NEW YORK—I can prove to a mathematical certainty that The New York Times will endorse Donald Trump for president. My forensic investigation started two weeks ago when I wrote a column about media hysteria called “Donald, You Ignorant Slut,” and the column got passed around to various teetotaling members of the working press (the alcoholic ones were busy), all of whom sent me emails that started out, “YES BUT…” I’m not talking about commentators and pundits and editorial writers. I’m talking about the daily grind reporters who won’t quite admit that they do various sneaky takedowns of Donald Trump in … Continue reading

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If you’re looking for a short introduction to socialism that rewards rereading, Thomas DiLorenzo’s The Problem With Socialism is it. Perhaps your son or daughter has returned from college talking about collective control of the means of production and sporting Bernie Sanders t-shirts.  Perhaps you’re a political novice looking for informed guidance. Perhaps you’re frustrated with America’s economic decline and deplorable unemployment rates.  Perhaps you listened with bewilderment as some pundit this election season distinguished democratic socialism from pure socialism in an attempt to justify the former. Whoever you are, and whatever your occasion for curiosity, you’re likely to find … Continue reading

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The Intercept recently began releasing batches of top secret internal newsletters from the most important division of the NSA, the Signals Intelligence Directorate, or SIGINT. This is basically the spy division. The internal newsletter, SIDtoday, was never meant to be read by anyone outside of the agency, but it trickled out with the Snowden leak and has been waiting for proper publication. The Intercept will release nine years worth of articles in batches. So far there have been two, and they contain hundreds of articles. They start in the very early stages of the Iraq war, with the first one … Continue reading

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A clever online test lets you work out how vast – or not – your vocabulary really is. Researchers from Ghent University in Belgium designed the quick-fire quiz that sees users distinguish real words from made-up ones – and the results are quite surprising. The test, which has been taken more than a million times to date, has found that the average English speaker knows around 42,000 words by aged 20. To try it for yourself, click on the box below. You fill in your details and 100 letter sequences flash up on the screen. If you know the word … Continue reading

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Area 51, the US’s most secretive military base, in the Nevada desert, is the center of a new mystery even Fox Mulder would investigate – a fleet of 737 jets taking off and landing on a daily basis. A new ‘airline’ called Janet features a number of red-striped Boeings based at Las Vegas’ McCarran International Airport, according to Flight Club. While the name comes from the call sign used when the planes fly in civilian airspace, some believe Janet actually stands for “Just Another Non-Existent Terminal,” the Daily Star reports. You can’t buy tickets to fly with Janet and those who … Continue reading

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Originally published by USA – Every time I go to the range with a couple of suppressors, I get the question, “Can anyone buy one of those?” Yes, still, after decades of legality, it’s still a common question, probably because Uncle Spendy makes the process of buying and owning one so darn confusing. Here, we’re going to take on the herculean, and most likely impossible, the task of translating government regulation-speak into common English and a set of easy to follow steps, so you can figure out how to buy a silencer or suppressor if you so desire. The whole … Continue reading

The post How To Buy a Silencer appeared first on LewRockwell.

Originally published by USA – Every time I go to the range with a couple of suppressors, I get the question, “Can anyone buy one of those?” Yes, still, after decades of legality, it’s still a common question, probably because Uncle Spendy makes the process of buying and owning one so darn confusing. Here, we’re going to take on the herculean, and most likely impossible, the task of translating government regulation-speak into common English and a set of easy to follow steps, so you can figure out how to buy a silencer or suppressor if you so desire. The whole … Continue reading

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Hillary Clinton, Queen of Chaos, Queen of War, Golden Goldman Girl, for all practical purposes, is now the official bipartisan candidate of US neocons and neoliberalcons alike. Certified add-ons include Wall Street; selected hedge funds; TPP cheerleaders; CFR(Council on Foreign Relations) interventionists; media barons; multinational corporate hustlers; in fact virtually the whole exceptionalist US establishment, duly underwritten by the bipartisan, mega-wealthy 0.0001%. That does leave Donald J. Trump in the astonishing position of egomaniac billionaire outsider who somehow dreams he can game the whole system on his own, moved by his inexhaustible chutzpah. It’s under this dynamic that Trump has been demonized with medieval fervor by US corporate media. … Continue reading

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Selected excerpts, along with bracketed comments by Donald W. Miller, Jr., M.D. (The bold, italic, and red font text that the author uses in Stealth Euthanasia are copied as is here.) When the federal government becomes the big HMO itself, test and treatment denials will be the equivalent of death sentences for some, even many. The new health care reform law creates several methods that are likely to result in rationed care under the guise of “limiting expenditures,” or “keeping costs down.” [The power elite’s 2010 “Affordable Care Act” is a giant step towards their goal of installing a government-controlled and run, … Continue reading

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The myth of the chupacabra first began in Puerto Rico, after farmers found their goats drained of blood. However, new footage claims to have caught moving images of the beast on camera as it wanders through the Portuguese desert. In the short clip, the mysterious creature is seen to pace slowly through the wasteland on two legs, while stooping its head. The bizarre man-like beast neatly blends in with its muted surroundings, while birds are heard to chirp eerily in the distance. However, the creature doesn’t stay in view for long, as it swiftly disappears behind a large bush. The … Continue reading

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Delta Airlines recently experienced what it called a power outage in its home base of Atlanta, Georgia, causing all the company’s computers to go offline—all of them. This seemingly minor hiccup managed to singlehandedly ground all Delta planes for six hours, stranding passengers for even longer, as Delta scrambled to reshuffle passengers after the Monday debacle. Where Delta blamed its catastrophic systems-wide computer failure vaguely on a loss of power, Georgia Power, their power provider, placed the ball squarely in Delta’s court, saying that “other Georgia Power customers were not affected”, and that they had staff on site to assist … Continue reading

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We tend to think of history as a collection of abstract facts that have no bearing on the “real world,” but everything connects across the timeline. Big, world-changing events don’t just change things when they happen; they send out shock waves that reverberate into the present. Like William Faulkner said, “The past is never dead. It’s not even past.” 10 Espionage And Sedition Acts When Woodrow Wilson declared war in 1917, he gave a speech before congress warning of the disloyalty of many Americans. To deal with those who wanted to undermine the war effort, Wilson advocated “a firm hand … Continue reading

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There are many things to enjoy about Donald Trump’s unlikely climb to the head of the Republican Party. The media outcry, the resurgence of America First policy, the internet memes. Not only is Donald a mensch on stage, but the reactions he elicits are priceless. I say priceless because they provide an inside look into who his critics really are. “You can always judge a man by the quality of his enemies,” as the saying goes. Take former RedState editor Erick Erickson. A dedicated Never Trumper, Erickson has pledged never to vote for the brash businessman. This is from the … Continue reading

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Anaximander of Miletus was a Pre-Socratic philosopher who belonged to the Milesian school. As indicated by its name, this school of thought was based in the city of Miletus on the western coast of Anatolia, modern day Turkey. Anaximander is one of the three prominent figures in this philosophical school, the other two being Thales and Anaximenes, the former commonly thought to have been Anaximander’s teacher, whilst the latter, his student. It has been pointed out that these three early philosophers held quite distinct views on most subjects, and that their grouping is based on geographical convenience rather than on … Continue reading

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