Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton reportedly wanted to drone Wikileaks founder Julian Assange when she was secretary of state. According to True Pundit, Clinton and the state department were under pressure to silence Assange and Wikileaks in the months before the whistleblowing site released a massive dump of 250,000 diplomatic cables from 1966 up to 2010, dubbed CableGate. “Can’t we just drone this guy?” Clinton asked, according to unidentified state department sources. Published by True Pundit on Sunday, Wikileaks posted a link to the story on their official Twitter account on Monday, along with a screenshot of the article. UN … Continue reading

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Are you looking for time-tested cures for a hangover? Fear not: these Greek and Roman remedies to alleviate a hangover or prevent one could come in handy. In the ancient understanding of the body, drunkenness, and attendant headache, nausea, and dizziness, are caused by an imbalance in your humours. Excess wine will cause over-heating of your humours, and you must try to use cooling agents to feel better. Don’t be a barbarian Dilute your wine with water – the water will temper the heating effect of the wine. The Greeks and Romans frowned upon anyone who drank their wine “neat”, … Continue reading

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 California is on high alert after a series of ‘mini quakes’ this week raised fears a ‘megaquake’ on the San Andreas fault could be coming. A series of more than 35 temblors struck a rural area of Southern California near the U.S.-Mexico border in what seismologists call a ‘swarm’ of quakes. The swarm dramatically increases the likelihood of a much more major quake in Southern California, at least temporarily, the U.S. Geological Survey said. For the seven-day period following Tuesday, the chances of a magnitude-7 or greater earthquake being triggered on the southern San Andreas fault are as high as … Continue reading

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Anyone’s who’s ever tried to diet will know it’s a constant struggle not to give in and just have a Mars Bar. But nutritionists claim that by eating certain superfoods, you can battle these urges and successfully lose weight. FEMAIL asked two London-based weight loss experts for their top 10 superhealthy suppers that will fill you up – and help you shed the pounds. 1. SALMON    Eating salmon will make you feel fuller for longer, making you less likely to snack in between meals, says Superfood UK nutritionist Shona Wilkinson. ‘Salmon is a great superfood to help with weight management. It’s … Continue reading

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Marc Faber : Under Hillary Clinton, 80%. Under Donald Trump, 20%. The neocons led by the Bush family are pro-Hillary, because they made a deal with her, in which she does her social agenda in the U.S. while the neocons take over foreign policy. As such, the people in Asia are more likely to become harsher towards China. In Ukraine, for example, if Hillary’s administration starts a conflict there, the Chinese will react because China now has the power. Nowadays, an aircraft carrier is a sitting duck ready to be shot down. – in China Money Listen to the Podcast. … Continue reading

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NEW YORK — As a White House staffer who worked directly adjacent to Hillary Clinton’s second-floor West Wing office, Linda Tripp was afforded a front row seat to some of the most infamous scandals to rock the Bill Clinton White House. Tripp possesses insider information on the scandals known as Travelgate, Filegate and Whitewater, and she personally witnessed the handling of documents from Vince Foster’s office the morning after the Deputy White House Counsel was found dead in an apparent suicide. Foster was heavily involved in defending the Clintons in the Travelgate, Filegate and Whitewater cases. Tripp was the last … Continue reading

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Modern-day Britain could go into meltdown after scientists forecast the solar storm to hit between now and Friday which could wreak havoc with technology. Solar storms affect Earth’s technology as radiation is thrown at the planet from the Sun. While humans are protected from the radiation by the atmosphere, the rays can heat the outer atmosphere, causing it to expand which can affect satellites in orbit. That could lead to a lack of GPS navigation, mobile phone signal and satellite TV such as Sky. Furthermore, higher currents in the magnetosphere – the Earth’s magnetic field – could lead to a … Continue reading

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Many of us will try out the latest diet or fitness fad in the quest for the body beautiful. But when it comes to key facts about our own health, our knowledge is often lacking. In fact, most are pretty clueless about their health – with more than half admitting they don’t even know their own blood type, a study has found. Millions have no idea what their cholesterol levels are or what their normal blood pressure or BMI are. What weight is healthy for your height and how many calories and glasses of water should be consumed daily also leave … Continue reading

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Exorcists are in urgent demand as a result of a sharp rise in people dabbling in Satanism and the occult,  experts from the Catholic Church in Italy and the US said. Speaking in tongues, levitating and vomiting nails may seem far-fetched to most people, but church experts insist there is a need to recruit more priests as exorcists in order to combat sorcery and black magic. Valter Cascioli, a psychologist and scientific consultant to the International Association of Exorcists, which is endorsed by the Vatican, described as an “emergency” the lack of priests capable of fighting the forces of evil. “The lack of … Continue reading

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Hidden History: An Exposé of Modern Crimes, Conspiracies, and Cover-Ups in American Politics – Donald Jeffries Conspiracy Theory in America (Discovering America) – Lance deHaven-Smith The Law – Frederic Bastiat The Problem with Socialism – Thomas DiLorenzo Nullification: Reclaiming Consent of the Governed (The Wilson Files) – Clyde N. Wilson The Devil’s Chessboard: Allen Dulles, the CIA, and the Rise of America’s Secret Government – David Talbot Dr. Feelgood: The Shocking Story of the Doctor Who May Have Changed History by Treating and Drugging JFK, Marilyn, Elvis, and Other Prominent Figures – Richard A. Lertzman Anatomy of the State Paperback –  Murray Rothbard Against the State: An … Continue reading

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Archaeology students at one of Britain’s leading universities have been given permission to skip lectures if they feel they might be “triggered” by upsetting material like the scary skulls of dead people or traumatizing accounts of how they met their ends. This latest example of Special Snowflake Safe Space Lunacy comes from University College London, courtesy of a lecturer called Gabriel Moshenska. Moshenska, who runs the Archaeology of Modern Conflict course, felt it necessary to warn students that they might be required to learn about “historical events that may be disturbing, even traumatizing”. According to the Mail: If they feel stressed, … Continue reading

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Aging affects all parts of our body in one way or another – including our vision and eye health. One common condition many seniors experience is known as dry eye, and it can result from allergies, air pollution, weather conditions, and of course, aging. Most common among women during menopause, dry eye is an irritating condition that can really take a toll on your daily life. It’s important then that you keep your eyes lubricated to prevent dryness. Here are seven tricks to keep your eyes happy. 7 tips to prevent dry eyes Take a break from the computer: If … Continue reading

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When I was a young leader, one of my biggest growth areas was apologizing. For ambitious entrepreneurs, saying you’re sorry can be a difficult thing to master. I get it. Young entrepreneurs want to move fast. Taking the time to stop, apologize, and remedy a situation can feel like an unnecessary waste of time. But I’ve found that the ability to apologize immediately, and with sincerity, is essential for being a great leader. You can’t ask your team to take responsibility for their actions if you’re unwilling to take responsibility for your own. And let’s be honest: there will be … Continue reading

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The German writer Norman Ohler lives on the top floor of a 19th-century apartment building on the south bank of the river Spree in Kreuzberg, Berlin. Visiting him there is a vertiginous experience. For one thing, he works – and likes to entertain visitors – in what he calls his “writing tower”, a flimsy-seeming, glass-walled turret perched right on the very edge of the roof. (Look down, if you dare, and you will see his little boat moored far below.) For another, there is the fact that from this vantage point it is possible to discern two Berlins, one thrusting … Continue reading

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