. However, you don’t need to … Continue reading

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The classic movie Fast Times at Ridgemont High offers a crash course in geopolitics. One of the characters plays on the high school football team and drives a fancy sports car. At one point, his little brother’s friend accidentally trashes the car. Terrified, they come up with a clever plan to shift the blame. They decorate it in the rival football team’s colors to make it look like the rival team vandalized the car. Their plan works. This is called a false flag. It’s an incident designed to trick people into thinking someone else carried it out. The world’s intelligence … Continue reading

The post World War 3 appeared first on LewRockwell.

In just over a century, the international monetary system has collapsed three times: in 1914, in 1939, and in 1971, when Nixon severed the dollar’s last ties to gold. We are due for another major breakdown soon. This time, the US dollar will lose its status as the world’s premier reserve currency. And the ramifications of that happening are hard to overstate. It will likely be the tipping point at which the US government becomes desperate enough to officially restrict the movement of people and their money… desperate enough to nationalize retirement savings… and desperate enough to make other forms … Continue reading

The post Economic Collapse? appeared first on LewRockwell.

Doug Casey and I recently chatted about Trump and what his presidency means for the stock market. We also hit on the War on Cash, bitcoin, and a big third-world problem that’s headed straight for the US. Nick Giambruno: Doug, what do you think is the root problem of the US economy and financial system? Doug Casey: There are several, including incompetence, corruption and, of course, just plain stupidity. But there’s not much you can do about those things; they’re intrinsic to the government. But perhaps something can be done about ignorance, which starts in school: What, for instance, do … Continue reading

The post A Big 3rd-World Problem appeared first on LewRockwell.

Nick Giambruno: The entire European Union is looking shakier by the day. Donald Trump’s victory—which shocked Europe’s political and media elite—gives Eurosceptic parties, the Continent’s populists, even more, political rocket fuel. What’s your take? Doug Casey: The Social Democratic, Christian Democratic, Socialist, Communist, and similar parties have ruled Europe since the end of World War 2. They’re all pretty similar in that they promote massive welfare benefits, strong labor unions, large state bureaucracies, very high taxes, strict regulations, and an atmosphere of Cultural Marxism. Then, every few generations, the voters react and install a “fascist” regime. These keep most of the … Continue reading

The post The Coming Collapse of the World’s Biggest Economy appeared first on LewRockwell.

Nick Giambruno: The inevitable breakdown of the European Union and the massive financial crisis it could trigger is an important theme for us right now. I’ve just spent weeks with my boots on the ground in Italy. The country has enormous public debt levels, and its banking system is on the verge of collapse. Italy could trigger the collapse of the entire EU, which could start an irreversible trend. It’s a sign that globalism—the secular religion of the Deep State—is a failed ideology. By globalism, I simply mean the centralization of power into global institutions: the EU, the United Nations, the … Continue reading

The post Nation States Are on the Brink of Failure appeared first on LewRockwell.

(Source: The 2nd American Civil War by Richard Hubal, via MN Artists) Nick Giambruno: The US presidential election is only days away. What are the country’s greatest problems right now? Doug Casey: Domestically, I’d say the continual and accelerating loss of freedom, compounded by the prospect of what I suspect will be the biggest financial/economic crisis of modern times. What might that crisis be like? That’s unpredictable, although the odds are it will be unlike any others that are still fresh in people’s memories, simply because people tend to be most prepared for the things that have most recently scared … Continue reading

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