Given the strong link between leadership and psychopathy, questioning the sanity of our future leaders might not be so preposterous. One study, for example, found high rates of superficiality, insincerity, and an inability to empathize in a number of business CEOs (one in five). In order to be successful at the level of a world-renowned politician or head of a powerful conglomeration, one often has to take actions that can severely affect others. Being able to do so without feeling guilt or remorse is an advantage in both the business and political world. When it comes to Hillary Clinton, she … Continue reading

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The top 50 dad skills have been revealed – but less than half of fathers reckon they have mastered them all. Driving while distracted, keeping calm during family arguments, and fixing punctures topped the list of skills all dads should attain by the time their kids are teenagers. Fathers should also know how to erect a tent, plaster holes in walls and set up a Wi-Fi network, according to the poll of 2,000 dads. The chart also includes putting up bunk beds, flying kites and making a good bacon sarnie. Other essential skills include fixing toys, replacing bike chains, tying … Continue reading

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Chinese yuan is the only currency on the horizon which can challenge the US dollar to become the world’s reserve currency in the future, says financial commentator and international investor Jim Rogers. The elite club of reserve currencies used by the International Monetary Fund has a new member, the Chinese yuan. The list previously had four major world currencies the US dollar, the euro, the British pound and the Japanese Yen. The Chinese yuan, also known as ‘renminbi’, is the fifth most-used currency in international transactions. Until 2005 it was tied to the US dollar meaning that when the dollar … Continue reading

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Author, Ed Klein talked about his new book Guilty as Sin: Uncovering New Evidence of Corruption and How Hillary Clinton and the Democrats Derailed the FBI Investigation on Thursday’s Breitbart News Daily with SiriusXM host, Alex Marlow. Marlow said he thought the most important of the book’s many detailed chapters concerned “the palace intrigue” between the Obamas and Clintons, including the revelation that the Obamas “were well aware of Hillary Clinton’s health issues.” As Marlow put it, Guilty as Sin suggests Clinton’s shaky health was one of the reasons the Obamas supported her because “they think they could perhaps have … Continue reading

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The United States of America is a curious creature especially according to its presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton.On the one hand it is an “exceptional nation,” “the last best hope of Earth” and “a shining city on a hill.” On the other, it is a pathetic plaything of Russia’s Dr. Evil, Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin. Let’s recall. According to the Hillary Clinton campaign and the media only too happy to regurgitate its talking points: 1.) One of the two viable candidates for president of the US is in Kremlin’s pocket — either because he is a moron, or else a fully-blown Manchurian candidate. Washington Post: Trump proves he’s a … Continue reading

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The United States of America is a curious creature especially according to its presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton.On the one hand it is an “exceptional nation,” “the last best hope of Earth” and “a shining city on a hill.” On the other, it is a pathetic plaything of Russia’s Dr. Evil, Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin. Let’s recall. According to the Hillary Clinton campaign and the media only too happy to regurgitate its talking points: 1.) One of the two viable candidates for president of the US is in Kremlin’s pocket — either because he is a moron, or else a fully-blown Manchurian candidate. Washington Post: Trump proves he’s a … Continue reading

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Twelve years ago, John Perkins published his book, Confessions of an Economic Hit Man, and it rapidly rose up The New York Times’ best-seller list. In it, Perkins describes his career convincing heads of state to adopt economic policies that impoverished their countries and undermined democratic institutions. These policies helped to enrich tiny, local elite groups while padding the pockets of U.S.-based transnational corporations. Perkins was recruited, he says, by the National Security Agency (NSA), but he worked for a private consulting company. His job as an undertrained, overpaid economist was to generate reports that justified lucrative contracts for U.S. … Continue reading

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You would probably get a confused look in today’s world if you called someone ‘tarse’ or ‘nippy’, but it would have caused plenty of trouble centuries ago. That’s because the unusual terms are among Britain’s best long-lost swear words, which also include ‘bald-a***’ and ‘hollow-mouthed’ – indicating a lack of teeth. Dr. Todd Gray MBE has studied historic insults, with ‘gouty-legged’ and ‘copper-nosed’ – from the practice of treating syphilis with copper – among the others. The research fellow at the University of Exeter spent years trawling through 40,000 documents from the church and state courts in the 1500s and … Continue reading

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The Clintons will break all rules and laws to seize White House power. This is amply proven by the manner in which they rigged and stole the first presidential debate. The operation appears to have been planned in advance of the September 26, 2016, event, involving the Clintons and their operatives, the debate organizers, the broadcast media (NBC and “moderator” Lester Holt), the managers of the venue, and the security detail at the facility. The rig was carried out with near-military precision. It began with the building of a special podium for Hillary Clinton: one that was smaller than the … Continue reading

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People just don’t swear like they used to. As long ago as 1944, H.L. Mencken, the great observer of American language, sadly noted that cursing had been on the decline since the Civil War, and that while there was still obscenity, “it is all based upon one or two four-letter words and their derivatives, and there is little true profanity in it.” Taboos against what we would today consider pretty mild exclamations like “damn!” “hell!” and “Jesus Christ!” led the swearers of years past to come up with creative substitutions that gave them some measure of emotional release while keeping … Continue reading

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If you find yourself in Russia, you will have to drink with Russians, one way or another. Follow this handy guide for advice on how to manage the experience without waking up the next morning wondering “Where’s my wallet?” “Who is this person next to me?” or at the very least with a terrible headache. Contrary to popular belief, Russians are not alcoholics, and they do not drink just for the sake of doing so. However, Russians are happy to raise a glass to practically any occasion — a new job, a new car, Friday…but especially for a wedding. As a … Continue reading

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 EXCLUSIVE NEW INFORMATION REGARDING CLINTON’S HEALTH: President Obama is so concerned about Hillary Clinton’s health that he recently offered to arrange a secret medical checkup for her at the Walter Reed National Military Medical Center. Hillary declined the offer because she feared the media would find out about her Walter Reed visit and learn the truth about her medical condition—that she is suffering from arrhythmia (an abnormal heart beat), a leaking heart valve, chronic low blood pressure, insufficient blood flow, a tendency to form life-threatening blood clots, and troubling side effects from her medications. Hillary has arranged her own secret … Continue reading

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It isn’t often such a clear market signal is painted such as the impending real estate market collapse.  It doesn’t take sophisticated algorithms or an MBA from Harvard to add up the math and the data and see that we’re on the precipice of a historic real estate asset cliff; and that the market is waiting for an ‘event’ to tip it over.  That event, it can be Hurricane Matthew.  That means this can all unfold THIS WEEK.  For those of us who have been following this trend for a long time (like, more than 10 years) this isn’t news, … Continue reading

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An accomplished economist, Dr. Lott is one of the most published scholars who studies crime and any connections crime has (or has not, as the case may be) with firearms. I am familiar with the author’s previous publications, and consider this to be his best book yet. The topic addressed in this book is chiefly the messaging having to do with firearms policy, so the author’s two obvious goals are to first characterize those policies and effects and then to pierce through the often heated rhetoric about how those policies or effects are characterized to the public. This is not … Continue reading

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