Years of willful deception, the sands of time, and simple neglect all tend to cloud our perception of the reality of history. This is especially true for politically radioactive topics like 9/11. With the debate over 9/11 heating up as the 15th anniversary of that fateful day draws near, it’s a good time to get back up to speed. WhoWhatWhy believes there are essential pillars of the 9/11 debate that must be acknowledged by all parties before any healthy discussion of that paradigm-changing topic can take place. What follows is a refresher list of “known knowns” — select, broad aspects … Continue reading

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Following the slew of brainteasers that have been sweeping the web, internet users are now being baffled by a new mind-boggling riddle. The puzzle involves working out the values of three symbols – a horse, a horseshoe, and a cowboy boot. It sounds simple enough, but the infuriatingly hard-to-grasp solution has foxed plenty of those trying to complete it. Can you get it right? This puzzle, which appeared on Facebook, has thousands of people stumped It’s already garnered over 500,000 comments and 13,500 shares since it was posted on Facebook. The puzzle consists of four questions, the first three have … Continue reading

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At its height, the Portuguese empire spanned four continents, with territory everywhere from Rio de Janeiro to Macau. The first global empire, Portugal’s mastery of the seas began in earnest in the 1400s when the relatively small and isolated country sought to find new trade routes to Europe and the rest of the world. Its first major success came in 1488 when Portuguese explorer Bartolomeu Dias rounded the southern tip of Africa. Ten years later, Vasco da Gama reached India. The ensuing centuries would witness Portuguese navigators establishing relations and trade with countries as far as Japan. By the middle … Continue reading

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Bacon is everywhere these days. You can find it in ice cream, coffee, cupcakes, and chewing gum. There’s bacon-scented candles, bacon lip balm, and even a bacon deodorant. With bacon saturating every corner of the market, it’s worth looking at the origins of this smoky, salty food and how it became so wildly popular. Here are a few facts to whet your appetite. 1. IT DATES BACK TO 1500 BCE. The Chinese were the first to cook salted pork bellies more than 3000 years ago. This makes bacon one of the world’s oldest processed meats. 2. ROMANS CALLED IT “PETASO.” … Continue reading

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We’ve covered 20 pitfalls of English before, but there are plenty more to look out for. Here are another 20-word usage mistakes that can trip you up. 1. INSURE/ENSURE These words are easy to confuse not only because they sound alike, but because they both have to do with guarantees. To ensure is to make sure something does or doesn’t happen. To insure is to use a more specific type of guarantee: an insurance policy. 2. DISPERSE/DISBURSE Disperse is more common and has a wider range of meaning than disburse. To disperse is to scatter, separate, or sprinkle around. To … Continue reading

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A CONFIDENTIAL, 120-PAGE catalogue of spy equipment, originating from British defence firm Cobham and circulated to U.S. law enforcement, touts gear that can intercept wireless calls and text messages, locate people via their mobile phones, and jam cellular communications in a particular area. The catalogue was obtained by The Intercept as part of a large trove of documents originating within the Florida Department of Law Enforcement, where spokesperson Molly Best confirmed Cobham wares have been purchased but did not provide further information. The document provides a rare look at the wide range of electronic surveillance tactics used by police and militaries in the U.S. and abroad, offering equipment ranging from black boxes … Continue reading

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Over the summer of 2016, certain websites forecasted a string of protests around the United States. As it turned out, these protests often lead to riots. In most cases, there is no warning for such events, but this time, we were paying attention to the news and knew where and when many of these protests would take place. I was chatting with 3 of my friends, also Survival Moms, and we reviewed our situations. Not knowing if any of these protests would turn violent, we needed a guide for preparing for civil unrest. Each of us came up with a … Continue reading

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Originally appeared at Orthodox England This article gives an excellent account of the revisionist view of the story of Rasputin, which is now widely accepted in Russia.  It is 180 degrees different from what is generally known about him in the west.   Instead of being a “mad monk”, evil, and debauched, he is thought to have been a good, holy man, a Russian hero who was practically single-handedly saving the country and the monarchy, and causing the evil British government to assassinate him, with disastrous results for Russia. An excellent Russian 7 hour TV series with this interpretation was … Continue reading

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SANDY HOOK, N.J.—I need some French gendarmes in riot gear out here at Gunnison Beach. Can we borrow some? It’s hard to find any American police officers who will walk up to sunbathing women and make aggressive comments about their body—and for good reason. They’re gonna get a verbal smackdown, not just from the lady in question, but from any female within earshot. Oh, sure, we’ve got the Thong Police in Myrtle Beach, where the delicate souls on the city council have outlawed any garment that makes more than 51 percent of the bewtock visible. But those cops are fresh-faced … Continue reading

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Content creators who helped build the YouTube platform are being stabbed in the back. Social media is now starting to push the politically correct mantra to official levels. Twitter has already been moving quickly in this direction as was witnessed when it banned Milo Yiannopoulos for his Ghostbuster comments. Now a new “advertiser friendly” policy is being introduced by YouTube that will effectively punish users who express politically incorrect opinions or dare to offend viewers. The punishment will be doled out in the form of  de-monetizing content. This is the end game of allowing all your content to be swallowed up … Continue reading

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What book is important enough that I read it once a year? The Law by Frederic Bastiat. Written in 1848 as a response to socialism in France, this book essay is just as relevant today as it was then. “What, then, is law? It is the collective organisation of the individual right to lawful defence. Each of us has a natural right from God to defend his person, his liberty, and his property. These are the three basic requirements of life, and the preservation of any one of them is completely dependent upon the preservation of the other two. For … Continue reading

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Listen to the Podcast Audio: Click Here Mike Gleason, Money Metals Exchange: It is my privilege now to be joined by Gerald Celente, publisher of the renowned Trends Journal. Mr Celente is a highly sought-after guest on these programs throughout the world and has been forecasting some of the biggest and most important trends before they happen for more than 30 years now. And it’s a real honour to have him on with us today. Mr Celente, welcome back and thank you so much for joining us again. Gerald Celente, Trends Journal: Well thank you, Mike. Mike Gleason: I want … Continue reading

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Psychopaths are known to be manipulative and callous towards others, with severe emotional disturbances driving their antisocial actions. Neuroscientists have long attributed this behaviour to a general lack of fear – but according to a new study, psychopaths might not be as fearless as once thought. Researchers have found that these individuals may actually experience this emotion but fall short in their ability to recognise and respond to threats. In the study, published in the Psychological Bulletin, researchers from Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam and Radboud University Nijmegen analysed the relationship between fear and psychopathy in adults. For decades, the supposed deficit … Continue reading

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The Earth protects itself from solar storms using an invisible shield known as the ‘magnetosphere’. But because Earth’s magnetic poles are continually moving, the magnetosphere is weakening. This means our planet is increasingly vulnerable to the potentially devastating effects of solar flares. Now, Joseph Pelton, former dean of the International Space University, in Illkirch-Graffenstaden in France, has called for scientists to take action by creating a massive magnetic shield to protect Earth. Solar storms are eruptions of magnetic energy from the sun’s surface. When this magnetic energy is suddenly released, this accelerates the hot gases near the surface, which can … Continue reading

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