Ruger is giving the five-round revolver LCRx line a kick with the addition of a .357 Magnum version, the company announced this week. Consisting of three main components — a polymer fire control housing, stainless steel monolithic cylinder frame and a fluted stainless steel cylinder — the .357 Magnum version continues to offer the same compact, concealable design as its sister line, the LCR. With an overall length of 6.5-inches and a weight of just 17.1-ounces, the .357 variant easily slips into a holster as a primary or back-up gun. The wheel gun is equipped with a 1.87-inch stainless steel … Continue reading

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Russian President Vladimir Putin has said it often: the door to cooperation (with the U.S.) “lies ajar.” He has said it repeatedly: that it was not Moscow in the first place that had withered – and then severed – the lines of communication with Washington. And Mr. Putin has been consistent in periodically easing the path to “Moscow” for President Trump. (The Americans had hinted recently that they might appreciate “a gesture” from the Russians – and they got one: Russia invited the incoming U.S. administration to the Syria talks, at Astana. Moscow made this gesture – even at the … Continue reading

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Although multi-billionaire hedge fund tycoon and international political pot-stirrer George Soros lost big with the election of Donald Trump as president of the United States and the victory of the Brexit referendum in the United Kingdom, he stands to lose further ground, politically and financially, as the winds of political change sweep across the globe. Soros, who fancies himself as the master of placing short put options on stocks, often cleaning up to the tune of billions of dollars in the process when the stock values collapse, has been dealt a few financial body blows. Recently, the Dutch securities market … Continue reading

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History repeats itself… especially in the world of investing. Jim Rogers (who happens to be a Singapore resident) made a fortune predicting major market events. He’s a history buff and knows that, as he says, “if you understand history, you’re probably going to be a much better investor.” Jim co-founded the Quantum Fund with George Soros. This became one of the best-performing hedge funds in history. From 1970 to 1980, the fund gained 4,200%. Beyond being an investment legend, Jim is a best-selling author and world traveler – setting a world record for crossing six continents on a motorcycle. He … Continue reading

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History repeats itself… especially in the world of investing. Jim Rogers (who happens to be a Singapore resident) made a fortune predicting major market events. He’s a history buff and knows that, as he says, “if you understand history, you’re probably going to be a much better investor.” Jim co-founded the Quantum Fund with George Soros. This became one of the best-performing hedge funds in history. From 1970 to 1980, the fund gained 4,200%. Beyond being an investment legend, Jim is a best-selling author and world traveler – setting a world record for crossing six continents on a motorcycle. He … Continue reading

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According to an unsubstantiated article by the Washington Post, anonymous CIA officials have confirmed that the Russian government hacked the United States election to favor Donald Trump. Though it’s entirely possible the Russian government attempted to influence the election, the Post has been widely criticized — for the second time in a month — for its failure to follow basic journalistic practices. Nevertheless, the narrative is sticking. But the outlet’s behind-the-scenes relationship with the CIA is nothing new. In 2013, a conflict of interest arose shortly after Jeff Bezos, founder and CEO of Amazon, purchased the newspaper. As the Nation … Continue reading

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The quest for a world land speed record perhaps began when Mrs. Karl Benz secretly took the first car for a road trip in 1882. Steam and electric vehicles at first competed with the cantankerous combustion of gasoline engines. High-octane, tetraethyl gas and kerosene-based jet fuels later dominated the records. But in 1970, a sleek blue feat of engineering set the world record of 630 mph. The Blue Flame was powered by liquefied natural gas (LNG). The Blue Flame makes a spectacular debut at the Bonneville Salt Flats in Utah on October 23, 1970. The natural gas powered rocket car sets a new world land speed record of 630.388 mph. Why are the most advertised Gold and … Continue reading

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Winter tiredness stems from an increased production of melatonin, the hormone regulating our sleep-wake cycle. When it’s dark, our body believes it is time to go to sleep, so it makes more melatonin. Hence, sunlight is a good way to combat melatonin production and keep you awake. But with the sun nowhere to be found in the middle of winter, how can we fix this problem? Winter tiredness is the feeling of sleepiness in the early evening. The sun is long gone, so your body goes into sleep mode in the absence of light. As more melatonin is produced, you … Continue reading

