Mike Gleason: It is my privilege now to be joined by a man who needs little introduction, Marc Faber, editor and publisher of The Gloom, Boom and Doom Report. Dr. Faber has been a long-time guest on financial shows throughout the world and is a well-known Austrian school economist and an investment advisor and it’s a tremendous honor to have him on with us today. Dr. Faber, thank you so much for joining us again and, how are you? Marc Faber: My pleasure, thank you. Mike Gleason: Well, to start out here Dr. Faber, before we get into some other … Continue reading

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[The Daily Bell, exclusive interview, March 27, 2011.] DAILY BELL: Please answer these questions as our readers were not already aware of your fine work and considered opinions. Let’s jump right in. Why is democracy “The God That Failed?” DR. HANS-HERMANN HOPPE: The traditional, premodern state form is that of a (absolute) monarchy. The democratic movement was directed against kings and the classes of hereditary nobles. Monarchy was criticized as being incompatible with the basic principle of “equality before the law.” It rested on privilege and was unfair and exploitative. Democracy was supposed to be the way out. In opening … Continue reading

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With an estimated 250,000 to 600,000 guns stolen per year in the U.S., gun storage has always been one of the basic tenants to firearm ownership. However, modern day gun owners don’t want to just store or protect their guns in any old box. Within the past few years a new trend in gun storage has emerged, providing quick access to weapons while offering more style than traditional gun safes. Though there are a range of small, ma-and-pa shops serving up hidden compartment, home defense furniture, and decor, Tactical Walls’ products were among the first to go mainstream. Touting the ability to safely … Continue reading

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One of the cornerstones of being prepared is to identify items that multitask and to embrace their use during normal times.  Doing so not only saves money but also saves storage space and eliminates having to choose which product or item to use for what. A good example is the common Mason jar.  Another is the flour sack dishtowel. I was chatting with Backdoor Survival reader, Susan Perry, about this very same thing when she offered to share her top twenty-five uses for flour sack towels.  How cool is that? I grew up around flour sack dishtowels.  I remember how … Continue reading

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You won’t just be receiving a call from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) moving forward, but also from debt collectors. The tax collection agency has contracted out the task of pursuing unpaid taxes. The IRS announced earlier this month that it has hired four debt collection agencies to get their hands on outstanding payments from taxpayers. With the increasing backlog of unpaid taxes, the IRS employed private debt collection firms to contact taxpayers who still haven’t paid previous years’ taxes. As part of the new debt collection program, a few hundred taxpayers will be receiving phone calls and mailings. In … Continue reading

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I have something in common with Prince Harry: we both turn 30 this year. While he’s been working tirelessly on the Invictus Games, I’ve been trying – and failing – to come to terms with waving goodbye to my twenties. Here, to mark the tombstone – I mean milestone – of our 30th birthdays, are 15 life lessons that every man should know by the time he hits the big three oh. 1. How to cook a signature dish No, ” mean beans on toast” does not count. You’re 30 now, man – you need to have at least one … Continue reading

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They say it’s the most important meal of the day, with experts claiming that what you have for breakfast can totally transform your productivity. According to Dr. William Cole at Mind Body Green, there’s a specific morning meal that will help ensure you perform your daily tasks as effectively as possible. To get the most out of your waking hours, he says you should start the day with avocado, salmon and poached eggs on sweet potato ‘toast’. Current Prices on popular forms of Gold Bullion ‘Focusing on a meal loaded with healthy fats in the morning will lay the foundation … Continue reading

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Maybe you’re looking for a fresh start. Or perhaps you’re looking to find a different job, or you’re trying to get out of the city. Whatever the case may be, when you’re looking for a new place to live there’s a lot to consider. And if you’re thinking of crossing state lines to find a new home, there’s one vitally important detail that you need to think about and research. Most people don’t consider this, but you should really look into the financial stability of any state that you’re thinking about moving to. If worse comes to worse, and the … Continue reading

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If you read closely between the warped headlines of the establishment media, you will eventually find the truth about Trump’s decision to strike the Syrian government: it was illegal. Yet most mainstream media outlets clearly supported the strike. Many U.S. allies also supported the strike, including so-called peaceful countries such as New Zealand, which stated the strikes were a “proportional response to a specific incident – the chemical weapons atrocity.” New Zealand also said they would consider sending troops to Syria if the American government requested them. Why isn’t the legality of Trump’s reckless move even on the table for … Continue reading

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Joseph Sobran. Subtracting Christianity: Essays on American Culture and Society. FGF Books, 2015. 425 pp. “On the whole, the secularist media seem to be resigned to the election of a Catholic to the papacy” (210). This line, written in 2005 shortly after Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger became Pope Benedict XVI, is vintage Joe Sobran. It is not just extremely witty. In a few words, it communicates so much: the stability of Roman Catholic doctrine, the hatred of that doctrine by so many moderns, and those moderns’ reluctant acknowledgment that the church is not inclined to change in order to suit them. … Continue reading

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Britain’s spy agencies played a crucial role in alerting their counterparts in Washington to contacts between members of Donald Trump’s campaign team and Russian intelligence operatives, the Guardian has been told. GCHQ first became aware in late 2015 of suspicious “interactions” between figures connected to Trump and known or suspected Russian agents, a source close to UK intelligence said. This intelligence was passed to the US as part of a routine exchange of information, they added. Over the next six months, until summer 2016, a number of western agencies shared further information on contacts between Trump’s inner circle and Russians, … Continue reading

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National Security Advisor Lieutenant General H.R. McMaster’s past affiliation with the International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS) has created fresh concerns after research conducted by Disobedient Media revealed that the British think tank has taken funding from multiple governments in the Middle East and organizations tied to George Soros. McMaster’s former position with the IISS indicates a potential conflict of interest given the think tanks’ financial ties to sponsors who are anti-American and in some cases, states sponsors of terrorism. I. The IISS Has Financial Ties To the Middle Eastern States And Soros-Connected Organizations The International Institute for Strategic Studies … Continue reading

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Lew Rockwell discusses how fake news serves the war machine. Presented at the Mises Institute’s symposium with Ron Paul: “War and Peace in the Age of Trump”. Recorded on 8 April 2017 in Lake Jackson, Texas. Includes an introduction by Daniel McAdams, and a question and answer period. Current Prices on popular forms of Gold Bullion

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Our planet is becoming increasingly urbanized and industrialized, to the extent that it’s hard to imagine that there are still places in the world where people lead a hunter-gatherer lifestyle. But those people do exist. Have you ever heard about the Tsimane tribe? An ancient Amazonian people residing in lowland Bolivia, the Tsimanes live a simple lifestyle, surviving on subsistence agriculture along with some hunting and fishing. Over the last 15 years, the tribe has drawn the attention of scientists and longevity experts all over the world, and for a good reason: they have the healthiest arteries of any population … Continue reading

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How to escape if your car is submerged in water Did you know that over 400 people each year die inside sinking cars? You would think it would be a rare event, but careening a car into a lake is not the only way that people perish in sinking cars. It happens in the aftermath of hurricanes and floods, thus, we cannot over-stress the importance of having supplies on hand so that you do not find yourself in this situation. Getting your information from movies and TV will get you killed. Especially because the media trains you to call 911 … Continue reading

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