An old rotary phone that’s been tucked away in an English house in the country since 1945 is headed to auction in the United States later this month. Its significance? The antique phone, described by the auction house as a “mobile device of destruction,” once belonged to Adolf Hitler. Physical Gold & Silver in your IRA. Get the Facts. Recovered from the Fuhrerbunker during the last days of World War II, the phone was “arguably the most destructive ‘weapon’ of all time, which sent millions to their deaths around the world,” Alexander Historical Auctions noted in a description. The phone … Continue reading

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Record high radiation levels that’s lethal even after brief exposure have been detected at a damaged reactor at the Fukushima power plant in Japan. Specialists also found a hole, likely caused by melted nuclear fuel. Radiation levels of up to 530 Sieverts per hour were detected inside an inactive Reactor 2 at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear complex damaged during the 2011 earthquake and tsunami catastrophe, Japanese media reported on Thursday citing the plant operator, Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO). A dose of about 8 Sieverts is considered incurable and fatal. Current Prices on popular forms of Silver Bullion A hole of … Continue reading

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Hold on to your hat! Spring and it’s warmer cousin, summer, are just around the corner. Yes, even if you’re looking out the window at piles of crystalline, white snow — believe! One day soon, the days will lengthen and your summer garden will become just as real as those freezing temperatures! Seed companies from companies like Seed Savers, Territorial Seed Company, and Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds have their catalogs at the ready. Be sure to request them now before supplies run low. Here’s a comprehensive list of seed companies to peruse. Even before the catalogs arrive, though, there are … Continue reading

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Originally appeared at American Renaissance Americans have something to learn. White people in the former Warsaw Pact countries still cherish their racial and cultural identities, and their politicians and citizens are trying to keep immigrants out. Even if we in America and Western Europe become extensions of the Third World, the countries behind the Iron Curtain will still be European. I would like to discuss the most important of these countries: the Russian Federation. Here, people feel no white guilt. Why should they? While American blacks were demanding civil rights and reminding whites of slavery, Soviet citizens were suffering a … Continue reading

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Originally appeared at American Renaissance Americans have something to learn. White people in the former Warsaw Pact countries still cherish their racial and cultural identities, and their politicians and citizens are trying to keep immigrants out. Even if we in America and Western Europe become extensions of the Third World, the countries behind the Iron Curtain will still be European. I would like to discuss the most important of these countries: the Russian Federation. Here, people feel no white guilt. Why should they? While American blacks were demanding civil rights and reminding whites of slavery, Soviet citizens were suffering a … Continue reading

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What a genocidal racist Donald Trump is! Last week, as proof of his desire to rid the world of nonwhites, he resuscitated the so-called Mexico City Policy, which withholds U.S. funding from international NGOs that perform or promote abortions. And the same leftists who’ve accused Trump of being a genocidal white supremacist are now accusing him of forcing women of color in Third World countries to have more babies. Just let that sink in for a moment…leftists call Trump a white supremacist who hates Third World nonwhites, then they accuse him of upping the population of Third World nonwhites by … Continue reading

The post Our Bodies, Our Lives, Our Right To Imbibe appeared first on LewRockwell.

Hillary Clinton has a lot of plans for 2017, including some reflections on her stunning loss to Donald Trump and a speaking engagement at her alma mater. The former secretary of state, senator and first lady is working on a collection of personal essays that will touch on the 2016 presidential campaign, Simon & Schuster told The Associated Press on Wednesday. The book, currently untitled, is scheduled for this fall and will be inspired by favorite quotations she has drawn upon.  Clinton also will reissue her best-selling ‘It Takes a Village’ in an illustrated edition for young people. This spring, … Continue reading

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Donald Trump’s first act as president was a visit to CIA headquarters in Langley, Virginia, where he addressed gathering of CIA employees. His journey directly in “the swamp” took place almost immediately after his inauguration, and was clearly an urgent first priority. Serenading Langley The CIA is a headquarters of the Deep State and the Shadow Government. It is the nexus of criminality, and of the Bushes and Clintons, and the world-managing elite. The CIA enjoys a virtually unlimited black budget and virtually unlimited power that is beyond the reach of the law, and beyond the control of the White … Continue reading

