Some home baristas go all out. They have coffee makers and grinders that cost hundreds of dollars, buy only the finest specialty beans, and labor over their pour-overs like they’re birthing a child. Other people just want to down a scalding hot cup of liquid caffeine in the morning. And somewhere in the middle, there are those of us who love to drink the kind of coffee offered by specialty cafes but don’t want to spend any more money or time than is strictly necessary to make such a beverage on our own. To find out just how to get … Continue reading

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Texas sent a letter Wednesday to the Office of Refugee Resettlement officially announcing its intent to withdraw from the federal refugee resettlement program by September 30 if the federal government does not ensure refugees pose any security threat. Wednesday’s letter and the decision comes after the ORR’s unwillingness to approve Texas’ updated state refugee plan which would require national security officials to ensure refugees to not pose a security threat to Texas. “The federal government’s refugee settlement program is riddled with serious problems that pose a threat to our nation. The director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the … Continue reading

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Most people have had stomach problems at some point in their lives, but when you have an ultrasensitive stomach, any meal time can turn into a nightmare, as if food becomes your worst enemy. If you are one of those people who are looking for better digestion and less discomfort, there are diets that can help you. Cramps, diarrhea, and other stomach problems can be a sign of inflammatory bowel disease, ulcers, gastroparesis, or cancer. However, oftentimes it is simply a matter of having an upset stomach. Improper food habits or a super sensitive digestive system can be to blame. A sensitive stomach … Continue reading

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Originally appeared at Chateau Heartiste An insider source at NBC reported that Hillary Clinton (you may know her as the c*nt) had an epic meltdown off-stage of her recent debate with Matt Lauer (who is currently being criticized for asking her normal journalistic questions that enraged Leftoid Hivemind authorities in charge of preapproving fluff talking points for Hillary’s benefit). Here is the transcript: “will have us swinging from nooses”…whew, that’s an oddly descriptive choice of phrase from America’s Sociopath Schoolmarm. A couple thoughts about her noose reference: In context with her alt-right moral panic speech, this is additional evidence that Hillary … Continue reading

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Europe’s aristocracy fell over itself trying to support and promote Adolf Hitler during the Third Reich, a new book published in Germany has revealed. The Nazi dictator even granted ‘honorary Aryan’ status to a Jewish princess because of her social contacts which Hitler craved to turn to political advantage. He was obsessed with the British royal family and went out of his way to cultivate contacts with European bluebloods who had links to the House of Windsor, the book claims. ‘Hitler’s Secret Helpers’ by historian Karina Urbach chronicles how the noble families of Germany and Austria were vital to the … Continue reading

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The low fuel warning light on your car’s dashboard is a familiar sight to many drivers, and if you’ve ever allowed the needle to dip below “E” on your gas gauge, you already know that “empty” doesn’t necessarily mean your tank is bone dry. But depending on your vehicle, it could be barely enough fuel to make it to the nearest gas station, or it could get you home with some to spare. The auto repair service YourMechanic put together a handy chart detailing what the low gas light really means for various makes and models. As you can see below, … Continue reading

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On April 13, 1953, CIA director Allen Dulles authorized Project MKULTRA, the controversial series of experiments aimed at developing mind control techniques and discovering a “truth drug.” Agents dosed subjects with LSD and other psychotropic narcotics, hypnotized them, and exposed them to radiation and electroshock therapy. Some of the participants volunteered, but others did so unwillingly and unwittingly. The CIA attempted to destroy all records of the program, leaving behind only seven boxes of official files overlooked during the document purge. But a few stories survived. One of the strangest revolves around a series of uncontrolled experiments named Operation Midnight … Continue reading

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We all get tired from time to time. There are days when getting out of bed seems a bit of a struggle. If this is an occasional occurrence, you don’t have to worry too much about it, as it could be a result of poor sleep or a change in your schedule. But if low energy is a constant struggle for you, it could actually be a sign of a more serious illness. Below you will find eight conditions that all have fatigue and low energy as their symptoms. 8 illnesses that cite low energy as a symptom Underactive thyroid: … Continue reading

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Philip Weiss of Mondoweiss was curious how Todd Pierce, a military man from Minnesota, became a critic of what looks increasingly like America’s permanent warfare, so Weiss interviewed Pierce in a two-part in-depth interview. Philip Weiss: Tell me about your background. Todd Pierce: I was born in Princeton, Minnesota, in 1951. My mother had grown up on a farm and her family background was Swedish immigrant and Scottish immigrant. My father was from Iowa. One uncle of his had been the minister to China during the Boxer rebellion, Edwin Conger. His wife kept all her correspondence, and it became a … Continue reading

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What we have been seeing worldwide, from India to the UK to the US, is the rebellion against the inner circle of no-skin-in-the-game policymaking “clerks” and journalists-insiders, that class of paternalistic semi-intellectual experts with some Ivy league, Oxford-Cambridge, or similar label-driven education who are telling the rest of us 1) what to do, 2) what to eat, 3) how to speak, 4) how to think… and 5) who to vote for. But the problem is the one-eyed following the blind: these self-described members of the “intelligenzia” can’t find a coconut in Coconut Island, meaning they aren’t intelligent enough to define … Continue reading

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A pipe-fitter has traded in his $65,000 job and is selling his house to live in a $6,000 renovated red school bus. Jeffrey Pryor, 42, from St Louis in Missouri, said he had a ‘lifestyle of debt’ and wanted to ‘take back ownership of his life’. In a radical change of direction, he bought a school bus and spent 500 hours transforming it into a living space and workshop. He started by tearing out the seats, before installing flooring, insulation, a bath, bed, cooker, toilet, lighting, storage areas, and a welder. He named his red bus ‘Le Diable Rouge’, French … Continue reading

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It may seem odd that my top articles include those about the Great Depression, but it seems we are all a bit nostalgic, but also wanting to learn how our grandparents and great-grandparents survived supremely difficult times in the 1930’s. In honor of National Preparedness Month and my September vacation weeks, enjoy this top article, read by 315,000 people! It was the best of times, it was the very worst of times. America’s Great Depression of the 1930s was a time of starvation and subsistence survival for many families. Decades later, many survivors of those years hold on to the … Continue reading

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It’s called the stick shaker – an ‘attention-getter’ for pilots to tell them that their aircraft is about to stall. And it’s a warning that one serving airline captain received as he flew over north Africa in a fully laden Boeing 747 a few years ago. The cause, he says, was extreme turbulence, which had pushed the aircraft to below its minimum speed, despite the engines being on full power. He’s re-living the dramatic incident with MailOnline Travel in a chat about turbulence he is keen to have in a bid to help ease passengers’ nerves about the phenomenon. He … Continue reading

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Make sure to read part one right here if you missed it. Below, Doug continues his discussion on the misuse of words…and why it’s adding to the corruption of civilization itself… Fair. That’s a great word. But everybody’s got a different idea of fair. Put a bunch of money on the table, and let’s divide it up. Well, what’s fair? I don’t know. But I guarantee everybody will have a different idea of what’s “fair.” So, let’s forget about the idea of fair because nobody knows what that is. It’s a floating abstraction. I have a better idea. Whatever happened … Continue reading

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