Recently I did a Google search for ‘Sovereign Citizen’s Movement,’ which will be the subject of an article I will be writing in the near future (please stay tuned). I have some ideas about how we are not being granted our natural rights and freedoms, and how we may be inadvertently authorizing our own enslavement. I wanted to get a handle on what it meant to become a ‘Sovereign Citizen,’ and what arguments can be made in favour of this concept. I hope to try to simplify the concepts and present them in a cohesive manner, as it relates to us taking … Continue reading

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On April 30, powerful missile strikes were delivered against Syria’s military sites in the provinces of Hama and Aleppo. There were casualties, mainly among pro-Iranian forces and Iranian personnel. Nobody took responsibility but it is widely believed that the operation was conducted by Israel’s Air Force. Israeli officials made no comments but Intelligence Minister Israel Katz said his country would not allow Iran to have military outposts on Syrian territory. Israeli Defence Minister Avigdor Lieberman vowed to use force in response to any attempt by Iran to establish a “military foothold” there. Neither would Israel allow Iran to go nuclear. The Israeli government believes it cooperates with N. … Continue reading

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Trending and gaining traction throughout the economic world is the increasingly relevant search for safe and secure alternatives to the US Dollar. Some due to geopolitical reasons and pressures, others from recognizing the significantly deepening debt associated with the US Dollar and government. Many have started questioning and doubting aspects of its sustainability and inviolability over the ballooning short and long term. Recently underscored by expected “trade negotiations” with the US’s largest debt holders (Japan & China) which are now apparently to include exploring aspects of sovereign debt restructuring. Others are looking to innovative crypto ideas in the hope that extra-governmental blockchain … Continue reading

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Listen to the Podcast Audio: Click Here Mike Gleason: It is my privilege now to be joined by a man who needs little introduction, Marc Faber, editor of The Gloom, Boom and Doom Report. Dr. Faber has been a long-time guest on financial shows throughout the world, and is a well-known Austrian economist and investment advisor, and it’s a tremendous honor to have him on with us today. Dr. Faber, thanks so much for joining us again, and how are you? Marc Faber: Well, it’s my pleasure to be on your show. Thank you. Mike Gleason: Let’s start out here with the equities Marc. Now … Continue reading

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Basics of Resistance, by Claire Wolfe and Kit Perez, is exactly what the title promises – a primer on organization and operation in a (we’d like to think theoretical and future) time when the world has goosestepped past Claire’s earlier take on the topic, the happy-go-lucky monkeywrenching manual Freedom Outlaw’s Handbook. What if we were past the time for lighthearted efforts to maintain our own privacy and sense of individuality, and it were really time to dig in our heels and organize for resistance? We’re not quite spitting on our hands, raising the black flag and commencing to slit throats … Continue reading

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Delta Airlines was among the first companies to jump on the Boycott NRA bandwagon. Almost immediately, it revoked a little-used membership discount, then tried to claim it wanted to stay out of the debate. Well, it can’t. Delta entered the debate the moment it made its announcement. Recently, however, Delta’s CEO claimed it made business sense to virtue signal. The NRA, obviously, disagrees. The Washington Post, however, characterized Delta’s move differently, situating it squarely within the #BoycottNRA movement. The airline, in other words, had merely jumped on a self-glorifying corporate bandwagon that has done nothing to harm the NRA but has done much to remind … Continue reading

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In 1971, the US went off the gold standard, which meant that it no longer had the responsibility to redeem its bank notes for real money—i.e., precious metals. It also meant that, as long as it could get people to accept the essentially worthless bank notes as currency, they could print as much as they liked. They took full advantage of this fact and transformed the US from the world’s greatest creditor nation into the world’s greatest debtor nation in under forty years. The rest of the world followed this extraordinarily bad example and, as a result, no nation is now on … Continue reading

