Prescription meds are a way that the Big Brother state can maintain control over your medical supplies and monitor you as an individual. In mid-January, an article came out entitled “Feds force Doctors and Pharmacists to Spy on 60% of Americans,” and deals with the PMP, the Prescription Monitoring Program, and 48 states have adopted it.  The federal government keeps track of all your sensitive information (birth date, address, etc., and demographics on you) in the “interests of combating drug abuse.” That reason is nothing more than a front to be able to monitor you and using the prescriptions as a “back … Continue reading

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As both a classically trained musician and an audiophile, the 1950s and 1960s was something of a golden age of recorded music. It was at this time that some of the most remarkable conductors of the 20th century were invited to make recordings on new stereophonic technology, whose sonic qualities equal and in some cases surpass that available in the 21stcentury. Marketed to eager consumers in the west on  super hi-fidelity reel-to-reel tapes or more commonly high quality stereophonic LPs, it was something of a renaissance for classical music listeners. Whilst nothing can equal the magnitude of a powerful live … Continue reading

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How humanity will meet its end is a an endless source of fascination in science fiction. But scientists claim many of the scenarios depicted in films – such as an asteroid strike and killer robots – may not be as far fetched as you might think. Now, in a new article for Wired, researchers at Cambridge University’s Study of Existential Risk (CESR) have come up with a list of 10 threats that may some day trigger an apocalypse. Artificial Intelligence  Humanity faces an uncertain future as technology learns to think for itself and adapt to its environment. Artificial Intelligence, disguised … Continue reading

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The Romans were renowned as great engineers and this is evident in the many structures that they left behind. One particular type of construction that the Romans were famous for is their roads. It was these roads, which the Romans called viae, that enabled them to build and maintain their empire. How did they create this infrastructure that has withstood the passing of time better than most its modern counterparts? Roads of All Kinds It has been calculated that the network of Roman roads covered a distance of over 400,000 km (248,548.47 miles), with more than 120,000 km (74,564.54 miles) … Continue reading

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Mike Flynn’s out. He resigned as Trump’s advisor this evening after a chorus of calls for him to step down for an alleged relationship with the Russians. This fits the narrative used by Democrats since the election: Putin and the Russians influenced the vote somehow, although nobody can tell us how exactly. Trump and his supporters are in league with them, according to the narrative. Flynn will be replaced by retired Gen. Keith Kellogg. Kellogg has an interesting history. In addition to his disastrous mismanagement of the Coalition Provisional Authority in Iraq, Kellogg was president of Abraxas, a wholly owned … Continue reading

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Branding men with undesirable character traits has turned into a popular sport. Men are considered by some—a vocal few, at least—to be competitive, aggressive, and violent, while women are thought of as passive and more inclined to collaboration. As an unrepentant male, I take umbrage at the increasing references to “toxic masculinity.” There are two reasons. First, I believe this is pure sexism driven by a small but angry cadre of power-hungry radical feminists. I can see no earthly reason that would require me to defend the values and behavior of my sex. Second, my basic sense of fairness resents … Continue reading

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The time will come when you won’t be able to buy a cup of coffee without being traced, warns investment guru Jim Rogers. To control people, governments will increasingly seek to hunt down cash spending, he adds. “Governments are always looking out for themselves first, and it’s the same old thing that has been going on for hundreds of years. The Indians recently did the same thing. They withdrew 86 percent of the currency in circulation, and they have now made it illegal to spend more than, I think it’s about $4,000 in any cash transaction. In France you cannot … Continue reading

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The mainstream media and their deep state allies on both sides of the Atlantic are in full panic mode. They are losing credibility, they are losing their grip with reality and they are losing their audience. However, they still wield a great deal of power due to their handsomely funded infrastructure and their historic alliances with the political elite. All of that notwithstanding, people seem to forget that the President of the United States is a man who took on the old establishment and continues to take on what remains of the mainstream media and their political allies. All of … Continue reading

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Once again, it was a good guy with a concealed handgun that stepped in and saved a life, this time in the parking lot of a Topeka (KS) Walmart. Topeka Police responded to reports of a stabbing at the Walmart on SE California in Topeka just after 4 p.m. Saturday. TPD says two men were involved in an altercation, when a third party conceal carry holder intervened and stopped the assault. “He intervened, drew his firearm, and held the people to the ground basically at gun-point,” said Topeka police Sergeant Joshua Klamm. One of the men involved in the altercation … Continue reading

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Rome is such a big topic, it not only deserves a post of its own, but it can be studied in isolation as it encompasses so much of Western history. The most obvious reason for this is the Romans were around for a long time. The traditional dating of the start of the Republic is 509 BC and the end of the Western Empire is 476 AD. That’s roughly one thousand years and it was an action-packed and dramatic thousand year run too. Rome features some of the most colorful characters in human history. There is something else. The Greeks were … Continue reading

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Summer may be a long way off, but it’s never too early to start thinking about protecting your skin. For most people, this means covering themselves in sunscreen, which corporate marketing campaigns encourage at every turn. Yet, while we do indeed need protection to prevent sunburns, blocking out the sun entirely is not ideal. Rich in vitamin D, it offers a number of other health benefits, including, oddly enough, cancer prevention. We’ve been made to fear the sun, and, as a result, adults and children are choosing to drench themselves in a bath of toxic, hormone-disrupting chemicals. Science has long shown that what we put … Continue reading

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Traditional whitening practices have proven to be quite harmful to the longevity of our teeth. Dental specialist Linda Greenwall has thoroughly investigated the harmful use of teeth whitening treatments, especially ones that include chlorine dioxide, and argues “these chlorine dioxide treatments are advertised as safe for teeth. It is certainly not the case.” It remains difficult for people to find an effective and safe alternative to traditional teeth whitening practices — practices that cause serious and irreversible damage to the enamel of our teeth, which is what protects them, to begin with. Greenwall explains that chlorine dioxide whitening treatments can cause serious damage, including tooth etching, loss of tooth lustre, discoloration, stain absorption (due … Continue reading

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Plenty of people consider themselves to be a whizz at spelling – but this latest quiz is sure to put even the most confident to the test. The puzzle posted to Playbuzz by user Luna Pope, insists that just one per cent of the population will get every answer right. While some of the 21 words may seem simple, others will prove far trickier and test even the brightest of minds. FEMAIL have put the answers in the captions, so scroll down to see if you can truly call yourself a ‘spelling master’. Read the Whole Article

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Posted at the Fabius Maximus website. Summary: The “permanent drought” in California, like the now ended “permanent drought” in Texas, is ending. But like the panic about Texas, it is rich in lessons about our difficulty clearly seeing the world — and the futility of activists exaggerating and lying about the science. Of course, they should have learned this after 29 years of trying (starting from James Hansen’s 1988 Senate testimony). Warnings of a permanent drought in California Remember all those predictions of a “permanent drought” in California? Those were examples of why three decades of climate alarmism has not … Continue reading

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Hungarian prime minister Viktor Orban says his country will open its arms to west Europeans fleeing mass immigration and “the lords of globalist politics”. “We shall let in true refugees”, Mr. Orban told a cheering audience: “Germans, Dutch, French and Italians, terrified politicians and journalists who here in Hungary want to find the Europe they have lost in their homelands.” The populist leader has served as the de facto leader of the central and eastern European countries which have resisted the open borders policies of the European Union (EU) and leading member-states in the west of the continent. Globalist politicians, Mr. Orban contended, … Continue reading

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