If there are any sacred cows in America, the one at the head of the herd has got to be Abraham Lincoln. Our culture gleefully vilifies almost everyone. Psycho-biographies, in which the darkest interior rooms of the subject are exposed to light, are the rage these days. But somehow Lincoln for the most part has managed to escape all this. He’s still the great American hero, venerated by layperson and scholar alike, sometimes to the point of embarrassing hagiography. (I once knew a history professor, for example, who insisted that students refer to Lincoln, both in class discussions and in … Continue reading

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Will artificial intelligence get more aggressive and selfish the more intelligent it becomes? A new report out of Google’s DeepMind AI division suggests this is possible based on the outcome of millions of video game sessions it monitored. The results of the two games indicate that as artificial intelligence becomes more complex, it is more likely to take extreme measures to ensure victory, including sabotage and greed. The first game, Gathering, is a simple one that involves gathering digital fruit. Two DeepMind AI agents were pitted against each other after being trained in the ways of deep reinforcement learning. After … Continue reading

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The tawdry Michael Flynn soap opera boils down to the CIA hemorrhaging leaks to the company town newspaper, leading to the desired endgame: a resounding victory for hardcore neocon/neoliberalcon US Deep State factions in one particular battle. But the war is not over; in fact, it’s just beginning. Even before Flynn’s fall, Russian analysts had been avidly discussing whether President Trump is the new Viktor Yanukovych — who failed to stop a color revolution at his doorstep. The Made in USA color revolution by the axis of Deep State neocons, Democratic neoliberalcons and corporate media will be pursued, relentlessly, 24/7. But more than Yanukovych, Trump might actually … Continue reading

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WASHINGTON, D.C. – The purge of Army Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn engineered by White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus, formally the head of the Republican National Committee in Washington, is the “Pearl Harbor” for Trump loyalists – a devastating attack that determines for Trump supporters that Priebus, an elite GOP Washington insider, must go. The concern among Trump loyalists is that now that Priebus has succeeded in getting rid of Flynn, his next targets will be Trump top advisors Steve Miller, Steve Bannon, and Kellyanne Conway – all of whom D.C. insiders are planning must go if Priebus is to … Continue reading

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A former National Security Agency analyst and counterintelligence officer tweeted on Wednesday that the intelligence community will now be “going nuclear” against Trump. John Schindler, a national security columnist for the Observer and former NSA analyst, published an article on Sunday titled “The Spy Revolt Against Trump Begins,” which asserts that the Intelligence Community is rebelling against Trump over some of his senior officials having alleged ties to the Kremlin. The situation is so bad, according to Schindler, that they are now beginning to withhold intelligence from the White House. Echoing this “blame the Russians” narrative the New York Times on Tuesday night published a story, accusing Trump’s former campaign … Continue reading

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The mayor of New York City just may be the second most powerful elected position in U.S. politics, only behind the presidency. Located inside City Hall in the heart of Manhattan’s bustling and brightly lit Broadway, the Big Apple’s mayoral office is arguably the most influential in the world. And it looks like Hillary Clinton has her eyes all over it. Why are the most advertised Gold and Silver coins NOT the best way to invest? Hillary Clinton post-election seems to be spending her time seeing various Broadway shows, & I for one strongly support it pic.twitter.com/jH6Y2wI7ZC — Phin (@phineaschap) … Continue reading

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In 1899, the inventor Nikola Tesla began performing the first successful experiments on wireless power transfer. His initial success led him to believe that one day power would be transmitted around the planet without the need for cables. It took over 100 years, but his dream of wire-free power transmission was eventually realized—though perhaps not by the methods he envisioned. When creating phones and tablets, manufacturers are faced with the challenge of giving the device a long battery life, keeping it lightweight, and making charging as painless as possible. Wireless power, which makes recharging your phone as easy as putting … Continue reading

