The Earth protects itself from solar storms using an invisible shield known as the ‘magnetosphere’. But because Earth’s magnetic poles are continually moving, the magnetosphere is weakening. This means our planet is increasingly vulnerable to the potentially devastating effects of solar flares. Now, Joseph Pelton, former dean of the International Space University, in Illkirch-Graffenstaden in France, has called for scientists to take action by creating a massive magnetic shield to protect Earth. Solar storms are eruptions of magnetic energy from the sun’s surface. When this magnetic energy is suddenly released, this accelerates the hot gases near the surface, which can … Continue reading

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The ancient Greeks are widely seen as having been the founders of Western medicine more than 2,000 years ago. But since then our understanding of the human body and how to treat it has changed beyond recognition. So what would be the point of studying ancient Greek medicine today? It’s part of a more general question: why bother studying medicine from times before people knew about germs, antibiotics, the circulation of the blood, or anesthetics? Although we now have a far more detailed and accurate picture of medicine, I think the ancient Greeks can help us think through a number … Continue reading

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The Paleo diet could cut your risk of a heart attack in just eight weeks, new research claims. Within two months of living off food that a cave man could eat, participants in a new clinical study saw a dramatic improvement in their health. The findings will be presented at next week’s national heart disease conference. Though the study was small, it has been hailed by experts in the field as a sign that small dietary changes can have a staggering impact on our well-being. And it would be the first major study to show concrete benefits of the diet, … Continue reading

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The United States of America may be a vast country, but it appears that huge swathes of its land are in fact owned by a relatively small number of people. So who are these ‘land barons’ exactly? Let’s take a look. 1 King family The King dynasty has owned huge stretches of land in Texas for over 150 years, as Richard King began purchasing it in 1853 and kept expanding his holdings all the way until his death in 1885. Today, the King Ranch is the biggest in Texas, comprising 825,000 acres of land covering six of the state’s counties. … Continue reading

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1. Your Vote Is Meaningless The truth about the secret government that runs the country. . 2. How To Survive an SJW Attack Vox Day on what to do, and not to do, when surrounded by left-wing hyenas. . 3. Grab the Popcorn and Watch Hillary Implode Gavin McInnes on the movie that can do it. . 4. Is Civil Unrest Coming to Suburbia? Rest assured, the media will lie about it. Article by Daisy Luther. . 5. Colleges Are Lunatic Asylums You won’t believe the latest, says Walter Williams. . 6. When I Was Young, America Still Existed No longer, says Paul Craig Roberts. . … Continue reading

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Nigel Farage and Donald Trump embody the desire of their societies for a dignified and managed retreat from empire. By contrast, Hillary Clinton represents the last frenetic attempt within the US to sustain its imperial role. Regardless of the outcome of the Presidential election, it is Donald Trump in the US, like Nigel Farage in Britain, who is closer to the deeper and longer-term aspirations and feelings of the American people. In 1969 Julian Amery, Member of the UK Parliament published the final of a six-volume study on Joseph Chamberlain and his tariff reform campaign. The campaign which began in … Continue reading

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Alfred Hitchcock taught us all the dangers of spying on your neighbors with his 1954 thriller,Rear Window. The single-set movie concerns L.B. “Jeff” Jefferies, a photojournalist stuck in his apartment thanks to a broken leg. He accidentally witnesses what he thinks is a murder, but must prove to the police, his nurse Stella, and his girlfriend Lisa that he isn’t just imagining things. Rear Window features performances from Hitchcock regulars Jimmy Stewart and Grace Kelly and couture costumes from fashion icon Edith Head. But before you settle in for 112 minutes of claustrophobia, here are a few facts about the … Continue reading

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I was sitting at the bar at Morton’s in West Palm Beach when I saw them reporting Hillary Clinton’s “alt-right” speech. I knew, from the faces of the CNN operatives with bylines and the chyron on the bottom of the screen, that this was serious, and that Hillary was finally putting away her racist fascist opponent. But is this really a good idea, making Trump the Racist a headline issue? Isn’t the time-tested way of race politics that you paint Donald Trump as a racist with surrogates talking about his racism and local TV commercials dragging African Americans behind pickup … Continue reading

