With the latest hasty judgment about Tuesday’s poison-gas deaths in a rebel-held area of northern Syria, the mainstream U.S. news media once more reveals itself to be a threat to responsible journalism and to the future of humanity. Again, we see the troubling pattern of verdict first, an investigation later, even when that behavior can lead to a dangerous war escalation and many more deaths. Before a careful evaluation of the evidence about Tuesday’s tragedy was possible, The New York Times and other major U.S. news outlets had pinned the blame for the scores of dead on the Syrian government … Continue reading

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The latest Democratic Party shill to demonize Russia is, I am ashamed to say, my state of Virginia’s Senator Mark Warner, who, on Thursday said “Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered a deliberate campaign carefully constructed to undermine our election.” Last Thursday, Warner was the top Democrat on a Senate Intelligence Committee panel investigating Moscow’s alleged interference in last year’s presidential election. The panel inevitably included carefully selected expert witnesses who would agree with the proposition that Russia is and was guilty as charged. There was no one who provided an alternative view even though a little Googling would have surfaced … Continue reading

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Spring is the season of renewal and is a good time to tune up our body after a long winter. Tired of hiding from the cold and perhaps recovering from a respiratory infection that is easily caught this time of year, we want to recharge ourselves with energy and give our body a health boost. No wonder spring cleanups are no longer just about cleaning your house and opening all the windows to let the fresh spring air in. Spring is a popular time for all kinds of detoxes, cleanses, and diets, often targeting one of the most important organs … Continue reading

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Shooting a handgun is an activity that looks really easy, but definitely is not. It’s a skill that requires more focus and dexterity than using a rifle or a shotgun, and I’d wager that for most people, it takes a bit longer to master the basics too. That’s why if you’ve never fired a handgun before, you definitely want to take some advice from someone with more experience before you get started. And what would be better than learning from the best? That’s what you get when you listen to Rob Leatham, a world renown professional shooter who has won … Continue reading

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April 04, 2017 “Information Clearing House” – “At least 58 people were killed in an alleged horrific gas attack in the Idlib Governorate this morning“. However, even before investigations could be conducted and for evidence to emerge, Federica Mogherini, the Italian politician High Representative of the European Union (EU) for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, condemned the Syrian government stating that the “Assad regime bears responsibility for ‘awful’ Syria ‘chemical’ attack.” The immediate accusation from a high-ranking EU official serves as a dangerous precedent where public outcry can be made even before the truth surrounding the tragedy can emerge Israeli President, Benjamin … Continue reading

The post Something Is Not Adding Up appeared first on LewRockwell.

The FBI is super sketchy. Questions abound over their role in various assassinations. The case of Martin Luther King Jr. is no exception. Today is the 49th anniversary of the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr., a man who stood for peace and encouraged everyone to not judge people by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. The personal attacks that MLK suffered at the hands of the FBI are well documented, though they sound like conspiracy theories to the unaware. The FBI investigation into King started as a national security issue, with the official … Continue reading

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It was a very unwelcome shock to fans of popular YouTube gun channel Hickok45 to see his account terminated without warning or reason not once, but twice in January. Perhaps seeing the writing on the wall at YouTube, Hickok45 has joined the select group of gun-focused internet video stars at Full30. Full30 is run by and for gun enthusiasts, and won’t arbitrarily destroy the work of popular content creators on a whim, for political correctness, or because of a faceless, nameless computer algorithm. Like many of the content creators at Full30, Hickok45 will still maintain his YouTube channel (for as … Continue reading

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Many people believe that running is bad for your joints, especially for your knees, and if you want to preserve your joint health in old age you better not run. The common thinking behind this is that the more you move, the more stress you inflict on your joints and, as a result, the more prone you are to injury. As a result, the older we get, the less physical activity we clock in, without even knowing that by being sedentary, we are doing our joints more harm than good. You see, a sedentary lifestyle is almost inevitably associated with … Continue reading

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In what is often considered the most controversial of his many scholarly books, this exploration into the putative causes of World War Two by renowned British historian A.P.J. Taylor caused great controversy and discussion when published in the sixties. I remember as a college student the arguments regarding his scholarship, sympathies for Hitler, and somewhat simplistic approach in trying to mount an ardent and convincing argument demolishing the conventional wisdom holding that one man, Adolph Hitler, was uniquely responsible for the outbreak of the most horrific conflict in modern history. Amazingly, upon rereading this wonderfully written, entertaining, and erudite tome … Continue reading

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If you’re stressed out about this whole Russian nonsense, relax – Donald Trump didn’t do anything wrong, and he’s not going be impeached, arrested, or ritually disemboweled. When the truth comes out and it explodes in the Democrats’ soft, girlish hands, we’ll all be laughing and toasting their humiliation with Stoli shots. How do I know this with utter certainty? Because it’s all so glaringly obvious, and it’s the only scenario that fits the facts. As Hugh Hewitt says, this scandal has three silos. The first silo is the question of whether the Russians somehow “hacked our election.” The second … Continue reading

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Can you imagine if we were still walking around at night using candles to light our way, or heating our homes only by fire? Sure, it’s romantic and nostalgic to do that once in a while, but at the end of the day, society would look extremely different without the use of electricity. Nikola Tesla was one of the geniuses who played an integral role in creating modern electricity, so you have him along with many other scientists to thank! Tesla worked with Edison on electromagnetism, played a hand in inventing the radio, and is well-known for his work with alternating … Continue reading

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Every reasonable person is cautious when they go out for a hike. They keep their eyes and ears peeled for any potential predators, and they make sure to watch their step. Unfortunately, being cautious isn’t so helpful when you’re dealing with the unexpected. It doesn’t help you when you don’t know what to look for. That’s why so many people were shocked and horrified to hear about a recent incident involving a teenage boy and his dog in Idaho. Most people are completely unaware of the device that killed his dog. 14-year-old Canyon Mansfield was out playing with his dog … Continue reading

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Justin’s note: Today, instead of our usual market commentary, we’re doing something special. I recently sat down again with Casey Research founder Doug Casey to discuss a troubling trend: the fast-rising cost of a college education. Read our conversation below to see why Doug says relying on—and paying for—today’s educational paradigm “makes as much sense as entering a Model T Ford in the 24 Hours of Le Mans”… Justin: Doug, I recently had an interesting conversation with my sister. Physical Gold & Silver in your IRA. Get the Facts. She told me that her financial advisor suggested she start setting aside $500 to … Continue reading

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Essays will be marked down unless they use ‘gender-sensitive language’, students at a British university have been told. Many universities are already advising students and staff not to use ‘gender-offensive’ terms such as ‘he’ or ‘she’ to describe people that could be either male or female. And terms such as ‘mankind’, ‘manpower’ and ‘man-made’ are frowned upon by academics if used in essays. But now the school of social science at the University of Hull has gone one step further by threatening to deduct marks from students for using such phrases. A document sent to students reads: ‘Language is important and … Continue reading

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