North Korea is a threat, goes the narrative. And we, as loyal Americans, should fear the potentiality of that fact. That’s why U.S. aircraft carriers, accompanied by fighter jets and warships, are currently steaming toward the Korean Peninsula. That’s why the best soldiers the United States military has to offer are currently in South Korea, training — goes the narrative — to take out Kim Jong-un. That’s why Japan, staunch U.S. ally, is considering deploying troops to South Korea — in preparation for the time when that evil dictator from the north will try to harm Japanese nationals in the south. … Continue reading

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A balanced diet is one of the main components of a healthy lifestyle. Eat right and your body will run on full all day long. Food is your fuel, your source of essential vitamins and nutrients, and it supports your bodily functions and keeps you strong. Speaking of strength, of course, we cannot ignore the importance of protein, which is a crucial part of a wholesome diet along with fruits, vegetables, and healthy fats. Being both a source of energy and a building block for muscle and other tissues, protein should be present in one form or another in every … Continue reading

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Nuclear power once had so much promise. We were assured that nuclear reactors would provide cheap, abundant, safe, and clean energy. And for the most part, that promise was delivered. Nuclear power is still one of the most effective forms of energy production. But over the years a glaring weakness has emerged with this technology. When it’s implemented correctly, with extreme prudence and respect, it works wonderfully. However, on the rare occasion that a government or a company doesn’t take all of the necessary precautions, the ramifications are immense. Even if every precaution is taken, and the risk of a … Continue reading

The post Is the Next Fukushima in the US? appeared first on LewRockwell.

The Department of Justice should keep the public informed about the results of former President Barack Obama’s decision to grant early releases to 1,715 convicts, says a former federal prosecutor. “What [Attorney General Jeff] Sessions Justice Department needs to do now is track the hundreds of fellows who got these pardons and commutations,” said former federal prosecutor Bill Otis. “With overall recidivism rates for drug offenses already being 77 percent, I think we have a pretty good idea, but [the public] should get specifics: How many of these guys re-offend; what’s the nature of the new crime; were there related violent … Continue reading

The post Feds Lie About Crime appeared first on LewRockwell.

ReadyNutrition fans, this segment is going to cover five weapons in particular that you should familiarize yourself with and train up on.  You don’t necessarily have to buy these weapons or even know a private individual that has them, although either case would benefit you.  One of the suggestions I make will depend heavily on the state you reside in.  There are many gun shops and firearms ranges that will “rent” a weapon to you…even full-automatic weapons…for use in their range.  Let’s cover five weapons that it would behoove you to train on: two pistols, two rifles, and a shotgun. … Continue reading

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Drinking beetroot juice before exercise could take years off your brain. Combining the drink with exercise strengthens certain regions of the brain, making it appear more youthful and potentially preventing the organ’s decline. This finding could help people who are at-risk of brain deterioration to remain functionally independent, such as those with a family history of dementia. Beetroot juice’s power likely lies in its nitric oxide content, which both increases blood flow to the brain and improves exercise performance. Study author Professor Jack Rejeski, said: ‘Nitric oxide is a really powerful molecule. It goes to the areas of the body … Continue reading

The post Want a Younger Brain? appeared first on LewRockwell.

American academia markets itself as progressive if not downright radical. For example, here’s a self-description by an assistant professor of Critical Identity Studies at Beloit College: She intervenes in popular visual media like reality television to interrogate how time moves and for whom to catalog desire and identification as taxonomy and type. Her preferred gender pronouns are she/her. Since the downfall of the Gestapo, nobody has treasured the verb “interrogate” as much as postmodern academics. The Hitlerian vocabulary of Studies professors suggests that although we hear so much about the dangers of the “alt-right,” we ought to learn more about … Continue reading

The post Hogwash 101 appeared first on LewRockwell.

Indians are facing a major shortage of cash, with as many as 90% of ATMs in some regions of the country running completely out of currency. The cash crisis stems from a policy of demonetization the Indian government launched over five months ago. On Nov. 8, the Indian government declared that 1,000 and 500 rupee notes would no longer be valid. They gave the public just four hours notice. The 1,000 and 500 rupee notes made up 86 % of the currency in circulation in the country. With a single pronouncement, the Indian government made virtually all of the cash in India … Continue reading

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By Theodore A. Postol, professor emeritus of science, technology, and national security policy at MIT.  Postol’s main expertise is in ballistic missiles. He has a substantial background in air dispersal, including how toxic plumes move in the air. Postol has taught courses on weapons of mass destruction – including chemical and biological threats – at MIT.  Before joining MIT, Postol worked as an analyst at the Office of Technology Assessment, as a science and policy adviser to the chief of naval operations, and as a researcher at Argonne National Laboratory.  He also helped build a program at Stanford University to … Continue reading

The post The Syrian Nerve Agent Attack appeared first on LewRockwell.

I have a master’s degree in U.S. History and I have taught History and Government for the past six years at a small college in Iowa. I am well-qualified to judge this book, which seems to have drawn polar opposite reviews from people; It doesn’t take long to figure out that the reviews are politically-driven. Those readers who consider themselves liberal will hate this book because it skewers many left-wing sacred cows. However, Woods also takes many conservative icons to the woodshed as well, including Abe Lincoln and Ronald Reagan. Those reviewers who say that Woods has written a one-sided … Continue reading

The post Make Liberals Squeal and Fume appeared first on LewRockwell.

“Procrastination is like a credit card: It’s a lot of fun until you get the bill.” – Christopher Parker Did you know that the Dalai Lama was known as one of the world’s greatest procrastinators? As a student, he was used to delaying everything until the last minute. Should that make us feel better about procrastinating? No. If you think about it, he was doing anything but wasting time. If you look at the other people on the list of famous procrastinators, you’ll notice other big names, including Leonardo da Vinci and Victor Hugo. From this point in time, it doesn’t … Continue reading

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In an interview with GoldSeek on April 14, outspoken economist Peter Schiff issued a dire warning to investors. According to Schiff, a new housing bubble, an overvalued stock market, and President Trump‘s proposed stimulus plan will send the U.S. into extreme panic at some point in the near future. In fact, Schiff thinks these catalysts will combine to cause an “inflationary maelstrom” that will “wipe out entire generations of retirees” who have their nest eggs invested in the market. Let’s take a look… Current Prices on popular forms of Gold Bullion Schiff Sees a New Kind of Echo Bubble This … Continue reading

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The eyes give us one of our most important senses, yet nearly 14.9 percent of adult New Yorkers aged 40 and over have distant vision impairment, 19 percent have cataracts, and another 5.3 percent have glaucoma. We at Bel Marra take pride in having healthy eyes, so we’ve taken the time to gather the best articles to help you stay informed on the topic. You will learn about eye conditions like ophthalmoplegia, the various causes of eye discharge and mucus in the eye, and the causes of eye floaters in your vision. We hope you keep your eyes healthy and … Continue reading

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