It’s Nov 10th and it’s time to face the music. For those of you on the left, I know it is hard. You are confused, bewildered and deeply, deeply saddened. Maybe even triggered. You probably missed work or school yesterday, called in sick or simply didn’t get out of bed. That’s ok though because your Indigenous Women’s Studies prof said it was ok to skip the exam today. Everyone is getting an A as a morale builder. So cheer up. But unfortunately, that doesn’t really explain anything. How did this happen? It wasn’t supposed to happen. But it did. How … Continue reading

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John Kennedy is quoted as saying “Success has many fathers but failure is an orphan.” Translated into modern politics, no one wants to admit responsibility for losing an election. That includes the losing candidate’s closest advisors. The post mortems on the campaign have barely begun but Hillary Clinton’s top aides are already pointing the finger of blame at others, absolving themselves of responsibility for a debacle that will go down in presidential campaign history as the most shocking outcome ever. It should be noted that campaign staff blaming everyone but themselves for defeat is nothing new. John McCain’s aides in 2008 began a … Continue reading

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Many European politicians and media pundits were profoundly shocked by Donald Trump’s victory in the US presidential election. However, according to Willy Wimmer, former Parliamentary State Secretary in the German Defense Ministry, with Hillary Clinton as president, a third world war would have been just around the corner. Donald Trump’s victory has prevented a global conflict, Willy Wimmer, a former Parliamentary State Secretary in the German Defense Ministry and a leading politician of the Christian Democratic Party (CDU), told Sputnik Deutschland on Wednesday. “I was so relieved, like never before, for I had a feeling this morning that this decision saved us from a great war. … Continue reading

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US president-elect Donald Trump has been honored with a water cannon salute at New York’s LaGuardia airport, the same facility he blasted as being “Third World” during the first presidential debate. Trump was awarded the ceremonial gesture as he undertook his first flight since winning the election, en route to meet President Barack Obama at the White House in Washington D.C. Myths, Misunderstandings and Outright lies about owning Gold. Are you at risk? The spraying is customarily carried out by fire trucks to form a series of arches during important occasions such as the retirement of a senior pilot or … Continue reading

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The confectionery corporation Mondelez International Inc. has announced it will be downsizing its beloved Swiss chocolate bar Toblerone due to the high cost of ingredients. The Illinois-based company said in a Facebook post: “We carry these costs for as long as possible, but to ensure Toblerone remains on-shelf, is affordable and retains the triangular shape, we have had to reduce the weight of just two of our bars in the U.K.” Adjusting the size and weight of their products is a common practice for manufacturers of food and beverages. It’s called “shrinkflation” and works as a cost-cutting maneuver. In adjusting … Continue reading

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Donald Trump’s jaw-dropping White House win is a slap in the face for Barack Obama, elected eight years ago as the country’s first black president on the promise of a nation united. At the political level, Hillary Clinton‘s defeat is certainly a setback for Obama, who campaigned hard for his former secretary of state, traveling across the country and employing the charisma and charm that she sorely lacks. But, aside from being the loss of a typical battle between the two major American political parties, the 70-year-old real estate tycoon’s success is also a stinging personal blow for Obama. Current … Continue reading

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Originally published by USA – If you’re like many gun owners, you don’t carry a firearm every day even though you have your concealed carry license. Maybe it’s because while you realize the importance of being armed, you just don’t feel comfortable carrying in public. Maybe you’re worried everyone will know you have a gun. Or maybe you’re concerned you might make a mistake, like dropping your gun in the cereal isle at the grocery store. That’s okay. All it takes is practice to make carrying a firearm feel safe and familiar. Why are the most advertised Gold and Silver … Continue reading

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Congratulations to everyone who stood up when no-one gave us a chance. You did it, and I am proud to stand beside each and every person who joined the movement to Make America Great Again.   Click to enlarge Forgive my indulgence as I take an opportunity to recap a very important aspect to this election that must be hammered home lest the professional political class be allowed to obfuscate the reality of the situation. For many of us, last night was the culmination of several years worth of painstakingly difficult effort, which began long before Donald Trump announced his … Continue reading

The post Those Media Pollsters appeared first on LewRockwell.

The legend of Atlantis is one of the oldest myths of mankind, first told by Plato in around 360 BC, describing a prosperous land that disappeared without a trace and sunk into the sea. Many people believe that Santorini was once Atlantis, where a destructive eruption generated tsunamis that wiped out the Minoan culture. Current Prices on popular forms of Silver Bullion A new study suggests that the tsunamis may have been generated by the pyroclastic flow of volcanic material into the sea – a theory that challenges previous explanations. A new study suggests that the tsunamis may have been … Continue reading

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For those fighting and dying there – only Death is real. For the American people, Middle East Terrorism is a total fabrication. A standard definition of War is that it is “a conflict carried on by force of arms” We all know the old face of war in the classical days, where two sides in different coloured uniforms lined up and charged at each other until the sun set. Whoever had the most soldiers standing at the end of the day was the winner and they took over the territory of the losers. It was all about territory and redrawing … Continue reading

The post America’s Wars in The Middle East Are Not ‘Wars on Terror,’ appeared first on LewRockwell.

With the apparent elimination of rickets at the turn of 20th century, following the discovery of the role that vitamin D plays in the elimination of this disease, most may think that vitamin D deficiency is a problem of the past. While vitamin D deficiency is not often found in North America, insufficiency is still very common. This should not be surprising, being that there has been an unprecedented increase of indoor computer use as social media and remote-access work continue to rise in popularity. The acclimatization of modern people to a lifestyle that is primarily indoors is a recipe … Continue reading

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The Royal Canadian Navy is to send investigators to examine a ‘mystery object’ found by a diver which could be a nuclear bomb lost in the early days of the Cold War. Sean Smyrichinsky found the object while diving near Banks Island, a site close to the location of the US bomber crash of 1950, after which the Mark IV bomb was lost. The bomb was lost on February 14 when a Convair B-36 crashed in northern British Colombia on its way to Texas from Alaska. Mr Smyrichinsky told CBC news: ‘I got a little far from my boat and I … Continue reading

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Tens of millions of dollars have gone to the Clinton Foundation, and tens of millions more to the ex-president in the form of speaking fees from around the world. Both fundings have primarily come from foreign governments and businessmen, and quite often are temporally associated with deals involving U.S. actions that benefit the donors and required approvals from our government. It has long been illegal for foreigners to contribute to U.S. political campaigns. Yet, that hasn’t deterred the Clintons from this parallel practice. Further, the amounts of these donations, per Schweizer, are often far larger than allowable campaign contributions. Thus, … Continue reading

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