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Reader comment from Western Rifle Shooters Association: A reader sends: With the rise of Donald Trump, the plan of the political elites has been to provoke violence and blame it on him, thus scaring the normal populace. Early on there were the road-blockings, the threatened riots, the cancelled events in Chicago and Cincinnati, the beatings, the police ordered to “look the other way”…and it has continued: The screaming harassment and physical attacks on Trump supporters as they leave his rallies. The spitting. The intimidation. The thrown eggs. The shoves and punches. The cars blocked and damaged. The hats snatched off … Continue reading

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The assassination of John F Kennedy in 1963 was an inside job, according to a deathbed confession given to the veteran film director Oliver Stone. After making his acclaimed film JFK – which was sympathetic to conspiracy theories about the murder – Stone was contacted by a man claiming to have been a former member of the presidential security team. Dying of cancer, the man wanted to share a secret that he had until then only told his son – that ‘somebody from his own team… had fired on the President’. He gave only a code name ‘Ron’, in reaching … Continue reading

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Originally published by USA – “Mexico’s Foreign Minister Claudia Ruiz Massieu on Monday asked the U.S. Congress to restrict the sale of assault weapons as ‘they cause harm on both sides of the border,” China’s Xinhua News Agency reports. “Ruiz Massieu made this call at the Second Conference of States Parties to the Arms Trade Treaty of the United Nations in Geneva, Switzerland.” Citing the “news” arm of the PRC…? The government that has called U.S. gun ownership a “human rights violation”…?*  What gives? U.S. establishment networks and the major papers, evidently don’t consider this “newsworthy.” And with their exhaustively … Continue reading

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As we know, the great dream that has been shaping the political integration of Europe for 60 years is today facing what is called an “existential crisis” – one so profound as to call into question its continued existence. The seemingly insoluble problems the European Union has brought upon itself crowd in from all directions: the slow-motion catastrophe of the euro, the unending flood of refugees; the deadly plague of terrorism; the approaching energy crunch. And now, amid that growing resentment right across Europe of all the EU stands for, it is also faced with the vote of one of its largest … Continue reading

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In 1920, postmenopausal women with chips on their shoulders took to the streets to rejoice in the passing of the Prohibition amendment. Those who opposed the constitutional ban went underground, seeking a respite in speakeasies that provided bootlegged alcohol, gambling, pretty ladies, and the popular tunes of jazz music. The following list takes us back in time, detailing how speakeasies operated and transformed a nation. 10 Birth Of Jazz During the Prohibition era, speakeasies ushered in the age of jazz music. In the “Great Migration,” black musicians from the South moved north to cities such as Chicago where they were … Continue reading

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SAN GABRIEL, Calif.—Only two athletes in history have won medals in six consecutive Olympic Games. Only two. Let me put this in perspective. There are about 13,000 Olympians, both summer, and winter, during each four-year cycle. Since 1896, when the modern Games began, there have been 184,869 Olympians. So we’re talking about something that happens .001 percent of the time, which is just one click above…never. The first athlete is Armin Zöggeler, a carabinieri from the Tyrolean Alps who has won two gold medals, one silver medal, and three bronzes during 1994 through 2014 Winter Games. Armin’s nickname is “Ice … Continue reading

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The main architect of Washington’s plan to rule the world has abandoned the scheme and called for the forging of ties with Russia and China. While Zbigniew Brzezinski’s article in The American Interest titled “Toward a Global Realignment” has largely been ignored by the media, it shows that powerful members of the policymaking establishment no longer believe that Washington will prevail in its quest to extend US hegemony across the Middle East and Asia. Brzezinski, who was the main proponent of this idea and who drew up the blueprint for imperial expansion in his 1997 book The Grand Chessboard: American … Continue reading

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