The federal trial of a Kansas man for manufacturing and selling  firearms and silencers without a federal license could very well turn out to be the pivotal case that not only challenges the constitutionality of the National Firearms Act of 1934, but also every federal firearms law ever passed in a battle that will determine whether it is the states or the federal government that has the constitutional right to pass gun laws. Put bluntly, this could be huge. When Shane Cox began selling his homemade firearms and silencers out of his military surplus store, he stamped “Made in Kansas” … Continue reading

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The federal trial of a Kansas man for manufacturing and selling  firearms and silencers without a federal license could very well turn out to be the pivotal case that not only challenges the constitutionality of the National Firearms Act of 1934, but also every federal firearms law ever passed in a battle that will determine whether it is the states or the federal government that has the constitutional right to pass gun laws. Put bluntly, this could be huge. When Shane Cox began selling his homemade firearms and silencers out of his military surplus store, he stamped “Made in Kansas” … Continue reading

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The Guardian dropped a bombshell of a health report on Thursday. Researchers working on the Farmingham heart study, which has tracked the health of thousands of residents from Farmingham Massachusetts since 1948, discovered a correlation between the consumption of artificial sweeteners and several serious health conditions. Apparently, drinking a diet soda every day may triple your risk of dementia, Alzheimer’s, and stroke. “After adjustments for age, sex, education (for analysis of dementia), calorific intake, diet quality, physical activity and smoking, higher recent and higher cumulative intake of artificially sweetened soft drinks were associated with an increased risk of ischaemic stroke, … Continue reading

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Originally published by Virginia – Like “Surviving a Mass Killer Rampage,” “Thank God I had a Gun” provides a lot of detailed information. In this case it is about real-life self-defense cases. Using actual events from the news, the book covers what led up to the shooting, the shooting itself, and the aftermath, including interactions with the police and the courts. Each case also has Mr. Bird’s thoughts about the shooting. I found that Mr. Bird’s writing style made the book one of those that you keep thinking, “I’ll put it down after the next page.” Which then becomes, … Continue reading

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Many of us suffer from bad breath, cracked lips and agonising headaches. But they could all be a sign of something much more sinister. These are just three of the common signs of vitamin or mineral deficiencies, experts have warned on the back of a new poll of 2,000 adults. Other issues which could point to an insufficient diet include thinning hair, a lower libido, white spots on your nails, dandruff, stress and even dry skin. The findings, commissioned by Healthspan, showed six in ten adults are clueless about signs that could show they are suffering from a deficiency. But … Continue reading

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US actress turned activist Pamela Anderson said that the founder of WikiLeaks, Julian Assange, needs protection and France is the best place for him. “Julian named the names of very influential people who will stop at nothing to discredit him, he needs protection and France would be the best place for that,” Journal Du Dimanche quoted Anderson as saying. According to her, accusations of rape against Assange are slander. Anderson has been friends with Assange since 2014 and often visits him at the Embassy of Ecuador in London. She noted that French presidential candidates Jean-Luc Melanchon and Marine Le Pen have said  that if they win in the elections they will to grant French … Continue reading

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Definition of UTOPIA 1:  an imaginary and indefinitely remote place 2:  a place of ideal perfection especially in laws, government, and social conditions 3:   an impractical scheme for social improvement Definition of DYSTOPIA 1:  an imaginary place where people lead dehumanized and often fearful lives 2:  literature:  anti-utopia –  Many Americans today would quite possibly consider Aldous Huxley’s “Brave New World” to be a utopia of sorts with its limitless drugs, guilt-free sex, perpetual entertainment and a genetically engineered society designed for maximum economic efficiency and social harmony.  Conversely, most free people today would view Orwell’s “1984” as a … Continue reading

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An unnamed person inside a Nashville (TN) sneaker shop went John Wick on three armed robbers last after they made the mistake of charging into the store with guns blazing. A man died after he was injured during a shootout at a Bordeaux shop late Thursday night. It happened inside retailer Hot Kicks, located in a strip mall at 3101 Clarksville Pike, around 11 p.m. Metro police told News 2 a group of people were inside the store when at least three armed suspects came in through an unlocked back door and began firing. One of the people in the … Continue reading

