Below is an infographic created Niraj Naik, who runs a blog called  The Renegade Pharmacist outlining several different health benefits that fasting can have on your body. Most scientists in this field recommend what’s known as intermittent fasting, where you eat healthy in between a 7-8 hour window — for example, 12-7 — and then fast for the rest of the time. How often one needs to do this to see results varies for everybody. Further research is still needed to better understand fasting, but experiments done so far are yielding promising results. For example, recent research has shown that cycles of prolonged fasting … Continue reading

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Until a couple of days ago, I’d never heard of Pokemon Go. Now I can’t get away from the smartphone game, released July 6, but I haven’t played it, and I’m still trying to figure out exactly what it is. I feel old admitting it, but I had to look it up online for an explanation. Though if you have kids, you probably know more than I do. (sigh) OK, let me see if I can make this make sense. Actually, never mind. I’ll just quote Vox: “In simple terms, Pokémon Go is a game that uses your phone’s GPS and clock … Continue reading

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Alcohol is a double-edged sword that’s been enjoyed for centuries by individuals from all walks of life. It can lend courage to the cowardly, creativity to the unimaginative, and, of course, be the downfall of one’s life. From excessive consumption during colonial times to bizarre drinking traditions from around the world, the following 10 cases explore random, little-known facts—both scientific and historic—regarding God’s liquid gift to mankind. 10‘ Beer Day’ Iceland, whose alcohol consumption has increased 35 percent between 1992 and 2012, has an official holiday on the first of March known as “Beer Day.” The history behind the date … Continue reading

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During an interview with Kitco News at FreedomFest, Peter Schiff said gold has entered a new leg of a bull market, and he expects the yellow metal to eclipse the highs reached in 2011: I think this is a new leg of the gold bull market. I mean, gold’s been in a secular bull market since 2000…We had a cyclical bear market that I believe ended when the Fed hiked rates in December. And now we have the new leg of this bull market, which I think potentially could be an even bigger leg than the first leg, which saw … Continue reading

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Hillary Clinton is not a human and people are ‘recruited’ to live on Mars are just some of the views that were aired during a special cruise dedicated to conspiracy theorists. The week-long event off the coast of Mexico, called Conspira-Sea Cruise, claims to attempt to ‘uncover the truth’ about subjects including climate change, World Bank, NASA, September 11 and JFK. In a Refinery29 video, shot aboard the cruise ship, some of the speakers shared their wildest conspiracy theories. Activities on the cruise include ‘nightly UFO star-watch’, seminars with talks by researchers, investigators, and whistle-blowers and visiting beaches during ‘seven days … Continue reading

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There is a vast literature on the CIA-directed assassination of President John Kennedy.  Most Americans have long rejected the Warren Commission’s findings and have accepted that there was a conspiracy.  There is much less research on the assassination of JFK’s brother, Senator Robert Kennedy, and, if asked, far fewer people would say it was a conspiracy and a cover-up.  They may not even know the alleged assassin’s name. But the assassination of Robert Kennedy did involve a conspiracy and a cover-up.  There is abundant evidence that the accused, Sirhan Sirhan, who was standing 1-3 feet in front of Kennedy when … Continue reading

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Summer months arrive with hot weather – and a high risk of heat stroke. If you don’t recognize the warning signs of heat stroke, you can be putting yourself in danger. Plus, the older you are, the higher your heat stroke risk is – along with a higher risk of resulting complications. Unlike hypothermia, a condition induced by extremely cold temperatures, heat stroke is a form of hyperthermia. It occurs when the body becomes overwhelmed by intense heat and is unable to control its own temperature anymore. You may be prone to heat stroke of you don’t have air conditioning, … Continue reading

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We the undersigned urge you, the presumptive Republican nominee for President, to support a rebirth of free-market capitalism in the U.S. You have said repeatedly that you want to make American great again. We agree with you. And we assert that the most effective way to start that process would be to affirm your principled support for economic liberty, for open and competitive markets and for a foreign policy that rejects both protectionism at home and interventionism abroad. Over the last two decades especially, the U.S. economy has been saddled increasingly with burdensome government rules and regulations that stifle innovation … Continue reading

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Few foods are more vilified than the humble egg. For decades, health authorities warned us that their yolks were packed with harmful dietary cholesterol, and recommended that we only eat three or four whole eggs a week. In recent years, however, new scientific studies have revealed that eggs don’t dramatically raise blood cholesterol levels, or increase the risk for heart disease or stroke. In fact, they actually boast multiple health benefits. Here are seven ways the fragile treats do your body good: 1. EGGS ARE PACKED WITH PROTEIN.  One whole egg contains a whopping 6 grams of protein, along with … Continue reading

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Originally Published on Money Metals Exchange The very first word anyone ever saw on a circulating United States coin was the word “LIBERTY.” From half-cents to silver dollars, each featured the likeness of an unnamed woman. The images varied, thanks to different engravers, but together they became recognized as Lady Liberty. Many, maybe most, of young America’s citizens were illiterate. “Liberty” may have been the first word they ever learned to read. If not, they surely knew her face. The Revolutionary War for them was not ancient history. The Founding Fathers knew all gold, silver, and copper is sound money … Continue reading

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Many of us don’t feel a day past 21 – yet our bulging waistlines and the wrinkles around our eyes tell a different story. Now, a test can tell us our ‘fitness age’ – an age based on how fit the body is rather than how many years we have lived. The calculator, created by the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, asks people to enter information such as their gender, height, weight, waist circumference, heart rate and how frequently they exercise. From this, the university’s Cardiac Exercise Research Group is able to calculate VO2max, a measure of how much oxygen the … Continue reading

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The millionaire lifestyle guru Martha Stewart has issued a stinging criticism of the millennial generation and claimed youngsters are too LAZY to get ahead. Too many members of “Generation Snowflake” are still living with their parents rather than getting out into the world and making something of their lives, the celebrity businesswoman raged. She is the latest person to rail against a mollycoddled generation who have turned universities into “safe spaces” to avoid testing their ideas in the crucible of debate and called on conference attendees to “make jazz hands” because clapping is too traumatic for their sensitive souls. “I think every business is trying … Continue reading

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It’s no secret that the 2016 presidential race has been one of the most bizarre, confounding elections of our time—even Stephen Hawking can’t make sense of it. Though Hillary Clinton has all but clinched the Democratic nomination, her come-from-behind challenger, Bernie Sanders, has promised to take his bid for the nomination to the floor of the Democratic National Convention floor in Philadelphia July 25 through July 28. Not only could that wreak havoc on Democrats’ hopes to unify the party as the country heads into the general election, it could get really ugly: Given the recent harassment and at times violent … Continue reading

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The Freemasons are one of the most secretive and controversial religious groups in the world. Masons have existed for centuries – and if we are to believe their claims, they’ve existed covertly for even longer. 

Whatever their history, speculation has always been an enjoyable pastime – and this is especially true in the case of the Masons’ more scandalous secrets. Having passed down traditions and secrets from one generation of initiates to the next, they make it difficult to know what’s outdated and what’s still practiced. Consider these ten masonic activities as provisional facts – we don’t know for sure, … Continue reading

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Beyond the sunshine, the palm trees, and Hollywood, if there is one certainty in California, it’s that a massive earthquake will strike at some point. But when the Big One hits, a recent report says, the western state is ill-prepared and local officials, as well as major businesses, need to face that reality to ‘prevent the inevitable disaster from becoming a catastrophe.’ Drafted by a group of business and policy leaders, the report identifies several key areas that need to be addressed before a quake as strong as a magnitude 8 happens, notably aging infrastructure, water supplies and the risk … Continue reading

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