As I strolled through the frozen winter streets of Moscow a few years ago, a worrying idea came to me. Were speech and thought now more free in Russia than in what we used to call the West? I rather think that they are. Last week, Kevin Roberts resigned as executive chairman of Saatchi & Saatchi for publicly questioning ultra-feminist beliefs. He is not the first. A similar wild frenzy of persecution burst around the head of the Nobel prize-winning scientist Sir Tim Hunt, shamefully driven from his position as an honorary professor at University College London. It doesn’t matter … Continue reading

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A colon detox – or colon cleansing – is often recommended as a way of ridding the colon of toxins and lingering waste, undigested foods and mucus that have not been expelled from the body. A buildup of toxins and waste in the colon can cause weight gain and feeling sluggish, among other symptoms. The colon is your body’s waste management facility. The end products of all detoxification processes in your body will eventually end up in the colon to be expelled. When this waste is not properly expelled, it stays in the colon, leading to health problems. Here are … Continue reading

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For reasons of Hillary’s past record of ill-considered adventurism abroad and for reasons of the mad advisers from the Neocon camp whom she has in her inner circle today, it could be a fatal mistake to vote Hillary Clinton on November 8th “As regards Russia, Hillary has been pouring oil on the flames of potential conflict for years now.  She has publicly likened Vladimir Putin to Adolf Hitler, an insult that no one dared to apply to Russian (Soviet) leaders during the 50 years of the Cold War.  That coming from our nation’s senior diplomat virtually closes the door on … Continue reading

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Contrary to popular belief, Christopher Columbus was not the first European to establish an outpost in the Americas – some 500 years earlier, a Viking named Leif (“the lucky”) Erikson established a small village in Newfoundland, Canada. Evidence of the Viking Arrival to Vinland Although the Erikson family originated in Norway, they moved steadily westward as progressive generations were banished or exiled for manslaughter and other crimes. In approximately 1000 AD, Leif led a small expedition to Canada and established a colony there. Experts agree that the Vikings only lasted three to ten years at Vinland, eventually leaving not because … Continue reading

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A man put a police officer under a citizen’s arrest when he noticed the Texas state trooper speeding without flashing his emergency lights. It was all caught on the citizen’s dashboard camera. Phillip Turner claims that on Monday night, he noticed a Texas trooper flying down Interstate-35 sans emergency lights and going well over the speed limit. Turner is no stranger to interacting with the police: He is a videographer for the police watchdog group Photography is Not a Crime. The Austin resident followed the trooper and flashed his brights at him, then both pulled over. When the trooper exited … Continue reading

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Does magnesium lower blood pressure, or should you not worry about it? Here is what the research says about magnesium and blood pressure. The Importance Of Magnesium – A Personal Experience High blood pressure runs in my family. I was personally diagnosed with hypertension in middle school. I was prescribed medication; but like many college students, I neglected my health after high school and stopped taking my pills. I was forced to start taking my medication again after I began developing random, massive nosebleeds in college. But then, a few years ago, I developed heart palpitations, which sent me to the emergency room. … Continue reading

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Actor Clint Eastwood has backed Donald Trump over Hillary Clinton in the upcoming presidential election and bemoaned the current ‘p***y generation’ of political correctness. Eastwood, 86, stopped short of outright endorsing The Donald, but in an interview in Esquire magazine he praised the Republican presidential candidate for being ‘on to something’. In the interview published Wednesday, the actor-director hailed Trump as a foe of political correctness and ‘the kiss-ass generation.’ ‘We’re really in a p***y generation. Everybody’s walking on eggshells,’ the 86-year-old said. ‘We see people accusing people of being racist and all kinds of stuff. When I grew up, those … Continue reading

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As the world, are we thriving at our best? The question may seem comical. Of course, it depends on how you look at it. There is our day-to-day happiness, living in the moment, and feeling fulfilled by our home, our job, our loved ones, our environment. Then there is the deep-rooted issue of feeling like we are not thriving as the world, because there are obstacles we simply cannot overcome. I was sitting on the beach the other day, staring out at the vast ocean, and asked myself, do I feel free? At first, I thought, well, yes. Despite government … Continue reading

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Two city guys bagged a deer, and they began to drag it by the feet.  After the antlers tangled in the brush for half an hour, one said, “Maybe we should try dragging him by the other side,” and the second agreed.  After four hours, the second one said, “This is definitely a lot easier.”  The first one said, “It is…but we’re going farther and farther from the truck.” In a previous article, we discussed how to if you’re hiking across unimproved terrain, you need a pace count for yourself. We are going to take that information a step further … Continue reading

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This year when I was getting ready to plant my spring garden, I was a little hesitant to plant according to frost date this year. In February, I had seen a local farmer post on Facebook something that sounded to me like pioneer weather wisdom: February thunder brings a May frost. It sounded like something out of the Farmer’s Almanac. We had a thunderstorm on February 2, this year, and while our last frost date is usually around Mother’s Day (May 8), we had a frost on May 16. That frost damaged several crops in the area, and I was … Continue reading

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Apparently, our friend P.J. O’Rourke is back, to the extent that he ever left, and last night I heard that he dislikes Donald Trump so intensely—P.J. called him a “flying monkey”—that he’s going to vote for the Deathcamp Dolly, instead. I could speculate about what brought P.J. to this unspeakable lapse in judgment, but instead, I want to bring an unprecedented sense of proportion to the concept of voting for “the lesser of two evils.” If Donald Trump is a bad guy—and, given his sticky-fingered habits with other people’s real estate, I have no doubt whatever that he is, at … Continue reading

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Donald Trump called his Democratic rival ‘the devil’ on Monday in a high-profile escalation of his campaign rhetoric – at precisely the moment he needed to change the subject. Facing a four-day-long scandal over his criticism of the father of a Muslim soldier who died in combat, the Republican presidential nominee shifted gears. Sen. Bernie Sanders, Trump told an overflow crowd at a high school in Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania, ‘made a deal with the devil’ when he endorsed Clinton at last week’s Democratic National Convention. ‘She’s the devil!’ he added. Trump has hinted at the insult before, saying Friday in Colorado … Continue reading

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The Olympics were supposed to be Brazil’s chance to show off its progress toward developed-nation status. Instead, they reveal a country still haunted by violence, mismanagement, economic crisis and corruption. In the host city of Rio de Janeiro, investigators have recently uncovered millions of dollars in bribes skimmed from Olympic projects. This adds to the cost of an already wasteful event, but the backstory also reveals how Brazil’s elites hold onto power. Some of Brazil’s richest families are at the heart of the Olympic scandals. I dug into their lives while working as a ‘Billionaires Reporter’ for Bloomberg News in … Continue reading

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