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Sure, you could just buy another bottle of vino. But if you really want to impress that friend known for their Pinterest-worthy fetes, scan this list for a unique gift they’ll want to put on display. Mental Floss has affiliate relationships with certain retailers and may receive a small percentage of any sale. But we only get commission on items you buy and don’t return, so we’re only happy if you’re happy. Thanks for helping us pay the bills! 1. NEIGHBORWOODS MAP COASTER; $36 Help your pal raise a glass to their beloved hometown or adopted ‘hood! Representing 14 major … Continue reading

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Listen to the podcast ROCKWELL:  Well, good morning.  This is the Lew Rockwell Show.  And how great it is to have as our guest this morning, Mr. Donald Jeffries.  Donald is the author of one of the most extraordinary books I’ve ever read.  It’s called Hidden History: An Expose’ of Modern Crimes, Conspiracies, and Cover-ups in American Politics.  So not only does this book cover everything from the assassination of John F. Kennedy to current crimes and conspiracies of the American regime, it does it in a very small compass, just 375 pages, yet it does it thoroughly, and just … Continue reading

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Could the Berlin Christmas market disaster finally be the long-awaited last nail in her coffin?  The world would certainly be a better place if this were. Trump has been very vocal about what a disaster she has been, accusing her of ‘ruining’ Germany already a year ago. The fact of the matter is that the mainstream media is completely silent about the implosion of her support in Germany, basically pretending it isn’t happening.  That goes double for the German media, which, as we never tire of pointing out, is worse in its bias and outright lying than even the US … Continue reading

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Will the curse of Oscar front-runner hood undermine the public enjoyment of La La Land? It would be delightful to stumble unwittingly upon this old-fashioned movie musical about a romance between an unemployed actress (Emma Stone) and an underemployed jazz pianist (Ryan Gosling) in contemporary Los Angeles. But in this century, Oscar voters have tended to fall loudly in love with one moderately budgeted quasi-experimental movie each year, which then raises expectations for it too high. For example, a half decade ago the Academy decided weeks before The Artist was even released to reward that modest little silent film with … Continue reading

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Next year, the US government will hit its 25-year deadline to release approximately 3,000 never-before-seen documents, and 34,000 previously redacted files relating to the assassination of US President John F. Kennedy. In 1991, Oliver Stone’s film “JFK” renewed public interest in a probable conspiracy surrounding the events leading to the November 22, 1963 assassination. The massive surge in interest lead to the passage of the 1992 JFK Records Act, which gave the government 25 years to release all documents relating to what happened in Dealey Plaza on that day. The National Archives annex in Maryland is currently processing, scanning, and preparing for the large trove of files to be released. Many of the files … Continue reading

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Peter Schiff recently appeared on RT News and laid out how he sees gold prices and the US economy moving into 2017. Inflation vs. interest rates, the stock market bubble, and downturns in mortgage/auto financial markets were a few of the topics Peter provided insights and predictions about. He also dispelled four economic myths surrounding the Fed’s positive outlook, Trump’s fiscal plans, and how inflation impacts gold prices. Myth #1: Fiscal stimulus means no more monetary stimulus. The fact is, the more fiscal stimulus we get the more monetary stimulus we need. There is no way to finance government deficits … Continue reading

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The slumbering Campi Flegrei volcano under the Italian city of Naples shows signs of ‘reawakening’, a new study has warned. Researchers said that the simmering volcano may be nearing a critical pressure point. For the first time, they have identified a threshold beyond which rising magma under the Earth’s surface could trigger the release of fluids and gasses at a 10-fold increased rate. This could potentially lead to an eruption, which could be ‘very dangerous’ for the half million people living in the area. An increase in the release of fluid and gasses would cause the injection of high-temperature steam into surrounding … Continue reading

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