It’s no secret that Donald Trump wants to put 2,000–4,000 troops on the U.S.–Mexico border. And that’s because he believes that the “security of the United States is imperiled by a drastic surge of illegal activity on the southern border.” We love hearing Doug Casey’s take on these controversial issues, so we’re sharing Casey Daily Dispatch editor Justin Spittler’s conversation with him on the topic. Justin: What do you make of this, Doug? Will deploying thousands of troops to the border curb illegal immigration? Doug: Well, it looks like what could have been a crisis has been temporarily defused. What might have been thousands of migrants … Continue reading

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Trails of dust and gas in the night sky recorded by Anglo-Saxon astronomers may provide evidence of the mysterious Planet Nine, academics at Queen’s University claim. Experts believe depictions of comets spotted in the Dark Ages will provide further clues on the whereabouts of the hypothetical celestial body. Scientists have long debated whether or not a rogue planet, dubbed Planet Nine, lurks at the edge of our solar system. Some astronomers think the existence of the alleged planet – which they claim is ten times the size of Earth – explains the strange way distant objects in space move. Researchers believe Anglo … Continue reading

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Having the most common blood group, O, makes you more than twice as likely to bleed to death from serious injuries, a study has found. The blood group is associated with lower levels of a clotting agent which may result in greater bleeding, researchers believe. Forty-seven per cent of the UK population are type O. Data from 901 emergency care patients in Japan showed a death rate of 28 per cent for those with type O blood. The death rate of patients from other blood groups combined was 11 per cent. Lead researcher Dr Wataru Takayama, from Tokyo Medical and Dental University … Continue reading

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Live Action Role Playing or LARP is a game in which participants dress up and engage with each other through physical action. A Psyop or Psychological operation is defined by Merriam Webster Dictionary as “military operations usually aimed at influencing the enemy’s state of mind through non-combative means (such as distribution of leaflets)”. Hero’s we’re all familiar with. A great example is Paul Revere who warned his fellow revolutionaries that the British were coming.  In the dark alleyways of the internet, thousands of people are either playing a LARP, being influenced by a Psyop or collaborating with today’s version of Paul Revere. … Continue reading

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Fewer than 10 percent of Norwegians are still using paper currency or coins, which could completely disappear in a decade, according to the local authorities. Jon Nicolaisen, the deputy governor of Norway’s central bank, has said Norwegian society has become cashless, and that this is very much a present reality rather than a future dream. “By approximation, I would argue that the present is cashless,” he said at the City Week conference at London’s Guildhall in a discussion on the future of paper currency, chaired by the Bank of England’s chief cashier. “According to our latest numbers, we have less than … Continue reading

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NEW YORK—Leave it to a bunch of self-important self-righteous self-serious journalists to miss the whole point. (That’s what they call themselves. They prefer the French word instead of the word that was used for 150 years—“reporter.”) I’m talking about the now-infamous White House Correspondents Dinner at which Michelle Wolf lacerated some of the assembled guests, especially Sarah Huckabee Sanders, who had to sit there taking the mean-spirited abuse because she wasn’t given a rebuttal slot. (Don’t call it a roast, as some of Michelle’s defenders did. At a roast, the roastee speaks last. This was a comedy execution.) Even before it was … Continue reading

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On Monday, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu gave his most grandiose anti-Iranian performance to date, revealing what he believed was direct proof that Iran “lied” about its nuclear program. This isn’t the first time Netanyahu has overhyped the threat of Iran’s non-existent nuclear weapons program. He has been crying wolf over Iran since as far back as 1992. The aim of this performance is to cast doubt on the efficacy of the Iranian nuclear accord signed in 2015, officially known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), which U.S. President Donald Trump has long intended to completely derail. Netanyahu, of course, is totally … Continue reading

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A man with a shovel threatening you is a pretty scary thing for most people. I’d imagine it would be especially so for a woman, considering the muscle mass difference between the average man and the average woman. It’s often enough that a man could kill a woman with his bare hands. Give him a shovel to use as a weapon, and it’s even worse. Unless you’re the kind of Texan woman who understands that firearms are the great equalizers. Laura Williams says she grabbed her pistol and held an intruder at bay while her teenage daughter called 911 after the … Continue reading

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I worked with and conducted liaison with The Israel Defense Force (IDF) for many years. This activity occurred as part of my regular duties as a US Army officer and later as a civilian executive of the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA). Since my retirement from US government service I have had many business or religious occasions to visit Israel and to watch the IDF in action against various groups of Palestinians all over the West Bank. I have many friends who are retired or reserve members of the IDF. My observations concerning the IDF are based on that experience. I … Continue reading

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In terms of interest rates, historically, our standards have been at the lowest level in the history of mankind from say 3000 BC up to now. So, in 5,000 years of history, we have never been this low. In the US, the low for the 10 years treasury was at 1.37% in July 2016 and in Europe, in many cases, there have been negative interest rates. Recently, that has moved up a little bit but in Switzerland and in Japan, basically we still have negative interest rates and we have had them essentially for the last eight-nine years. This is … Continue reading

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On April 30, powerful missile strikes were delivered against Syria’s military sites in the provinces of Hama and Aleppo. There were casualties, mainly among pro-Iranian forces and Iranian personnel. Nobody took responsibility but it is widely believed that the operation was conducted by Israel’s Air Force. Israeli officials made no comments but Intelligence Minister Israel Katz said his country would not allow Iran to have military outposts on Syrian territory. Israeli Defence Minister Avigdor Lieberman vowed to use force in response to any attempt by Iran to establish a “military foothold” there. Neither would Israel allow Iran to go nuclear. The Israeli government believes it cooperates with N. … Continue reading

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Banks and credit card companies held informal discussions about identifying transactions involving firearms, The Wall Street Journal reported. Although the discussions resulted in nothing tangible — and ideas may never come to fruition — ideas tossed would help companies monitor gun purchases, which includes information on buyers, from retailers, the newspaper reported. Financial companies explored the concept of creating a new credit-card code for firearm dealers, similar to similar to how restaurants or department stores identify their transactions, the newspaper reported. Another idea would require retailers to share info about specific firearm products purchases. Gun rights advocates have expressed fears that storing … Continue reading

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Trending and gaining traction throughout the economic world is the increasingly relevant search for safe and secure alternatives to the US Dollar. Some due to geopolitical reasons and pressures, others from recognizing the significantly deepening debt associated with the US Dollar and government. Many have started questioning and doubting aspects of its sustainability and inviolability over the ballooning short and long term. Recently underscored by expected “trade negotiations” with the US’s largest debt holders (Japan & China) which are now apparently to include exploring aspects of sovereign debt restructuring. Others are looking to innovative crypto ideas in the hope that extra-governmental blockchain … Continue reading

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In this essay, I offer a detailed textual analysis of the speech which French President Emmanuel Macron delivered before the Joint Session of Congress, Washington, D.C. on 25 April 2018, in line with the kind of textual analysis which I performed on major political documents signed by heroic East European freedom fighters in 2007 and 2009, which were in fact authored by US intelligence operatives. I maintain here that a substantial part of Macron’s speech was either written by or coordinated closely with these same intelligence services for the purpose of exerting maximum influence on domestic US politics by reinforcement … Continue reading

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