Dr. Derek Cunningham has recently introduced a new intriguing theory to archaeology that many geometric patterns seen worldwide are a form of ancient text, with the angular writing based on the astronomical values used by astronomers to measure time and predict eclipse events. In this theory it was noted that many geometrical patterns seen throughout the archaeological record align to angles matching the circa 1 degree sidereal motion of earth as it travels around the sun; the 5.1 degree angle of the moon’s orbital plane relative to Earth, the 18.6 year lunar cycle, and the 27.32 day sidereal month. One … Continue reading

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From Harry Potter and Romeo and Juliet to the stories of Oedipus and Icarus, almost every tale told conforms to one of just six plots, researchers have claimed. A major new analysis of over 1,700 stories identified the core plots ‘which form the building blocks of complex narratives’. Researchers used complex data-mining to locate words linked to positive or negative emotion in each story to reveal the set of arcs. A major new analysis of over 1,700 stories identified the core plots ‘which form the building blocks of complex narratives’. Shown, the plot of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, which … Continue reading

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Videos posted on YouTube show what happens when curious visitors reach the warning signs of the US Air Force secret facility deep in the Nevada desert. In one, two men stumble across a secret rear entrance to Area 51, which they claim had warning signs saying the use of deadly force is authorised. They also claim that perched on top of a rocky hill was a sniper aiming a gun at them. One of them said: “It looks like a sniper man. That is where the cammo guys are watching this from. “And it says the use of deadly force … Continue reading

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Bill O’Reilly shared photos of Barack Obama in traditional Islamic dress on his program Wednesday night claiming they were from his half-brother Malik’s wedding. The Fox News host said it was ‘very difficult’ to verify the exact location of the photographs – a similar set of which were first released back in 2004 by Malik and previously published on DailyMail.com – but claimed they were taken in Maryland in the early 1990s. ‘According to his half-sister, Barack Obama attended his half-brother’s wedding in the early 1990s. Malik Obama was a Muslim,’ said O’Reilly. ‘The Factor has obtained pictures allegedly from that … Continue reading

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Found 30 metres underground at a coal mine, they are dubbed Jurassic pearls or the marbles of a Siberian colossus. The ten spheres are around half the size of a human, a metre or so in diameter, and almost perfectly round and smooth. To add to the mystery, they change color after rain. They were unearthed by an excavator at Sereulsky coal mine, in the Nazarovo district of Krasnoyarsk region, lying close together. It was as if they had been carefully buried by a prehistoric giant only to be found many millennia later. Or was there some extra-terrestrial explanation to … Continue reading

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It’s summertime again, which means many of us will be spending a lot more time outdoors walking, biking, hiking, swimming, camping, kayaking — anything to soak up as much sun as possible! But generally along with the great outdoors come bugs, including the much-dreaded, unbelievably annoying, and potentially fatal mosquitoes. These insects carry some of the most deadly diseases in the world, including West Nile, dengue fever, and malaria. To avoid these potentially life-threatening illnesses, many health officials warn the public to be sure they are using mosquito repellant containing DEET, a powerful chemical. The Dangers Of DEET From The Washington … Continue reading

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Forget everything you’ve been taught about dieting. Many struggle to lose weight and often wonder why they can’t get their desired body in time for the summer. But now an expert believes he may know the reason why – and it lies within our eating habits. You could be consuming too much after exercising, at a time when you’re craving calories due to hunger. Or you may be misunderstanding the real use of salt, damaging your chances of cutting down to a slimmer figure.   Writing for Healthista, renowned endocrinologist and Harvard University obesity expert Dr. David Ludwig explains in his new … Continue reading

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Hi, I’m Elliott, this is mental_floss on YouTube. Today, I’m gonna talk about some misconceptions about deadly things and situations, so buckle up. No, really. 1. YOU SINK IN QUICKSAND. As John Mulaney said, “I always thought quicksand was going to be a much bigger problem than it turned out to be.” A 2005 study published in the journal Nature found that people can’t totally sink in quicksand.  We actually float in it, because we’re not dense enough to sink in the mixture of sand, clay, and saltwater. Even if someone struggles and wiggles like we’re told not to do, … Continue reading

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Iraqis whose lives were destroyed by the 2003 invasion of their country today accused Tony Blair and George Bush of being the architects of their downfall – and called them ‘the devil’. The former Prime Minister’s reputation lies in tatters after today’s Chilcot’s damning report into the Iraq debacle found the toppled tyrant Saddam Hussein with no firm evidence he had weapons of mass destruction. And today people on the streets of Erbil in northern Iraq celebrated as the report finally tore apart the so-called flawed invasion that killed 179 British troops and their countrymen and women. ‘They removed Saddam … Continue reading

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Originally published by AmmoLand.com. New Hampshire – Not only has this happened before (and before that, and before that, and so on …), but events last week in South Carolina presented just one more example of a good guy with a gun stopping a bad guy with a gun. During an altercation outside a club, a man pulled a gun and began firing indiscriminately into a crowd of onlookers. The bad guy struck no less than three innocent people before one of the innocents who was taking fire was able to use his legally carried firearm to stop the madness. The … Continue reading

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“Three thousand years of beautiful tradition, from Moses to Sandy Koufax, you’re goddamn right I’m living in the f—-ing past!”—Walter Sobchak in the Coen brothers’ The Big Lebowski This is the 50th anniversary of pitcher Sandy Koufax’s final season in baseball, in which he walked away at age 30 after his 27–9 won-loss record carried the Los Angeles Dodgers to their third World Series in four years. With a half century of perspective, I think I can finally make sense of some of the facets of the Koufax conundrum. Was he really that good? How did he become so overpowering? … Continue reading

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If you’re a migraine sufferer, as I used to be, you probably know the feeling of desperation that comes with the pain, nausea, and vision problems. Some people try remedy after remedy but never find relief. It can be hard to find a solution because doctors aren’t even sure what causes migraines. But new research suggests the underlying cause of at least some of these agonizing headaches may be a simple vitamin deficiency. On 10 June 2016 at the 58th Annual Scientific Meeting of the American Headache Society, researchers presented some new findings to show that increasing the levels of certain … Continue reading

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