A review of Division and Reunion: America, 1848-1877, by Ludwell H. Johnson, New York: John Wiley and Sons, 1978. 301 pages; and The Secret Six: John Brown and the Abolitionist Movement, by Otto Scott, New York: Times Books, 1979, 375 pages. It was Flannery O’Connor who remarked, in one of her short essays, that people will believe anything about the South as long as it is strange enough. She was speaking of the obstacles to acquiring a proper understanding of fic­tion with a Southern setting, but she could just as well have been referring to Southern historical writing. There is probably no subject under … Continue reading

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Happiness comes in so many different forms that it can be hard to define. Unhappiness, on the other hand, is easy to identify; you know it when you see it, and you definitely know when it’s taken ahold of you. Unhappiness is lethal to everyone around you, just like second-hand smoke. The famous Terman Study from Stanford followed subjects for eight decades and found that being around unhappy people is linked to poorer health and a shorter life span. Happiness has much less to do with life circumstances than you might think. A University of Illinois study found that people … Continue reading

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A burning stomach, or a burning sensation in the stomach, can cause pain, fatigue, and stress to the stomach. Burning stomach is becoming a growing and common problem as a result of indigestible food, health problems, infections, overuse of antibiotics, and chlorinated water, to name a few causes. The stomach is a muscular sack between the esophagus and small intestine. The stomach is responsible for digesting food before it enters the intestines to be broken down further. If food is not properly broken down in the stomach, it can cause a clog along the intestines, resulting in indigestion or heartburn. … Continue reading

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Jim Rogers Buying Gold Bullion On Dips Jim Rogers accumulating gold bullion on dips “Get prepared” as “we’re going ‘to have the worst economic problems we’ve had in your lifetime or my lifetime’ Warns that Trump and his team are “very, very keen to have trade wars with China and other people” History shows trade wars lead to real wars Cashless Society – Cash-less means Freedom-less Cashless societies are about governments “looking out for themselves first” Gold and silver may head lower but advises accumulating bullion on the dip Advocates storing gold in Singapore I want to own more gold and … Continue reading

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Here’s another example of how the Everything Bubble, the persistent inflation of all risk assets, has simply been the result of Fed money printing. Here is the non-recovery. While banks use endless fiat loans to drive stock prices higher, a greater proportion of middle-class Americans find themselves unable to afford what most consider to be an entry-level middle-class lifestyle. At a time of rock-bottom joblessness, high corporate profits and a booming stock market, more than 40% of U.S. households cannot pay the basics of a middle-class lifestyle — rent, transportation, childcare and a cellphone, according to a new United Way … Continue reading

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Step by step. Each are of concern addressed clearly and gives you something to think about. From what you’ll need to think about should the worst happen. Covers food and how to stash it. How to protect your family from those that would do them harm. Dogs and which breed would fit your needs based on YOU and your family. Weapons, hand to hand, set up radios to keep in touch with those you wish to keep in close contact with. Set up a watch schedule, how to set up early detection devises, so you’ll know someone is coming without … Continue reading

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The task of writing things down may seem almost too simple to offer any real assistance, but often it’s one of the most the simple things you can do to provide yourself with the most benefit. When you are constantly remembering things that need to get done, and then forgetting, it causes unnecessary stress in your mind. Writing things down helps you get all of those ideas that have been taking up so much space in your mind out of your head and albeit, onto paper. Then you can refer to this paper and cross things off as you go. … Continue reading

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As you have undoubtedly seen in the news, there is a fresh outbreak of the disease Ebola in Africa and in the past, there have been fears that the deadly virus is mutating. One of the main differences with this particular outbreak is that the WHO (World Health Organization) and experts from the CDC (Center for Disease Control) in Atlanta have agreed that the virus has reached urban areas. This makes the already highly transmissible Ebola potentially more deadly and may escape the country via air travel and train. Vital Resources You Need to Stay Ahead of This Deadly Virus The … Continue reading

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High blood pressure or hypertension is a long-term condition in which the blood pressure within the arteries is persistently elevated. Blood pressure is expressed by two measurements, the systolic and diastolic measurements represented by the top number and bottom number received when measuring blood pressure, respectively. These numbers are measured according to the actions of the heart. Systolic blood pressure is the measurement created as the heart contracts during each heartbeat. Diastolic blood pressure is the measurement of blood pressure as the heart relaxes. The optimal blood pressure currently accepted is to have a blood pressure in the range of 120/80. … Continue reading

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USA – The American Medical Association or AMA just announced that it will make an “unprecedented” push for more gun control laws through resolutions presented at its House of Delegates at its next annual meeting June 9-13 2018. This is not really unprecedented, as the AMA has been advocating anti-gun measures for three decades now, along with many co-conspirator specialty associations. But it is a way for it to jump on the current popular bandwagon for restricting guns since some of the teenagers from the Marjorie Stoneman Douglas Valentine’s Day shootings have become media celebrities. Jumping aboard progressive bandwagons is the main tactic left … Continue reading

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‘Three wise men’ are warning that the next financial crash is coming and that one of the ways to protect and grow wealth in the coming crash will be to own gold. The men who have recently warned are Jim Rogers (video below), Martin Armstrong (blog below) and Tony Robbins (video below). Each come from somewhat different backgrounds and are respected experts in their respective fields. Each has different views in terms of asset allocation and how best to weather the coming financial storm but all are united in believing that gold will act as a wealth preservation tool and … Continue reading

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A highly anticipated report by the Justice Department’s Inspector General could be made public within days, as a pair of congressional panels prepare for hearings on how the FBI handled the Hillary Clinton probe. The Senate Judiciary on Tuesday gave notice that on June 5, it will hold a hearing titled: ‘Examining the Inspector General’s First Report on Justice Department Decisions Regarding the 2016 Presidential Election.’ Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz is expected to testify, Fox News reported. Horowitz has completed his draft report and has already solicited comment from the FBI and the Justice Department. The hearings would seem to imply that … Continue reading

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In 1968, almost five years after the killing of President John F. Kennedy had stunned America, the hopes of Democrat voters were pinned on his idealistic younger brother. At 42, Robert F. Kennedy was seeking nomination as Democrat presidential candidate. Yet no one realised that history was about to repeat itself in a brutal and shocking way. 6.30pm, Tuesday, June 4, 1968. Malibu, California All day, Californians have been voting in a crucial primary. If Robert Kennedy wins, he’ll almost certainly get the Democratic nomination — then run for President against the Republicans‘ Richard Nixon. Right now, Bobby — as everyone calls … Continue reading

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A growing number of homeschooling families are members of the preparedness community and vice versa. Some families choose home education and are introduced to emergency preparedness and homesteading concepts by others in their local homeschool groups and co-ops; some are already involved in prepping and decide homeschooling is the best option for protecting their children during a time of school shootings and political upheaval. As well, many families who love their public or private schools are very interested in resources for teaching children prior to their school years, during school cancellations, or in a neighborhood one-room schoolhouse post-collapse. Whether you’ve … Continue reading

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As you have undoubtedly seen in the news, there is a fresh outbreak of the disease Ebola in Africa and in the past, there have been fears that the deadly virus is mutating. One of the main differences with this particular outbreak is that the WHO (World Health Organization) and experts from the CDC (Center for Disease Control) in Atlanta have agreed that the virus has reached urban areas. This makes the already highly transmissible Ebola potentially more deadly and may escape the country via air travel and train. Vital Resources You Need to Stay Ahead of This Deadly Virus The … Continue reading

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