As reported Monday, April 25 on almost all mainstream and alternate news sites, Britain’s Defense Minister Michael Fallon has openly declared that his country will carry out a preemptive nuclear strike even if not attacked, as such: “In the most extreme circumstances we have made it very clear that you can’t rule out the use of nuclear weapons as a first strike.” Michael Fallon, BBC Today, 4-25-17 This is very serious and no longer simply rhetorical, as the Russians responded to the effect that the UK could be wiped off the face of the globe if they were to provoke … Continue reading

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There is healing power in gold and silver. Both precious metals serve as an investment as well as money. Gold and silver also have technological applications. We recently reported that gold is the new green with a growing number of environmental applications. Today, we focus on some of the amazing developments using gold and silver in healthcare applications. For centuries, silver has been used as an antibacterial agent and to fight infections. Today, scientists are using cutting-edge research techniques to study how exactly silver poisons pathogenic microbes. The work of scientists like Joe Lemiresuch from Calgary University is yielding new insights on how to … Continue reading

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Many people would benefit from knowing how to increase their hemoglobin level, and doing this naturally would be an added bonus. Hemoglobin is an iron-rich protein and a component of our blood that is required for the processing of oxygen transfer from the lungs and its delivery to the tissues and organs in the body. Hemoglobin also serves to carry carbon dioxide—a metabolic waste product—away from the cells and back to the lungs to be exhaled. Decreases in hemoglobin can be seen in several diseases and illnesses, leading to the following low hemoglobin symptoms: Time to buy old US gold … Continue reading

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It’s one of the quickest and easiest breakfasts to make, but renowned chef Anthony Bourdain says we’ve all been making scrambled eggs wrong. Instant Access to Current Spot Prices & Interactive Charts The American TV cook, 60, has revealed his method for making the classic morning meal, which he says will work every time. But somewhat controversially, he doesn’t add any cream, milk, creme fraiche or water. The chef revealed his scrambled egg secrets in a video interview with Tech Insider. He says you should start off with a hot pan – but warns against making it too hot. He … Continue reading

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This book has absolutely changed my life. I received in on January 29 and by the time I had finished the first few pages, I decided that this was how I was eating from now on. Everything is explained in a way that makes sense and I became angry that I had been lied to my entire life about low calorie and low fat being the way to go. The first 3 weeks I lost 10 lbs. It’s now been about 6 months and I’ve lost 26 lbs with zero exercise. I have about 8 lbs to go so I … Continue reading

The post Eat Bacon, Don’t Jog appeared first on LewRockwell.

More than 750,000 pieces of dangerous debris are now orbiting Earth and threatening the future of spaceflight, the largest ever conference on space rubbish has heard. The European Space Agency (ESA) appealed to satellite operators and space agencies to clear up their retired crafts, many of which could impact launches, and are in danger of hitting the International Space Station. “Only about 60 percent of the satellites that should be disposed of at the end of their missions under current guidelines are, in fact, properly managed,”  Dr. Holger Krag, head of ESA’s debris office told the European Conference on Space Debris in … Continue reading

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What is one thing that keeps your body healthy, your extremities warm, your immune system strong, your face glowing, and your energy levels lasting all day long? If you guessed proper blood circulation, you’re right. Your circulatory system is responsible for a very important mission: to deliver oxygen and vital nutrients to all organs and tissues, ensuring they function normally. As with many processes that are hidden from the eye, you can’t really appreciate the true value of healthy blood circulation until there’s a problem. There are many factors that can negatively affect your circulatory health—sedentary lifestyle, processed foods, smoking, … Continue reading

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ReadyNutrition guys and gals, this article is presented in the hopes of giving you a method for being able to practice your marksmanship both on the cheap and (logistically) under “friendly” surroundings.  There are a host of different air rifles to choose from.  I must state there has been a marked deterioration in the quality of air-powered (or pneumatic, if you prefer) firearms over the past thirty to forty years.  No matter: you can still accomplish what you need with what is on the market today. Fundamentals of Marksmanship Instant Access to Current Spot Prices & Interactive Charts Air rifles … Continue reading

The post Shoot Like a Pro appeared first on LewRockwell.

Can you imagine being stuck in an insane asylum, when you aren’t really crazy? That is sometimes what society feels like, living life in this government controlled nut house. One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest is a great source of parallels between the abusive nature of government power, and the treatment of those living in an insane asylum. The book was written by Ken Kesey after he worked in a sanitarium. This post is based mostly off of the play version I saw, which may vary from the movie with Jack Nicholson which I haven’t seen in years, or the … Continue reading

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Can you imagine being stuck in an insane asylum, when you aren’t really crazy? That is sometimes what society feels like, living life in this government controlled nut house. One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest is a great source of parallels between the abusive nature of government power, and the treatment of those living in an insane asylum. The book was written by Ken Kesey after he worked in a sanitarium. This post is based mostly off of the play version I saw, which may vary from the movie with Jack Nicholson which I haven’t seen in years, or the … Continue reading

The post One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest appeared first on LewRockwell.

Can you imagine being stuck in an insane asylum, when you aren’t really crazy? That is sometimes what society feels like, living life in this government controlled nut house. One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest is a great source of parallels between the abusive nature of government power, and the treatment of those living in an insane asylum. The book was written by Ken Kesey after he worked in a sanitarium. This post is based mostly off of the play version I saw, which may vary from the movie with Jack Nicholson which I haven’t seen in years, or the … Continue reading

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The lawyer acting on behalf of a 69-year-old doctor who was dragged off a United Airlines flight said he is no longer interested in an apology from airline bosses but he is gearing up to sue. Dr. David Dao was filmed being hauled off the flight from Chicago to Louisville, Kentucky, on April 9 after being told the plane was overbooked and that airline staff needed to be on board. He refused to leave his seat and was forcibly removed by aviation officers who dragged him along the aisle by his arms as he bled from the mouth after having … Continue reading

The post Airline Passenger Abuse appeared first on LewRockwell.

The lawyer acting on behalf of a 69-year-old doctor who was dragged off a United Airlines flight said he is no longer interested in an apology from airline bosses but he is gearing up to sue. Dr. David Dao was filmed being hauled off the flight from Chicago to Louisville, Kentucky, on April 9 after being told the plane was overbooked and that airline staff needed to be on board. He refused to leave his seat and was forcibly removed by aviation officers who dragged him along the aisle by his arms as he bled from the mouth after having … Continue reading

The post Airline Passenger Abuse appeared first on LewRockwell.

The lawyer acting on behalf of a 69-year-old doctor who was dragged off a United Airlines flight said he is no longer interested in an apology from airline bosses but he is gearing up to sue. Dr. David Dao was filmed being hauled off the flight from Chicago to Louisville, Kentucky, on April 9 after being told the plane was overbooked and that airline staff needed to be on board. He refused to leave his seat and was forcibly removed by aviation officers who dragged him along the aisle by his arms as he bled from the mouth after having … Continue reading

The post Airline Passenger Abuse appeared first on LewRockwell.