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The legacy of the Roman Empire can today be seen from space. Satellite images show lights from prospering towns surrounding Roman roads that were built 2,000 years ago. In a new study, researchers have confirmed that these Roman roads still act as a hot bed for economic growth and activity, much in the same way they did almost two millennia ago. Scientists found that the backbone of many strong economies throughout have been boosted by the presence of ancient Roman highways. They analysed the population density and the intensity of lights at night along almost 50,000 miles (80,000km) of Roman routes. … Continue reading

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Willie Nelson is one of the world’s most accomplished musicians—and not just in the country music world. Nelson’s talents transcend genre, and go far beyond music. Here are 10 things you might not know about the legendary outlaw country singer, who turns 85 years old today. 1. HE WROTE HIS FIRST SONG AT THE AGE OF SEVEN. While other kids were still struggling to keep inside the lines of their coloring books, Nelson was composing music. He recalled the experience of his songwriting debut to Rolling Stone in 2004: “Back when we used to take music lessons from our grandmother, we’d go through lessons, and … Continue reading

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Recently, an 82-year-old woman who suffered from dementia, who couldn’t recognize her own son has miraculously got her memory back after changing her diet. When his mother’s condition became so severe that for her own safety she had to be kept in the hospital, Mark Hatzer almost came to terms with losing another parent. Sylvia had lost her memory and parts of her mind, she had even phoned the police once accusing the nurse who were caring for her of kidnap. A change in diet, which was comprised of high amounts of blueberries and walnuts, has proven to have had … Continue reading

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Your expectations, more than anything else in life, determine your reality. When it comes to achieving your goals, if you don’t believe you’ll succeed, you won’t. Research from LSU shows that people who believe in themselves use more metacognitive functions than those who don’t. This means that they use more of their brains and have more brainpower to solve problems. Metacognition is especially important for achievement as it ensures that you approach problems from many different angles and adapt your approach as needed. The tricky thing about your expectations is that they impact other people too. As far back as … Continue reading

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Earlier this year, a delegation from the Alternative for Germany (AfD) party visited Syria to gain a better understanding of the situation in government-held areas of the war-torn country. The delegation’s leader Christian Blex, a member of the Bundestag, spoke to Sputnik reporter and columnist Suliman Mulhem about his findings. Dr. Blex said the delegation “felt safe” throughout their tour of Syria – which included the cities of Damascus, Homs and Aleppo – while noting the presence of checkpoints manned by troops from the Syrian Army to clamp down on terrorists and smugglers attempting to transport armaments to militant-held parts of the country. “The people on the streets looked completely normal and … Continue reading

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Do you know what’s in your drinking water? Probably not. Toxic substances are constantly found in contaminated drinking water around the world, and it’s not just developing countries, but also developed countries like Canada and the United States. According to the Chicago Tribune, an analysis uncovered toxic lead in the tap water drawn from more than 70 percent of the homes across Chicago. Substances like aluminum, mercury, other heavy metals, prescription drugs, and more have been found in other public drinking water supplies. This has been a major problem for a while, which is why The Environmental Working Group (EWG) released a … Continue reading

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Translator’s Foreword (Fluctuarius Argenteus) Almost by necessity, all previous Kholmogorov translations have been those of his older texts, with a “lag” between the original and the translation varying between several days and several months. What you see now is a much rarer treat. Kholmogorov has just finished a long and engrossing article on Alexander Solzhenitsyn, clocking in at 16,000 words, to be published by a Russian conservative outlet. Publishing a complete translation on The Unz Review would require the text to be split into three or four parts, and would be an exercise in futility if the figure of Solzhenitsyn … Continue reading

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Review by luv10nis4ever: Although I don’t plan on disappearing anytime soon, the title was interesting enough for me to add this to my Kindle. The process to disappear completely is quite extensive if you follow the author’s advice. Obviously the older you are the more difficult it becomes to erase your whole life because your life trail has become so extensive, but I really feel that if you follow this book step by step it could be achieved albeit with a ton of work. Nonetheless, this was a good read and it does make you wonder exactly how much it would take to … Continue reading

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