Life is too short to suffer through a book you just don’t like. For proof of that, Literary Hub has done some (slightly morbid) calculations regarding how many books you’ll be able to squeeze in during your remaining years on Earth. The table below breaks down the number of books you’ll have time for if you maintain your current reading habits. Twenty-five-year-old women, for example, have 61 years left to live according to the Social Security Life Expectancy Calculator. Assuming they live that long, average readers in that group have 732 more books to read in their lifetimes. “Average” in … Continue reading

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It’s a scenario we all dread – a house fire sweeping through your home, wreaking havoc on your belongings and putting your family at risk. And a new virtual reality simulator has revealed just how quickly a fire can devastate your home. The terrifying 360-degree video shows a gas fire left unattended in a living room, which bursts into flames, and fills the room with black smoke in a matter of seconds. The video was created by the New Zealand Fire Service, in the hopes of raising awareness of the dangers of house fires. In the video, a gas fire … Continue reading

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Fay Weldon, the author, and playwright has risked the wrath of feminists by claiming the movement was bad for most women and argued that what is now seen as sexual harassment was once viewed as ‘welcome attention.’ Weldon, 85, said that the feminist movement shrank the male wage so that men can no longer support a family, forcing more women into the workplace to meet the shortfall. In an interview in The Mail on Sunday’s Event magazine, she said she was still in favor of the ‘bloodless revolution’ that was feminism but argued that it benefited only one in three … Continue reading

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Exactly 40 years ago, at Tenerife-North Airport (formerly Los Rodeos), two Boeing 747s – one belonging to KLM, the other to Pan Am – collided on a foggy runway. Five hundred and eighty-three people were killed in what remains the biggest air disaster in history. In this extract from Cockpit Confidential, the pilot Patrick Smith outlines what went wrong: The magnitude of the accident speaks for itself, but what makes it particularly unforgettable is the startling set of ironies and coincidences that preceded it. Indeed, most airplane crashes result not from a single error or failure, but from a chain … Continue reading

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Exactly 40 years ago, at Tenerife-North Airport (formerly Los Rodeos), two Boeing 747s – one belonging to KLM, the other to Pan Am – collided on a foggy runway. Five hundred and eighty-three people were killed in what remains the biggest air disaster in history. In this extract from Cockpit Confidential, the pilot Patrick Smith outlines what went wrong: The magnitude of the accident speaks for itself, but what makes it particularly unforgettable is the startling set of ironies and coincidences that preceded it. Indeed, most airplane crashes result not from a single error or failure, but from a chain … Continue reading

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The US preemptive nuclear strike capability has significantly grown. The strategic nuclear forces modernization program has implemented new revolutionary technologies to vastly increase the targeting capability of the US submarine-launched ballistic missile (SLBM) arsenal. The Bulletin of American Scientists reports that as a result of improvements in the killing power of US SLBMs, they carry more than three times the number of warheads needed to destroy the entire fleet of Russian land-based missiles. Since only part of the W76 force would be needed to eliminate Russia’s silo-based ICBMs, the United States will be left with a substantial number of higher-yield warheads that could be used … Continue reading

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Justin’s note: Today, we’re doing something special. We’re bringing back Conversations with Casey. Justin Spittler: I want to ask you about political correctness (PC). Obviously, PC culture’s nothing new, but it kind of seems like it’s spreading like cancer these days. For example, I recently read that the University of Minnesota is dropping the names “Homecoming King and Queen” in favor of “Royals.” They’re doing this in the name of “gender inclusivity.” Is PC culture getting totally out of hand, or am I going crazy? Physical Gold & Silver in your IRA. Get the Facts. Doug Casey: Parts of the … Continue reading

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Mercer, the world’s largest human resources consulting company, has recently published its 19th annual rankings, naming the world’s best and the worst cities to live in. For the eighth year in a row, Vienna took the top spot on Mercer’s chart of 230 cities. In fact, most of the best cities on the list can be found in Western Europe — namely Switzerland and Germany. Baghdad was named as the worst place for quality of living, being put at the very bottom of the list. One of the largest cities of the Middle East with a population of nine million people, Baghdad is the least safe city in the world with its constant terrorist attacks and high levels … Continue reading

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The ‘Bad Boys of Brexit‘ who led the campaign to break Britain away from the European Union have taken on a new exit challenge: splitting California into two states. Former UKip leader Nigel Farage and Leave backer Arron Banks have just returned from the United States, where they helped raise $1million (£800,000) for a ‘Calexit’ campaign, which would split California into two eastern and western regions. There are several ‘Calexit’ campaigns competing for a referendum in the United States, with one aiming to remove the state from America entirely as a response to President Donald Trump being elected last year. … Continue reading

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There is a sickness in American society, fanned by the propaganda campaigns of the left, and it is killing people. White males, in large numbers, are simply losing their will to live, and as a result, they are dying so prematurely and in such large numbers that a startling demographic gap has emerged.  It is not just the “opioid epidemic” that is killing off white working class males, it is a spiritual crisis, and Princeton economists Anne Case and Angus Deaton have the numbers to sustain this conclusion. Jeff Guo of the Washington Post reveals the new findings of the two … Continue reading

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James Shea, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Emerging Threats at NATO – now that’s a lovely title – recently gave a talk at a private club in London on the Islamic State/Daesh. Shea, as many will remember, made his name as NATO’s spokesman during the NATO war on Yugoslavia in 1999. After his talk, Shea engaged in a debate with a source I very much treasure. The source later gave me the lowdown. According to Saudi intelligence, Daesh was invented by the US government – in Camp Bacca, near the Kuwait border, as many will remember — to essentially finish off the Shiite-majority Nouri al-Maliki government in Baghdad. It didn’t happen this … Continue reading

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There was a time when Russophobia served as an effective form of population control – used by the American ruling class, in particular, to command the general US population into patriotic loyalty. Not any longer. Now, Russophobia is a sign of weakness, of desperate implosion among the US ruling class from their own rotten, internal decay. This propaganda technique worked adequately well during the Cold War decades when the former Soviet Union could be easily demonized as «godless communism» and an «evil empire». Such stereotypes, no matter how false, could be sustained largely because of the monopoly control of Western … Continue reading

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Prostatitis (prostate inflammation) causes painful urination and urinary tract infections (UTIs) increase the risk of developing the condition. Prostatitis can be referred to as an infection of the prostate, but inflammation often occurs without a known infection. Roughly five to ten percent of prostatitis cases are caused by a bacterial infection, but luckily it does not lead to an increased risk of prostate cancer. Although an enlarged prostate commonly affects older men, men of all ages are prone to prostatitis, with 25 percent of hospital visits accounting for younger and middle-aged men. There are three main types of prostatitis: acute bacterial … Continue reading

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