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Doctors have been instructed to refer to mothers as “pregnant people” to avoid offending transgenders, according to new guidelines from the British Medical Association. A newly issued 14-page booklet issued by the British Medical Association (BMA), entitled A Guide to Effective Communication: Inclusive Language in the Workplace, calls on doctors to refrain from using the term “expectant mother,” despite its biological accuracy. The union’s advice to doctors comes several weeks after reports that Hayden Cross, a 20-year-old British woman transitioning to become a man, put gender reassignment operation on hold to have a baby. There are no other known cases of a transitioning … Continue reading

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We’re not in the business of predicting Super Bowl winners, but we can guarantee there will be lots of stupid questions asked of the participants. The annual Super Bowl tradition known as Media Day—rechristened “Super Bowl Opening Night” this year—has come to represent the NFL at its silliest. It’s the place where a Japanese reporter once asked of San Francisco 49ers quarterback Joe Montana, “Tell me, why do they call you Boomer?” (Well, they don’t actually. That would be Boomer Esiason, the Cincinnati quarterback.) It’s where someone asked Tennessee Titans defensive tackle Joe Salave’a, “What’s your relationship with the football?” … Continue reading

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1. Unveiling the Antarctic Mysteries And exposing the cover-up. Article by Joachim Hagopian. . 2. Trump Is the Perfect President For leftists and libertarians, conservatives and everyone, says Karen Kwiatkowski. . 3. Let the Battle Begin Gary North on Trump’s inaugural address. . 4. Your Blood Pressure Numbers Check the chart to see the healthy readings for your age and sex.  . 5. She’s Baack Judge Napolitano on crooked Hillary. . 6. Obama Slaps Hillary At his final press conference. . 7. Break Up the US It’s too big and dangerous, says Lew Rockwell. . 8. Scary Predictions Jim Quinn on the 2017 crisis-era of the 4th Turning. … Continue reading

The post Off and Running appeared first on LewRockwell.

This is an important book written by Roger Stone — a seasoned (famous/infamous) political operative and a long-time trusted Trump adviser. If you want to understand how Trump thinks, how he calculates politically, you MUST read ROGER STONE’s book. MAKING OF THE PRESIDENT 2016 is also very entertaining — Roger Stone relates his time with Trump over decades, recalling conversations and previous Trump presidential campaigns — even how one day he saved Donald Trump’s life. Stone gives you an INSIDER’S VIEW of Trump’s campaign — from Trump’s announcement of his candidacy until election night 2016, when Trump finally achieved the … Continue reading

The post Why Hillary Lost and Trump Won appeared first on LewRockwell.

A Russian joke goes like this: “Question: why can there be no color revolution in the United States? Answer: because there are no US Embassies in the United States.” Funny, maybe, but factually wrong: I believe that a color revolution is being attempted in the USA right now. Politico seems to feel the same way. See their recent cover: While I did predict that “The USA is about to face the worst crisis in its history” as far back as October of last year, a month before the elections, I have to admit that I am surprised and amazed at … Continue reading

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As the years go by, it seems that there are just more and more reasons to worry. We get anxious about the actual or even potential problems that haven’t even taken place. One of the big worries many seniors have is the loss of memory. It’s a precious thing, and once it’s gone you can’t get it back really. Forgetting the highlights of your life, forgetting important dates, forgetting the faces of your loved ones even… Losing one’s memory is quite scary, no doubt about it. But the thing is, worrying about losing your memory is, in fact, a real … Continue reading

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Around two thousand years ago Mount Vesuvius erupted, destroying the Roman city of Pompeii and killing an estimated 1,500 people. Today, a far more sinister supervolcano named Campi Flegrei is lurking underneath Naples in Italy. Shock research, revealed last month, warned that the “big daddy” of Vesuvius is showing signs of “reawakening” and may be on the brink of going off. Should it blow in a “big one” eruption, experts told Daily Star Online thousands, possibly millions, of people across Europe would be killed “immediately” from incineration and suffocation. Dense black ash clouds would block out the sun, plunging the … Continue reading

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