In the wake of Robert Epstein’s groundbreaking study revealing that Google manipulates search results to favor Democratic presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton, Radio Sputnik’s Loud & Clear discussed what the revelations mean for democracy in America with civil justice advocate Mara Verheyden-Hilliard. “Given Google’s strong support for Mrs. Clinton, it seems reasonable to conjecture that Google employees manually suppress negative search suggestions relating to Clinton in order to reduce the number of searches people conduct that will expose them to anti-Clinton content,” Dr. Epstein wrote for Sputnik on Monday. In discussing these revelations with Loud & Clear’s Brian Becker, Verheyden-Hilliard, of the Partnership for Civil Justice, reiterated Epstein’s concerns. “Well it’s true … Continue reading

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Many of the most prominent people in the world once belonged to an exclusive college society, from President Theodore Roosevelt to former British Prime Minister David Cameron. Some of these societies, based at the top universities, meet to debate issues of the day, while others focus on the literary, the philanthropic, fine dining, or hell-raising. One thing they all have in common: secrecy. Discovering the details of what goes on in their meetings or how to gain membership is fiendishly difficult, but what we know about 10 of the most exclusive college secret societies in the world is summarised below. … Continue reading

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Pneumonia is a preventable condition, but you need a strong immune system to resist the infection. Pneumonia is inflammation of the lung tissue caused by a virus, bacteria, or fungus. It may be contagious if caused by an infectious microbe. But if it is caused by chemical fumes or other poisons, then it is not contagious. As we age, the risk of pneumonia increases, because our immune system becomes weaker, so it is less successful in fighting off illness. Let’s examine the causes of pneumonia in the elderly and look at some ways to boost our immune system naturally to … Continue reading

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Hillary Clinton is facing new questions over whether she brought her personal doctor, Lisa Bardack, to the 9/11 memorial where she collapsed. The Democratic candidate had a woman at her side throughout her time there – and as she was escorted away, the woman appeared to check Clinton’s pulse. She also held Clinton’s hand in a way which it has been suggested may have been some sort of neurological test. The woman was also seen whispering in Clinton’s ear in a video taken of VIPs at the commemoration. A series of Twitter users have questioned whether it is Dr Lisa … Continue reading

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In this publication, we warn regularly of the risk involved in storing wealth in banks. They’ve made the removal of your deposits increasingly difficult in addition to colluding with governments to allow them to legally freeze or confiscate your money. To add insult to injury, they’re creating reporting requirements with regard to the contents of  safe deposit boxes and restricting what can be stored in them – again, at risk of confiscation. More and more, banks are becoming one of the more risky places to store wealth in any form. Not surprising, then, that many people are returning to those … Continue reading

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Believe it or not, there are 12 black dots in this viral image, which is driving the internet to distraction. However, with four dots placed horizontally on the top row, four along the middle and four along the bottom, it seems it’s almost impossible to see them all at the same time. Instead, once the viewer’s eyes are fixed on one dot, the others in that row become visible – but the rest in the grid seem to bizarrely disappear from sight. The baffling image, which was posted on reddit by djeclipz, has already had more than 1.4 million views … Continue reading

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Everyone has heard of the sex drive, but few of us know we have a sleep drive, too — our biological need for some shuteye. And just as some have a stronger sex drive than others, people’s sleep drive varies according to their personality and genetic inheritance or internal biological clock. Our bodies and brains all run on our individual bio-time. Or at least that’s what they’re designed to do. During my 15-plus years as a sleep doctor, I’ve seen hundreds of patients struggle with seemingly intractable sleep problems — and all the knock-on effects on relationships, careers, and health … Continue reading

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Christmas has come early for “conspiracy theorists” around the world. An academic report published by Europhysics News in time for the anniversary of 9/11 is questioning the official explanation for the collapse of all three World Trade Center buildings on September 11, 2001, and their conclusion may make even the most rational person rethink their outlook. As the report from Europhysics News, a “ magazine of the European physics community,” notes: “It bears repeating that fires have never caused the total collapse of a steel-framed high-rise before or since 9/11. Did we witness an unprecedented event three separate times on September 11, … Continue reading

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Review by Sam Irvin: Reading “Dr. Feelgood” is as addictive as the drugs he pushed. The malignant deeds of this mad scientist crept through high society like cancer, reaching its most toxic peak in the Oval Office. In the process, countless lives and the course of history were irreparably shattered. The only thing more shocking than this book is that the atrocities of this monster were shamefully covered up for half a century. Thanks tothe relentless detective work of Richard A. Lertzman and William J. Birnes, justice has finally been served. When I was researching my own book, “Kay Thompson: … Continue reading

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How hot can you handle your spice? If you’re one to shy away from the vindaloo, classing yourself as more of a korma-kinda kid, it may be time to man up. New evidence suggests eating chilli and ginger together could help prevent cancer. Eating chilli, combined with ginger, can protect against cancer, a new study has revealed. Scientists believe the fiery peppers when combined with ginger could help fight the deadly disease. Past studies have suggested capsaicin, that gives chillis their kick, may cause cancer. But the new findings suggest the pungent compound in ginger, 6-ginergol, could counteract the potentially harmful effects of … Continue reading

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“To become a unit with nothing to believe in, not even one’s own humanity; to have nothing to be loyal or faithful to; to be a nonentity without family, nation or faith is to become a slave.   The new globalist world order would make slaves of us all as surely as communism sought to make all enslaved laborers for the almighty state, fit only to serve a cabal of superiors.” A now disillusioned Russia has experienced the results of a secular globalist vision first hand. Those who lived through some or most of the years from 1918 to 1989 … Continue reading

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Step into any grocery store and you’ll see shelves upon shelves of antibacterial soaps. Dishwashing liquid, hand soaps, wipes, and gels with this distinction have become extremely common in the United States, with many people using these products several times a day. Marketers have long been capitalizing on our fear of germs to make a buck, but it turns out you’re far better off not using those products, many of which contain chemicals that were banned by the FDA this week. The FDA says that the risks outweigh the benefits, and that serious harm may come from continued and prolonged … Continue reading

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NEW YORK—Hi, I’m Jocelyn, and I’m passionate about cloud storage! As founder and CEO of MeCloud, I’m excited to be bringing a consumer-facing enterprise team to application design while using my 35 years as a Certified Life Transformation Coach to establish a soul connection between digital technology and the divinity dwelling inside your hidden Truth Spirit. What we do at MeCloud is take a large variety of codebases and use them to drill down into all cognitive and fiscal aspects of your current life, employing Oprah’s SuperSoul litmus test to turbocharge your results strategy. The cost of the initial two-day … Continue reading

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The Devil’s Chessboard: Allen Dulles, the CIA, and the Rise of America’s Secret Government  A tremendous resource of breathtaking depth and clarity. Talbot builds on the now decades-old body of research — initiated by investigative reporters Tom Mangold (“Cold Warrior”) and David Wise (“Molehunt”), and largely developed by assassination researchers James DiEugenio and Lisa Pease (“The Assassinations”) — and adds groundbreaking new information. Talbot focuses extensively on James Jesus Angleton, the shadowy counterintelligence figure at the heart of the domestic assassinations of the 1960s, and examines the inner-workings of Dulles’ ambitious (and dastardly) plot to consolidate and control global political … Continue reading

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