At our house, back to school means back to kids bringing home germs. When the leaves start turning, I start reaching for my cough drops, feeling that all too familiar tickle in my throat. If I can, I try to drink tons of water, wash my hands like crazy, and keep the bug from taking hold. But once I know I’m past the point of no return, the following things can help cut the duration of my cold and get me back to my busy life. Do you know how to tell the difference between a cold and a flu … Continue reading

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If you’ve seen pictures of Danney Williams you know he bears an uncanny resemblance to former President Bill Clinton who Danney claims his father. The facial features, nose, chin line— strongly suggest a biological connection. Danney’s mother and two aunts insist Danney is Bill’s son citing the cash financial support furtively slipped to Danney’s mother over years as well as her insistence that Bill was the only Caucasian man she had been with in the year before Danney’s birth. In 1999, various news organizations including the Washington Post and Los Angeles Times and Time Magazine reported that Danney Williams was … Continue reading

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We all know carbs can make us fat.  What’s less clear is why your friend can eat pasta every day and never gain an ounce, while you only have to glance at a slice of toast to shoot up a dress size.  Finally, science has caught up – it’s all in your genes. In a brilliant new book, geneticist Dr Sharon Moalem explains why we all process food differently – and reveals exactly how many carbs you should be eating…  Most people who have lost weight by dieting struggle to keep the pounds off in the long term. Until now, … Continue reading

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This is one of the most under-reported stories of campaign, and it is not really clear why the Trump campaign has not made more of this, considering the enormous amount of very compelling evidence, and its shocking implications. We first reported on this story in mid-September, and then got so interested in it, and found it so compelling, that we decided to interview the American doctor, Ted Noel, who is most active in collecting the evidence.  Combined views on our articles and videos we have posted on this exceed 150,000, so it seems that we aren’t the only ones who find … Continue reading

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Astronomers have narrowed down the area in the sky where a hypothetical, Neptune-sized Planet 9 might be found, and in doing so may have solved a mystery about the Sun that has vexed scientists since the 19th century. Their latest findings were announced this week in Pasadena, California, at the annual meeting of the Division for Planetary Science of the American Astronomical Society. “Right now the search for Planet 9 is as much about understanding the effects of Planet 9 on the solar system—understanding the physics of Planet 9 to help us understand where it is—as it is going to … Continue reading

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The Walking Dead is one of those rare TV shows that, like prepping, captures the zeitgeist of its time. No, not that the dead are actually rising, but rather that we cannot rely on the government to save us and the modern infrastructure we rely on so heavily is all too easily disrupted, broken, or even destroyed. For those who haven’t watched the shows, TWD focuses more on living humans and their actions and interactions than with zombies, per se. Zombies are part of the setting, just as starships and other planets are the settings for science fiction movies. Just as Star … Continue reading

The post Beyond Zombies appeared first on LewRockwell.

Many politicians have a skeleton in their closet. Hillary Clinton has a cemetery, with a sign reading “Waco.” The 1993 Waco showdown began when federal authorities rushed the communal home of a religious group, killing six of them, and losing four agents in return. The FBI then besieged the place with tanks and other armored vehicles, and ended up with the armored vehicles punching holes in the building, and injecting massive quantities of CS “tear gas.” When that didn’t work, the tanks began to demolish the building, eventually smashing about a quarter of it and damaging the remainder. A fire … Continue reading

The post Hillary Struck the Match appeared first on LewRockwell.

The following statement of support for Donald Trump is intended to counteract the dishonest presentation of this promising presidential candidate by much of the national media. Those who have attached their signatures to this statement are accredited scholars, mostly with Ph.D. s, who are endorsing Donald Trump as a credible candidate for the presidency and as the only barrier now standing between us and (Heaven forfend!) the election of Hillary Clinton. It is our hope that the appearance of this statement on respected websites will generate signatures from other scholars and that our statement of support can be placed in … Continue reading

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The political discourse of American mass media is inundated with another wave of Russophobia and fear mongering. Besides the obvious military threat (Russia’s nuclear arsenal), or the challenges to the US foreign policy (the conflicts in Ukraine or Syria), a new fear has been introduced into the news: the US political system is endangered by Russia’s computer hacking, informational warfare, and its support of Donald Trump. The newspaper titles sound like a commercial for the upcoming Invasion of the Body Snatchers sequel. The Washingon Post announces: “Russia Is Now a Threat. The US Should Treat It Like One.” Time magazine … Continue reading

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In the aftermath of the U.S. invasion of Iraq in 2003 – an invasion which many Iraqis believe left their country in the worst condition it has been since the Mongol invasion of 1258 — there was much discussion in the media about the Bush Administration’s goal for “nation-building” in that country.   Of course, if there ever were such a goal, it was quickly abandoned, and one hardly ever hears the term “nation-building” discussed as a U.S. foreign policy objective anymore. The stark truth is that the U.S. really has no intentions of helping to build strong states in the … Continue reading

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The National Enquirer has released their interview with a fixer who claims they worked for the Clintons from 1991 until 2008 to bury stories in the press. The individual, whose identity is not revealed, details 12 of their fixes in their story, most of which involve Bill’s alleged relationships with women. He claims he purchased photos of Bill on a Hollywood lot with Night Court actress Markie Post, paid two women named ‘Doreen’ and ‘Julianne’ shortly after Bill was inaugurated and resolved ‘rumors inside the White House’ of an alleged affair between Bill and Entertainment Tonight host Mary Hart. The fixer … Continue reading

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October 16 is World Dictionary Day, marking the birthday of the great American lexicographer Noah Webster. Born in Hartford, Connecticut, in 1758, it was Webster’s two-volume American Dictionary of the English Language that truly earned him his place in linguistic history and a reputation as the foremost lexicographer of American English. To mark the occasion, here are 10 facts about the dictionary without which Dictionary Day would not exist. 1. IT WASN’T WEBSTER’S FIRST BOOK ABOUT LANGUAGE … Following his studies at Yale in the late 1700s, Webster had initially hoped to become a lawyer, but a lack of funds … Continue reading

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Many of you have heard the saying, “Your freedom ends where mine begins.” A majority of us prefer to live in a peaceful, non-threatening lifestyle. That said, there might come a time when you will need to defend yourself. Self-defense can range from having a small defense weapon such as a tactical pen in your pocket to concealing a firearm for safety. For those who feel strongly about using non-lethal defense, consider the 5 following non-lethal alternatives. 5 Non-Lethal Ways to Protect Yourself While it is important to know how to defend yourself, it is equally important to remember not to make … Continue reading

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Layout of the petroglyphs at Gateposts, and an ancient trail along Sinking Creek. Both the south and north sides of Sinking Creek would have risen steeply with rock formations covering both sides. A narrow ancient Native American trail would have wound itself along the south side of Sinking Creek alongside the steep cliff, and the north side would rise steeply toward the sky, unchanged from what it is today. The creation of the dam and millpond in the early 1800’s effectively cut off the north side of Sinking Creek from any human contact since. The only thing that has changed … Continue reading

The post The Oldest Civilization in the World? appeared first on LewRockwell.

Recently, I saw a lovely work by one of my favourite artists, Alexander Calder, called ‘McGovern for President’. The art was created in support of George McGovern’s 1972 US Presidential bid, one which ultimately failed against the political machine of Richard Nixon, a highly intelligent yet ethically flawed man. It is important because there are some strange similarities to the 2016 campaign.  By 1972, the American protest movement had much of the wind knocked out of its sails. The Vietnam war continued to rage and the question became not ‘would America win’ but ‘how badly would America lose’. McGovern was … Continue reading

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