More than 2,500 files from the raft of organizations run by billionaire George Soros have been leaked by hackers. Saturday’s leak, published by DC leaks, includes hundreds of internal documents from multiple departments of Soros’ groups, predominantly the Open Society Foundations. Somebody hacked Soros. His critics will be busy today. This doc alone shows Soros’s anti-Israel network | — Mike Doran (@Doranimated) August 14, 2016 Ignore the riots, Soros just got hacked and leaked! #SorosLeak (I’d post the link but Twitter won’t allow it – google it!) — King Robbo (@realkingrobbo) August 14, 2016 The files are grouped into sections … Continue reading

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Originally published by USA –  Judicial Watch has joined with the Allied Educational Foundation (AEF) in filing an amici curiae brief with the United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit arguing that the court should reverse a lower court that struck down an Ohio law shortening the state’s absentee voting period from 35 to 29 days (Ohio Democratic Party v. Husted (No. 16-3561). This reduction had the effect of eliminating the inaptly named “Golden Week,” a period of early voting in which Ohioans could also register to vote. Ohio requires all voters to register 30 days before the election. It allows all … Continue reading

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Lew Rockwell uses just 162 pages to demolish the idea that we need the State. Covering every important aspect of the State that its apologists insist make it necessary for us to submit. That submission comes under threat of force and backed up by a history of unleashing violence to enforce that threat. Lew tackles the Warfare State, the drug war, the assault on our liberties, how the bankers have waged war on the taxpayers, and how America really is a fascist system. His chapter on war dismantles the neocon propaganda that the various wars and military engagements since the … Continue reading

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Most states in the U.S. are dealing with a major outbreak of “super lice,” according to a new study in the Journal of Medical Entomology. The thought alone is enough to make your skin crawl, but it’s especially troubling because the news comes at a time when children are starting to head back to school. [1] Just How Bad Is It? Well, it’s pretty bad. Scientists tested lice in 48 states and found that a shocking 42 of them are overrun with the mutant bugs. In these states, 100% of the lice tested were resistant to over-the-counter (OTC) treatments: Washington California Nevada Arizona Utah Idaho … Continue reading

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For the developed world, clean drinking water is taken for granted. It’s one of the first things that a society has to figure out how to provide on a wide scale before it can be considered modern. However, just because the water that flows through your taps is free of dangerous microorganisms, doesn’t necessarily mean that your water is clean. If anything, it seems like the modern world has traded “water filled with bacteria” for “water filled with strange chemicals and heavy metals.” Here in the US, the public is starting to realize that their tap water isn’t nearly as … Continue reading

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In absurd reality-disconnect, Brazilian authorities are trying to maintain a «politically correct» image during the Rio Olympics, while the entire games are imbued with nasty Cold War politics. By «politically correct» we mean the apparent absence of politics. But that absence is partial, unilateral and false, and the forced measure is itself a very political act. The Brazilian Olympics organizers are claiming that it is against the charter of the International Olympics Committee to allow any form of political expression within the sporting venues. And so, they claim, in the interest of public decorum and decency, the Olympics venues must … Continue reading

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The thing that eats away at most marijuana support seems to be the fact that, after decades of research, the ability of the active constituents found within cannabis (THC, Cannabinol) to completely destroy cancer cells in the lab is firmly established in scientific literature. For example, here is a link to a molecular biologist explains how THC kills cancer cells. If you do a google search for scholarly peer-reviewed studies on cannabis and its ability to fight cancer, you will find hundreds of publications. Not only does cannabis have the ability to destroy cancer cells (without heating the plant; when … Continue reading

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Originally published by USA – We feared it was going to happen. And guess what? It did. Today, July 14, 2026, on the tenth anniversary of the Nice, France, truck rampage, the President made a stunning announcement.  Henceforth, the private ownership of vehicles would be forbidden across the nation.  In the future, only the police, the army and government officials will have the privilege of driving. The government, explained the President, had exhausted all other options. Our nation, it seems, will follow the same route it took years ago when it tried to ban the private ownership of firearms. The … Continue reading

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Hurricanes are probably one of the most common disasters that preppers will face. They can destroy homes, cut off utilities, hinder essential services, block roads, and cause widespread panic among unprepared citizens who often strip store shelves bare before the storm arrives. One way to look at this is that hurricanes provide a localized version of the social collapse scenarios that preppers often worry about. So if there’s a silver lining in this type of disaster, at least it gives us an opportunity to try out some of our preps in a real world disaster. In case you haven’t noticed, … Continue reading

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U.S. Conducts Airstrikes Against ISIS in Libya reads The New York Times’ August 1 headline, capturing virtually everything wrong with US foreign interventionism. Tracing the strands emanating from that headline regrettably requires a deep dive into an ideological and moral cesspool, on which Hillary Clinton luxuriates in a floating lounge chair, sunning herself and sipping a piña colada, evidently not put off by the stench. What’s ISIS doing in Libya? It’s an offshoot of ISIS in Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan, which is an offshoot of al Qaeda in Iraq. That group was formed from an embittered core of Sunnis dispossessed … Continue reading

The post The Most Dangerous Candidate appeared first on LewRockwell.

Bill Kristol is downright despondent after his failed search for an alternative to Donald Trump. Max Boot is indignant about his “stupid” party’s willingness to ride a bragging bull into a delicate China policy shop. And the leading light of the first family of military interventionism — Robert Kagan — is actually lining up neoconservatives behind the Democratic nominee for president of the United States. At the same time, the Democrats have become the party of bare-knuckled, full-throated American Exceptionalism. That transformation was announced with a vein-popping zeal by retired general and wannabe motivation screamer John Allen at the Democratic convention in the City of Brotherly Love. During his “speech,” a few plaintive protests of … Continue reading

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For a few years now, astronomers have been detecting hints that there may be a mysterious planet lurking undetected in some of the farthest reaches of our solar system. But a new study suggests there may be a great deal more going on in the cold, dark regions of space beyond the eighth planet orbiting our sun, Neptune. Scientists have discovered a bizarre new object, less than 124 miles (200km) across, with a strangely tilted orbit that sends it high above the flat orbital disk of the rest of the solar system. They found the new minor planet, which they … Continue reading

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