Lest you wonder, not only did I not vote for Mr. Trump (or Hillary), but I relished heaping opprobrium on him during the election campaign. Just so you know, I’m not advocating for him, but I’m alarmed that the Deep State (the White House + the Intel Agency gang) now appears to be trying to hack the electoral college vote against him. The headline deployed everywhere last week, “Russia Hacks Election,” was designed by the Deep State players to deviously lead the broadly dim public to think that Russia somehow interfered with the balloting process, which was not possible since … Continue reading

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German online media is reporting on the growing confrontation between the CIA and President-elect Donald Trump. Citing the Washington Post, German Economic News related that the rank and file of the CIA is not sure if they will be able to work under President Trump: The Washington Post, usually kept well informed by intelligence circles, is reporting great apprehension in the CIA over the president-elect. The Post cites an anonymous CIA man as saying, “I don’t know what the endgame is. After the inauguration we will be in uncharted waters.” These reports come as the CIA, or elements of it … Continue reading

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A link between aluminum and Alzheimer’s disease has long existed. But many scientists says there is not enough evidence to blame the metal, used by thousands for everyday purposes to cook and store food. However, Professor Chris Exley, from Keele University, says his latest research confirms it does indeed play a role in cognitive decline. Here, in a piece for a medical blogging website The Hippocratic Post, he reveals the findings from his latest study. There has been a strong link between human exposure to aluminum and the incidence of Alzheimer’s disease for half a century or more. Physical Gold & Silver … Continue reading

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SINGAPORE: Diversification is generally considered one of the basic tenets of investing and financial planning. Owning a mix of assets, ideally with a low correlation, including, stocks, bonds, real estate and gold, for example, is Investing 101. That is unless you’re one of the world’s most famous investors, Jim Rogers. Jim doesn’t buy into the cult of asset allocation. “I know that people are taught to diversify. But diversification is just that’s something that brokers came up with, so they don’t get sued,” Jim said. “If you want to get rich… You have to concentrate and focus,” he says. “The … Continue reading

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There is one silly argument being made among these reviews that conservatism and capitalism are unrelated. Actually, DiLorenzo, a superb colleague of mine, is more of a libertarian and true free-market thinker than a Tory conservative of the George Will mode. Understand this, and you will have a better appreciation for DiLorenzo’s approach to capitalism and its cleansing powers. Instant Access to Current Spot Prices & Interactive Charts People and markets proposer because we act in our own self-interest. Adam Smith was right and some label him ‘liberal’. ‘Liberal’ means something quite different outside the United States. Those who equate … Continue reading

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AMARILLO, Tex.—Out on the western edge of town, right before you hit the empty prairie that runs all the way to Albuquerque, there’s a big, sprawling clothing store in the Cavender’s chain where they have about five long racks of “Concealed-Carry Vests and Jackets.” People here value their guns, and their cattle, and their crops, and their oil. In nearby Deaf Smith County, a Texas Aggie named Frank Ford founded Arrowhead Mills, the first organic-food company in the nation, causing hippies in love vans to pour into the northern Panhandle throughout the 1960s. (Frank was chairman of the local Republican … Continue reading

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Devastating sinkhole damage caused by severe coastal erosion at Pacifica, California has been captured in stunning drone footage. The shoreline at Pacifica is constantly being battered by giant waves and erosion poses a severe threat to the buildings dotted along the cliff edge. The new sinkhole, which emerged last Saturday, destroyed a large chunk of pathway and closed access to a popular beach. It’s believed to have been caused by some of the biggest waves of the year, known as the King Tides. Physical Gold & Silver in your IRA. Get the Facts. High tides and stormy weather have also … Continue reading

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On Wednesday night, NBC released a report, in collusion with a myriad of anonymous sources reputed to be inside the CIA and other intelligence agencies, claiming that Vladimir Putin personally directed the destruction of Hillary Clinton via hacking hers and the DNC’s servers before the US presidential election. Via NBC: U.S. intelligence officials now believe with “a high level of confidence” that Russian President Vladimir Putin became personally involved in the covert Russian campaign to interfere in the U.S. presidential election, senior U.S. intelligence officials told NBC News. Two senior officials with direct access to the information say new intelligence … Continue reading

The post What Should Happen to the CIA appeared first on LewRockwell.

