They shouldn’t have tried to scare us. It is a sign of how little the Remainers understand or know about Britain, and above all about England, that they thought that would work. I do sometimes wonder if these odd denatured shiny types, who actively prefer foreign rule to their own, ever visit their own country. Confined to glossy multicultural London neighbourhoods for most of the year, they then hurry abroad. Most of them are more familiar with Florence or Barcelona than they are with the equal glory of Lincoln Cathedral, whose history, beauties and significance are alike unknown to them. … Continue reading

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As Donald Trump flew in to Scotland today after the UK’s seismic break with the European Union, parallels have been drawn with the anti-immigration message that led to Brexit and his rise to presumptive Republican presidential candidate. Many have pointed out the similarities between Britain’s decision to leave the EU and Trump’s campaign – and believe it is an indication of how Americans will vote on November 8, which could see Trump in the White House. The Donald’s arrival in the UK will be seen by many as a meeting of minds – two worlds colliding with shared views including … Continue reading

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Britain is leaving the European Union. But that reality doesn’t begin to tell the story of the larger historical forces at work that are reshaping global politics, the global economy, and global culture and have been for much of the last decade. The survival of the EU is actually of little consequence. The union is dead and will probably be in its death throes for years. Germany, France, and a few other northern European countries will keep the dream of a united Europe alive, but on the periphery – especially the southern European nations of Italy, Greece, Spain, and Portugal – the … Continue reading

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Heart disease still remains the number one killer, so heart health is a popular topic for discussion for people to be aware of all the signs and symptoms that indicate a heart problem. Chest pains, nausea, sweating, heart palpitations and weakness are just some of the symptoms related to a heart problem, but there are many other signs you may be overlooking. Here are six signs and symptoms of an impeding heart problem that you may not be aware of. 6 signs and symptoms that reveal your heart is in danger Bad breath: Bad breath can result from many different … Continue reading

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You may love that fancy French armchair in your sitting room, but are you even pronouncing it correctly? It turns out that while you’ve been bragging to your friends about your newly installed pergola in the garden, they’ve been sniggering about your mispronunciation of the word. Did you know that pergola, while pronounced by many as PER-GUH-LAH, should actually be said as PER-GOL-AR. While chaise lounge should be pronounced as SHEZ-LAWNG not SHAZ-LONG-UEE, according to Dr. Ariel Goldberg, assistant professor of psychology and director university’s psycholinguistics and Linguistics Lab at Tufts University in Massachusetts said mispronouncing words relates to how we read words. … Continue reading

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A changing tide in dietary advice in recent years has placed sugar directly in the firing line. The white stuff has been vilified, strung up as the enemy – the root cause of spiraling obesity rates and ill health. A diet high in sugar can leave you feeling sluggish, lacking in energy and subject to wild surges and falls in blood sugar levels, which can encourage hunger and drive you to make unhealthy choices. But, for many, the world without sugar is a reality too terrifying to face – a dietary step too far. Despite this, growing numbers of people … Continue reading

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Throughout this long and often acrimonious referendum campaign, the most striking fact about the Remainers is that they have failed to articulate a single positive reason for staying in the EU. Instead, they have subjected voters to a barrage of scaremongering, with the aid of a once proudly independent Civil Service, pinning all their hopes on persuading the British people that the dangers of withdrawing from Brussels outweigh the many drawbacks of belonging to it. In doing so, they have had to seek the support of the likes of Jeremy Corbyn, Ed Miliband, Gordon Brown and Tony Blair — from … Continue reading

The post Lies, Greedy Elites, and a Dying EU appeared first on LewRockwell.

Since the end of the Cold War, American foreign policy could almost have been designed to undermine our national interests. Whether under Republican George W. Bush or Democrats Bill Clinton and Barack Obama, we have seen “regime changes” and “color revolutions,” facilitation of global jihadism while claiming to combat it, and gratuitous confrontation with post-communist Russia which was going out of its way to become our reliable ally. For those familiar with the operational code of the late Soviet Union, the counterproductive skew of American policy has a familiar ring. The Bolsheviks sacrificed the interests of the Russian people in … Continue reading

The post Hello, Lenin appeared first on LewRockwell.

These days we are all well aware that nuclear technology provides plenty of ways to disrupt our society. There are, of course, an abundance of nuclear missiles in the world today, as well suitcase nukes and dirty bombs. There is also the ever looming possibility of a meltdown occurring in a nuclear power plant. However, there is one nuclear threat that very few people are aware of, and we have the Russians to thank for it. In short, they have a bona fide doomsday machine. No, this isn’t science fiction. At first glance, it probably doesn’t sound very exotic, since … Continue reading

The post Dead Hand appeared first on LewRockwell.

In his recent article “Feed Me, Pharma,” ProPublica’s Charles Ornstein has been calling attention to studies showing that the prescribing decisions of doctors are linked to the amount of money that drug companies can bestow on them, usually in the form of meals, travel expenses, tuition support to attend courses, and so on. I find nothing surprising about that, and Ornstein need not be so scrupulous when he clarifies that “the researchers did not determine if there was a cause-and-effect relationship between payments and prescribing.” To deny that perks have a causal effect on physician behavior invites improbable considerations. In fact, the … Continue reading

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No media organization worked harder to get at the truth behind the destruction of TWA Flight 800 than the DC-based, Accuracy in Media. AIM founder Reed Irvine got involved in this project several years before I did and opened doors for me that I could not have opened. AIM has remained committed to the project and has never hesitated to share its research. — Jack Cashill When I arrived at AIM in 1997, we were just getting involved in the story behind the tragic downing of TWA Flight 800 off the coast of Long Island, New York, in July 1996. … Continue reading

The post About Time For an Honest Investigation appeared first on LewRockwell.

In his final rallying call for voters to back Brexit, the Ukip leader branded the EU referendum in less than 24 hours time a contest between “the people versus the Establishment”. He said Brexit voters would “crawl over broken glass to get down to that polling station tomorrow” but he called on those who have never voted before to grasp the “opportunity to make a difference”. The anti-Brussels campaigner said tomorrow’s result “may be tight, may be narrow” but added: “I genuinely believe we are going to win this”. Addressing Ukip activists in central London in his final speech of … Continue reading

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Bill and Hillary Clinton profess to have always been supporters of racial equality, but anecdotes published in a new book by his ex-lover claim otherwise. Hillary was heard calling mentally challenged children ‘f*****g ree-tards’ and caught on record blurting out the terms ‘stupid k**e and ‘f***ing Jew b*****d’, while Bill called the Reverend Jesse Jackson a ‘G**damned n****r’. Bill was also sued several times by blacks and Hispanics for violations of the 1965 Voting Rights Act. Dolly Kyle – who was just 11 when she first crossed paths with Bill, dated him through high school and began sleeping with him once … Continue reading

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Internet users are being challenged to test their brain power in a new quiz – which the majority of people will fail. The test begins by setting out the rules: ‘Answer the following questions loudly and as quickly as possible. Don’t think too much and don’t cheat!’ The challenge, created by Playbuzz, then goes through a series of animal pictures, asking you to name what each one is. Internet users are being challenged to test their brain power in a new quiz – which the majority of people will fail  The quiz goes through a series of animal pictures, asking you … Continue reading

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