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In its recent report, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) proposed to abolish cash and recommended to adopt measures in order to restrict its use. In an interview with Sputnik Germany, former head of the Federal Association of German Industry (BDI) Hans-Olaf Henkel said that this “could lead to terrible consequences.” Henkel believes that one of the main reasons behind this proposal is the desire of financial institutions to force people to keep their money in banks. “The European Central Bank (ECB) does not want that depositors to keep their money under the pillow. If any bank in Europe goes bankrupt, then depositors have a guaranteed right that the state … Continue reading

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Korea specialist Professor Bruce Cumings notes North Korea became a national security fortress-state as a result of “the holocaust the North experienced during the Korean War”.  After the ‘Communist’ label and racial epithets were applied to dehumanize the populace, the US essentially wiped North Korea off the map, with hundreds of thousands or (more likely) millions of North Koreans killed by US mass-shootings, fly-by bombings, strafings, possible biological warfare, crops being wiped out, and the dumping of hundreds of tons of napalm (a fiery gel that sticks to targets), which drove the country’s peasant population underground. While this is generally … Continue reading

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Despite being a fairly well-read student of US history, I admit that I’ve not been well versed in the complex events and details surrounding World War I. Burt Pines has helped me out, with his excellent book and its compelling and unsettling conclusions. But, first I’ve several comments “in the interest of full disclosure,” as the phrase goes. I know Burt, and he was my boss long ago, in the early 1980s, when I had my first “real” job after completing college and a stint in Korea as a Peace Corps Volunteer. As a policy analyst in the Asia division … Continue reading

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In its ongoing effort to counter Steve Bannon’s influence in the White House, the New York Times recently ran a piece essentially ridiculing Bannon’s for his admiration of The Fourth Turning (1997) by William Strauss and Neil Howe. As is the Times‘ MO, instead of addressing the substance articulated in The Fourth Turning, it dismisses the authors as ‘amateur historians’ and writes that their thesis is provocative and disputed. Well, yes, The Fourth Turning theory of history is provocative. And it certainly is disputed by those who are presently warmly ensconced in today’s establishment as well as their paid mouthpieces, for reasons that will … Continue reading

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Ancient stone carvings confirm that a comet struck the Earth around 11,000BC, a devastating event which wiped out wooly mammoths and sparked the rise of civilizations. Experts at the University of Edinburgh analyzed mysterious symbols carved onto stone pillars at Gobekli Tepe in southern Turkey, to find out if they could be linked to constellations. The markings suggest that a swarm of comet fragments hit Earth at the exact same time that a mini-ice age struck, changing the entire course of human history. Scientists have speculated for decades that a comet could be behind the sudden fall in temperature during a … Continue reading

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The worst thing about a long-haul flight is, without a doubt, the food. Forget turbulence, screaming toddlers or unexplained delays, meal times on a plane are almost universally unpleasant — and often stomach-churning — experiences. At best, the food is edible. At worst, it’s a scalding hot plastic tub of gloopy stew, overcooked rice or leathery meat and vegetables that have been boiled beyond all recognition. Chef Gordon Ramsay is certainly no fan. He recently revealed he refuses to eat on planes, bringing his own spread to keep him going. Myths, Misunderstandings and Outright lies about owning Gold. Are you … Continue reading

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World Net Daily recently published an article[1] titled Female Athletes Crushed By ‘Women Who Were Once Men’.  The article documents a number of instances in which biologically male transgenders  have been allowed to compete in women’s events and, in some cases, have already begun winning.  The two most notable examples are: “Transgender weightlifter Laurel Hubbard, who was born a man, won the Australian international women’s competition March 19.  Hubbard, 39, lifted 591 pounds, nearly 20 pounds more than the woman who won the silver medal…” “Transgender cyclist Jillian Bearden, a 36-year-old biological male and Colorado Springs native, won the women’s … Continue reading

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