The ancient Egyptians created a sophisticated economic system thousands of years ago. Although they may seem far removed from modern life, their inventions in the monetary realm provided the basis for many economic practices still in use today. If you think your taxes are bad, take a look at what your obligations would have been in the past! The economy was well-developed and supported by special bureaucracy in the kingdom of the pharaohs. The legal system was headed by the pharaoh and supported by compliant nobles and officials. The ruler created every law. Some of the ancient Egyptian innovations changed … Continue reading

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Journalists, authors and campaigners have been talking about a ‘crisis of masculinity’ for at least 50 years. It’s become a running joke. Every decade or so, a flurry of new books appear, interrogating the state of men and boys. And we’re in the middle of one such cycle. In the wake of the 2008 financial crisis, it’s become common – at least in some, less thoroughly feminist circles – to see men as the primary losers of the post-crash economy. And this has renewed older concerns about the seeming decline of men as they struggle to find their place in … Continue reading

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In 1963, a Turkish man in the region of Cappadocia was making improvements to his home when he made an incredible discovery. After knocking down a wall in his basement, he stumbled upon a secret room, which led to an underground tunnel, which opened up into a completely hidden ancient city: Derinkuyu. Photos of the preserved city reveal how 20,000 people – including livestock and entire food supplies – could have lived 18 storeys beneath the earth. Thought to have been created during the Byzantine era in 780-1180AD, the network of kitchens, stables, churches, tombs, wells, communal rooms and schools … Continue reading

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Originally published by AmmoLand.com. USA – I get the same question from loved ones every year. “What can I buy you for Christmas? You seem to have everything and you did not like the Grinch Santa Hat Christmas Tie we got you last year? (Grinch,,, get it, real funny)” Let me set the record straight if you want a fool proof, can’t fail, gift for all guys, young and old, short and fat, hairy and bald [and smart independent girls too]… …buy us a Knife! (or knives, plural) Knives are great gifts in so many respects, they come in a range … Continue reading

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Did you know that there is a higher risk of heart attacks during the winter months, especially near the holidays? It’s sad but true. There is generally an influx of heart attacks between the months of November and March, and if you already have some cardiovascular factors, your risk can increase during this time. While the holidays are associated with a great deal of stress, we shouldn’t forget that it’s also a joyful time. Yes, we’re running around, but we get to catch up with family and friends. The problem here is, these get-togethers often involve eating too much food. … Continue reading

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A Wikileaks envoy today claims he personally received Clinton campaign emails in Washington D.C. after they were leaked by ‘disgusted’ whisteblowers – and not hacked by Russia. Craig Murray, former British ambassador to Uzbekistan and a close associate of Wikileaks founder Julian Assange, told Dailymail.com that he flew to Washington, D.C. for a clandestine hand-off with one of the email sources in September. ‘Neither of [the leaks] came from the Russians,’ said Murray in an interview with Dailymail.com on Tuesday. ‘The source had legal access to the information. The documents came from inside leaks, not hacks.’ His account contradicts directly … Continue reading

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The scapegoating of Russia is now so widespread, Dirty Wars author and investigative journalist Jeremy Scahill took to The Intercept to call the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) on its bluff. In the article, “Obama Must Declassify Evidence Of Russian Hacking,” Scahill and Jon Schwartz called out U.S. intelligence agencies for their record of deceit, asserting that the American people are not going to simply “take their word for it.” “U.S. intelligence agencies have repeatedly demonstrated that they regularly both lie and get things horribly wrong,” the article argues. But when it comes to the CIA’s case against Russia’s alleged interference with … Continue reading

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