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Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., the vaccine skeptic who President Trump has put in charge of a ‘vaccine safety and scientific integrity,’ says the president told him he was ‘not going to back down’ on the issue. Kennedy and Trump have raised suspicions about vaccines despite their overwhelming support among scientists and physicians as a way to prevent the spread of deadly diseases. Kennedy says Trump told him that his own beliefs about a supposed link between vaccines and autism, which is not backed up by the vast majority of scientists, was shaped by his anecdotal observations of five friends of his. … Continue reading

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A burning stomach, or a burning sensation in the stomach, can cause pain, fatigue, and stress to the stomach. Burning stomach is becoming a growing and common problem as a result of indigestible food, health problems, infections, overuse of antibiotics, and chlorinated water, to name a few causes. The stomach is a muscular sack between the esophagus and small intestine. The stomach is responsible for digesting food before it enters the intestines to be broken down further. If food is not properly broken down in the stomach, it can cause a clog along the intestines, resulting in indigestion or heartburn. … Continue reading

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A huge well of molten carbon that would spell disaster for the planet if released has been found under the US. Scientists using the world’s largest array of seismic sensors have mapped a deep-Earth area, covering 700,000 sq miles (1.8 million sq km). This is around the size of Mexico, and researchers say it has the potential to cause untold environmental damage. The discovery could change our understanding of how much carbon the Earth contains, suggesting it is much more than we previously believed. Instant Access to Current Spot Prices & Interactive Charts Scientists uncovered a huge reservoir of molten carbon situated … Continue reading

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All major French political parties were targeted for infiltration by the CIA’s human (“HUMINT”) and electronic (“SIGINT”) spies in the seven months leading up to France’s 2012 presidential election. The revelations are contained within three CIA tasking orders published today by WikiLeaks as context for its forthcoming CIA Vault 7 series. Named specifically as targets are the French Socialist Party (PS), the National Front (FN) and Union for a Popular Movement (UMP) together with current President Francois Hollande, then President Nicolas Sarkozy, current round one presidential front-runner Marine Le Pen, and former presidential candidates Martine Aubry and Dominique Strauss-Khan. The … Continue reading

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General Michael Flynn’s resignation as National Security Adviser is by far the biggest blow President Trump has suffered since his inauguration. As I have written previously, this is a completely concocted scandal.  The most General Flynn is accused of is telling Russian ambassador Kislyak that Russia should not overreact to the sanctions President Obama imposed on Russia during the height of the Clinton leaks hysteria in December.   Even the ‘anonymous officials’  who claim to have seen the transcript of the tapes of his conversations with Kislyak admit that he did not tell Kislyak that President Trump would cancel the … Continue reading

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It’s fair to say the English language can be a bit of a minefield at times. What else can you say about a language in which enough, cough, dough, bough, and through don’t rhyme with one another, or in which the plural of goose and mongoose are geese and mongooses? Come to grips with all those inconsistencies and you’ll still have to contend with the fact that English has a troublesome spelling system that permits a word like zoo, with its straightforward double-O spelling, to rhyme with hew, blue, to, you, lieu, coup, flu, two, through, queue, hoopoe, and bijoux. And … Continue reading

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Many of us can likely attest to how uncomfortable it feels to have extra belly fat hanging over our pants every day. It can leave you feeling heavy, bloated, and sometimes even embarrassed around others. It seems that people of all shapes, sizes, and fitness levels share this common issue, begging the question: Why can’t we beat the belly bulge? In his article “Are These the Reasons Why You’re Not Losing Belly Fat?,” Dr. Mercola tackles this highly convoluted issue, pointing out that belly fat isn’t just an aesthetic problem, but a health issue as well, and it can lead to other, more … Continue reading

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Persistent rumors of Hillary Clinton’s 2020 presidential aspirations are not sitting well with the left-wing media. Politico’s Matt Latimer claims he can prove that Hillary is “running again”: And the facts are clear that the former secretary of state is doing everything she needs to do to run for the White House one more time. If she finds a path to do so, she will take it. And I can prove it. Latimer’s “proof” is largely circumstantial ­– the Clinton Global Initiative has “scaled back,” but not shut down, Mrs. Clinton is writing another book, and she didn’t close the … Continue reading

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