An FBI agent with top-secret security clearance turned rogue and traveled to Syria to marry a wanted ISIL fighter she had been assigned to investigate, it has emerged. Daniela Greene, who worked as a translator for the agency, had used social media to spy on German jihadist Denis Cuspert, a former rapper who had gone by the moniker Deso Dogg. Cuspert was a prolific online recruiter for the group, who gained a reputation as one of its most brutal foreign fighters. He featured in the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) videos threatening the then president Barack Obama … Continue reading

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As Mark Twain might say, our students are being taught a lot of facts that just ain’t so – by a lot of academics who know all kinds of things for sure that just ain’t so. The recent science and climate marches underscore both this and the dangers of having such ignorance determine economic and energy policy. Topping my current list of wildly misinformed, malpracticing academics is a University of Michigan history professor who claims plant-fertilizing, life-giving carbon dioxide is more deadly than sarin gas! Perhaps even more dangerous, this ignorance is compounded by rampant intolerance toward other views, and … Continue reading

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It seems like civil unrest has become an increasingly common occurrence in America over the past few years. Since the election, we’ve seen a lot of protests turn violent, and in the years preceding the election, just about any controversial police shooting could spark a riot. As these incidents become commonplace, more people are becoming aware of just how tumultuous our nation really is. They want to know how they can protect themselves from civil unrest or avoid riots in the first place, especially if they live in urban areas. Coincidentally, I have firsthand experience on this subject. Though I … Continue reading

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Pythagoras, the man behind the Pythagorean theorem was more than just a mathematician. He was a spiritual leader with followers who thought he’d been sent from Heaven. For the Pythagoreans, math was a religious experience and some equations were divine secrets, unfit for public eyes. When your middle school teacher showed you how to find the hypotenuse of a right triangle, you probably didn’t get down on your knees and start worshiping him as a god. But when it first happened in ancient Greece, that was pretty much how people reacted. There was a whole cult behind the man who … Continue reading

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Netflix’s incredibly niche, personalised subgenres have long captivated movie nerds, from “Steamy Crime Movies from the 1970s” to “Period Pieces About Royalty Based on Real Life”. The genres, based on a complicated algorithm that uses reams of data about users’ viewing habits to recommend exactly what a particular user is into, number in the tens of thousands. When Netflix thinks you’ll like sentimental Spanish-language dramas or gritty tearjerkers, they’ll show up on your home screen, but aside from that, they’re not easy to find. But a simple web address trick has emerged showing how you can find any one of these genres … Continue reading

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Suppose all the wildest theories and historical conspiracies of novelist Dan Brown were proven true. And the mind-reading, spoon-bending claims of Israeli psychic Uri Geller all turned out to be real as well. That wouldn’t be half as extraordinary as the announcement in an obscure scientific journal this month that vindicated 20 years of maverick research and best-selling books by the eccentric archaeologist Graham Hancock. His insistence that a highly evolved human civilisation was wiped out by a global catastrophe, remembered now only in myths and Biblical accounts such as the story of Noah and The Flood, has been mocked … Continue reading

The post Did an Asteroid Wipe Out a Civilization Like Ours? appeared first on LewRockwell.

For decades in art circles it was either a rumor or a joke, but now it is confirmed as a fact. The Central Intelligence Agency used American modern art – including the works of such artists as Jackson Pollock, Robert Motherwell, Willem de Kooning and Mark Rothko – as a weapon in the Cold War. In the manner of a Renaissance prince – except that it acted secretly – the CIA fostered and promoted American Abstract Expressionist painting around the world for more than 20 years. The connection is improbable. This was a period, in the 1950s and 1960s, when … Continue reading

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The most common accessory that the well-dressed gentleman in the 1850s carried was a walking cane. This simple object was a status symbol among those with taste, the equivalent of the rapier carried by nobles during the Renaissance period. You simply did not leave home without it—so what better place to hide a gun? Why Cane Guns? For the sixty or so years of the Victorian era, every gentleman with clean fingernails went about town with a walking cane. These canes were simple accessories (though they could often be quite ornate in appearance) and didn’t have a specific purpose other … Continue reading

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When you think about it, most of our waking hours are spent sitting. It’s become very characteristic of the modern lifestyle, with all these computers, remote controls, and cars. Being a comfortable posture, sitting is addictive. And just like all other addictions, it can be dangerous to your health. No, this is not an exaggeration. According to a study published in the British Medical Journal, reducing the average time you spend sitting to less than three hours per day could increase your life expectancy by two years. An in-depth analysis that used data from 18 different studies showed that people … Continue reading

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I started with End the Fed, but I think this was probably a better place to start. As with End the Fed, Ron Paul is very clear when some things could have been too hard to understand without prior information about the subject (The Constitution, economics & the Federal Reserve). Before reading Ron Paul & reading & watching other sources, I was a cookie-cutter feminist liberal, pro-choice even though my own beliefs made me uncomfortable, but I was told it was a woman’s right, & just because I did not want that right I did not feel I could take … Continue reading

The post When Truth Is Treason appeared first on LewRockwell.

As a person of absolutely no color who embodies an intersectional reality that includes my utter lack of genderfluidity and my unemployment-questioning, differently-veteraned, and non-pagan experiences, I am totally oppressed by progressivism’s hegemonic power structure. I am also the victim of a systemic system of hostile paradigms that denies my truth regarding my phallo-possessory identity. My struggle is real, and my male-identifying genitalia will no longer be silent! I bear a heavy burden in the form of my pasty, easily-sunburned skin. For too long, the fact that a previous Schlichter was booted out of Stuttgart in 1750 has meant that … Continue reading

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Eat Bacon, Don’t Jog: Get Strong. Get Lean. No Bullshit. –  Grant Petersen The Politically Incorrect Guide to American History – Thomas E. Woods Jr. Thomas Jefferson – Revolutionary: A Radical’s Struggle to Remake America – Kevin R. C. Gutzman The Origins of The Second World War – A.J.P. Taylor Annals of the Stupid Party: Republicans Before Trump (The Wilson Files) – Clyde N. Wilson Subtracting Christianity: Essays on American Culture and Society – Joseph Sobran Isaac’s Storm: A Man, a Time, and the Deadliest Hurricane in History – Erik Larson The Fourth Turning: An American Prophecy – What the Cycles of History Tell Us About … Continue reading

The post Your Health, Your Wealth appeared first on LewRockwell.

Java, cup-of-joe, the sweet nectar of the gods—whatever you like to call your coffee, it is often considered an integral part of the day. Whether you need it to give you that morning wake-up kick or as a mid-day or late night stimulant, coffee is enjoyed by millions around the world. Drinking coffee is already known for having a slew of health benefits, from containing essential nutrients to making us feel happier overall, and new research has unveiled another health benefit of coffee: it can cut your risk of developing prostate cancer in half. Prostate cancer is the cancer of … Continue reading

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New York-based freelance photographer Riley Arthur has an obsession with diners in the Big Apple. In fact, she has photographed more than 135 of them in all five boroughs (@dinersofnyc). “I see it as both a living archive as well as a historic one,” she says. “I’m rushing to document as many as possible.” New York City was once home to thousands of diner establishments; now roughly 215 are left, according to the city’s public records. Even in the 18 months since Arthur began her project, eight diners she had photographed have closed. Some of these – Hector’s, Pearl Diner, … Continue reading

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