Iran’s feud with the US is set to get worse after Tehran announced yesterday that it will start reporting foreign currency amounts in euros rather than US dollars, as part of the country’s effort to reduce its reliance on the American currency due to political tension with Washington. Central bank governor Valiollah Seif said last week that Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei had welcomed his suggestion of replacing the dollar with the euro in foreign trade, as the “dollar has no place in our transactions today”. Iran does hardly any trade with the US due to decades of economic sanctions. … Continue reading

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Justin’s note: Longtime readers know what Doug Casey thinks of nation states. He says they’ve mostly been an “inefficient, counterproductive, and expensive nuisance” and a “testimony to how thoughtless the average person is.” He also says nation states are going out of business. I recently called him up to get an update on where we are today… and what to expect going forward. Today and tomorrow, I’m sharing our discussion. I think you’ll enjoy… Justin: So, Doug. Are nation states really in decline? Doug: They’re definitely in decline, and that’s a good thing—nothing to be concerned about. It’s cause for optimism. The question … Continue reading

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Review by Robert Speirs: Modern man is surrounded by threats to his prosperity and even his existence. Even an honest, productive man can be caught up in the overwhelmingly intrusive system if he merely wants to keep his personal information private. Mr. Luna gives examples of how this can happen. I’m convinced. But he goes further and tells you how to secure your privacy and live without too much worry about the often arrogant and arbitrary administrative authorities. Review by R Kelly: My god, people, our privacy has disappeared. Any thief can steal our entire identity, our money, our bank account, … Continue reading

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Wednesday’s criminal referral by 11 House Republicans of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton as well as several former and serving top FBI and Department of Justice (DOJ) officials is a giant step toward a Constitutional crisis. Named in the referral to the DOJ for possible violations of federal law are: Clinton, former FBI Director James Comey; former Attorney General Loretta Lynch; former Acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe; FBI Agent Peter Strzok; FBI Counsel Lisa Page; and those DOJ and FBI personnel “connected to” work on the “Steele Dossier,” including former Acting Attorney General Sally Yates and former Acting Deputy … Continue reading

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Forty five years after he filmed The Exorcist the director behind one of the most terrifying movies has shot a real exorcism. When William Friedkin shot The Exorcist in 1973 he had never actually seen an exorcism, though even at the time he believed in the power of the rite which is designed to evict demons or other evil spirits from a ‘possessed’ person. Now four decades on he’s been given the rare chance to film an actual exorcism carried out by Father Gabriele Amorth, who regularly performs them. The director of The Exorcist was invited to watch the Italian priest at … Continue reading

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For an entire week leading up to the April 2011 storms and tornados that devastated parts of my town and Northern Alabama in general, the local weather forecasters gave us warnings. We were told to be ready for tornado survival because they saw the emerging weather pattern as it travelled across the country and how dangerous it would likely be. Fortunately, my family knew how to survive a tornado, but all too often, people are caught by surprise.  In our case, we were fortunate that our weather forecaster was taking the incoming storm seriously and you should know that if your local … Continue reading

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Use of the term ‘false flag’ is often met with raised eyebrows and accusations of conspiracism. But false flags are a very real and very present feature of geopolitics — and denying that is simply denying reality. Last week, the United States, along with the United Kingdom and France, bombed Syrian government targets, ostensibly in retaliation for an alleged chemical attack which was carried out one week before in the city of Douma. The story we’re told is simple: Syrian President Bashar Assad is an evil maniac who uses poison gas on his citizens for the sheer entertainment value. As … Continue reading

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In Hawaii a total of 18 earthquakes have been measured under Kilauea volcano during the last 18 hours. The largest earthquakes measured on the Big Island was a magnitude 2.2 earthquake measured on Wednesday, 6km southwest of the volcano. Kilauea is showing increased signs of activity, as the summit lava lake remains at a high level and continues to rise. Hawaiian Volcano Observatory spokeswoman Janet Babb said: “Overall, it’s been on the high side. With this latest inflation, it’s just pushing up even higher.” According to the HVO, the lava level is continuing to rise and there has been a … Continue reading

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Use of the term ‘false flag’ is often met with raised eyebrows and accusations of conspiracism. But false flags are a very real and very present feature of geopolitics — and denying that is simply denying reality. Last week, the United States, along with the United Kingdom and France, bombed Syrian government targets, ostensibly in retaliation for an alleged chemical attack which was carried out one week before in the city of Douma. The story we’re told is simple: Syrian President Bashar Assad is an evil maniac who uses poison gas on his citizens for the sheer entertainment value. As … Continue reading

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In 2004 I published an article in the journal, Middle East Policy that was entitled “Drinking the Koolaid.” The article reviewed the process by which the neocon element in the Bush Administration seized control of the process of policy formation and drove the United States in the direction of invasion of Iraq and the destruction of the apparatus of the Iraqi state. They did this through manipulation of the collective mental image Americans had of Iraq and the supposed menace posed by Iraqi weapons of mass destruction. Not all the people who participated in this process were neocon in their allegiance but … Continue reading

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In his latest podcast, Peter Schiff said we are basically enjoying the calm before the storm right now. With the US missile strike in Syria, rumblings of a trade war and a generally weak dollar, gold briefly flirted with $1,365 last week. But the anticipation of Federal Reserve rate hikes continues to create strong headwinds against the yellow metal. Last week, the Fed released its March FOMC minutes and most analysts interpreted them as “hawkish.” In fact, many people now think the Fed will nudge rates up again in June, leaving six months to get in the much-anticipated third hike of the … Continue reading

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Legendary investor Jim Rogers says market participants should enjoy the rally in stocks while it lasts, issuing a dire warning that “the worst correction of his lifetime” is coming. U.S. stocks opened higher on Monday as the corporate earnings season continued, with Bank of America reporting better-than-expected quarterly results. The Dow Jones Industrial Average rose 182 points, or 0.75%, to 24,542, the S&P 500 was up 0.6% and the Nasdaq rose 0.35%. Leading the Dow higher were Merck & Co. (MRK) and UnitedHealth Group Inc. (UNH) . “Soon something’s going to happen that will make everyone happy again and the market will go up one more … Continue reading

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USA – In the aftermath of the Parkland shooting, there’s been a fierce debate on how to best protect our schools. This conversation often arises after school shootings, and undoubtedly, gun control comes up as one of the “solutions” for protecting our schools. Other measures are of course brought up; The ideas of hardening our school with things like metal detectors, more secure entrances, etc. but more often than not the proposal for gun control often takes center stage. Unfortunately, when these gun control measures are brought up, they are often marketed as “common sense” or “reasonable.” I wouldn’t blame those … Continue reading

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Trump’s barely been in office a year and a half, but already his presidency has been analyzed to death, with every new diagnosis contradicting the last. Trump’s a “4D chess master!” No, he’s a charlatan ill-suited for public office. Please, he’s an outsider with a grand vision, hobbled by a deep-state legion of leakers and traitors. C’mon, he’s clinically insane, with incipient dementia. Wrong again, he’s a crouching tiger, his seeming missteps merely a diversion to lull his prey into a false sense of security. Be serious, he’s Åke Axelsson’s chimp, mindlessly flinging paint at the wall as others foolishly debate the merits of his art. … Continue reading

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