This tricky general knowledge quiz promises to challenge even the brightest brains. Players are asked to pick the answer that is not like the others in a series of 15 multiple choice questions.  While some are fairly easy to spot, others will give you pause for thought. Indeed its creator Cody Cross, who shared the quiz on Playbuzz, claims it is so difficult that ‘no one’ will be able to answer 10 correctly – let alone score full marks. Think you can beat the odds? Scroll down to take the test for yourself. The answers are at the bottom – so … Continue reading

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I want to make full disclosure here. I practiced law for 30+ years, but I haven’t practiced for 15 years. I also teach driver safety classes, and many of my students have DUI convictions on their records. I read this book to brush up on police tactics, etc. Then I decided to write a review so prospective readers will know what the book does and doesn’t do. Folks should not drink and drive. That’s a given. But the author gives advice to folks who are stopped for driving while impaired. And his advice is simple: Don’t say anything, don’t answer … Continue reading

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Ever seen a new shooter frustrated by the need to rack the slide to practice the art of the trigger press? Now there’s a product to circumvent that chore so new shooters can concentrate on that, as well as the other fundamentals.  Meet the Glock E-Trainer. This little widget is distributed in the States by It’s an extremely lightweight (think paperclip), W-shaped device that clamps onto the rear of a Glock slide. E-Trainers are model-specific; there’s one for every Glock except the 42. I’ve been using ones that fit models 19 and 43. Amongst new shooters there are almost always some … Continue reading

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Speech given by Congressman John J. Duncan, Jr. on House Floor 4/12/18 In the days leading up to the Congressional vote on whether to go to war in Iraq years ago, Fortune Magazine had an article headlined “We Win – What Then?” The article said a prolonged war in Iraq would make American soldiers “sitting ducks for Islamic terrorists.” Another national magazine at that time, U.S. News and World Report, had an article headlined, “Why the Rush to War?” Now that war has been frequently referred to as possibly the greatest foreign policy mistake in U.S. History. The night before … Continue reading

The post Against War on Syria appeared first on LewRockwell.

It is the casualness, the thoughtlessness, with which Western leaders promised to bomb Syria that has been most horrifying. War, you might think, is a serious endeavour. One that requires thought, discussion, a weighing-up of consequences. There has been none of that in Theresa May’s media-trumpeted promise to avenge the victims of the alleged chemical attack in Douma, or Donald Trump’s Twitter-blasts against ‘the animal Assad’ and his hints that he will punish Russia and Iran for supporting him, or in commentators’ demands that we bomb Syria because it is our ‘moral imperative’. On the contrary, these Twitter bombardiers, these … Continue reading

The post The Bloody Price of Western Narcissism appeared first on LewRockwell.

The perception of Facebook is at an all time low, and they’re receiving a lot of bad press. Despite the fact that it’s probably well deserved, Facebook has still provided a great opportunity for free speech, the sharing of information we never really hear from the mainstream media, and an overall general voice and measurement regarding the planet’s perception of various events. It seemed to be a democracy of information, but unfortunately, the government has now implemented multiple measures to combat what’s become known as “fake news.” As a result, peoples choice has been taken away from them with regards … Continue reading

The post Google’s File on You appeared first on LewRockwell.

Have you heard of dry brushing? The name basically explains what it is — you use a dry brush to, well, brush yourself. Now you may be asking why on earth someone would brush themselves, but hear us out, it has many benefits. The main benefit to dry brushing your body is to increase blood circulation and lymphatic flow. If you don’t know, the lymphatic system is a network of tissues and organs that help transport metabolic waste out of the body. The lymphatic system includes the thymus gland, lymph nodes, spleen, liver, and tonsils. As you age, your lymphatic system slows down … Continue reading

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Justin’s note: Stop saying offensive words. That’s what the Associated Press (AP) is telling writers. You see, the AP puts out a stylebook every year that includes universal guidelines for stylistic matters like punctuation, capitalization, and even word choice. In a recent version, the AP encouraged writers to not use words such as “pro-life,” “migrant,” “refugee,” “Islamist,” and “terrorist.” It’s completely ludicrous. Yet, sadly, it’s a sign of the times. In the interview below, Doug Casey tears down the AP’s blacklist and discusses why this is happening… Justin: Doug, what do you think of the AP censoring writers? Are you surprised at … Continue reading

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Citizens are stopped on a daily basis by the police for speeding. Some drivers take responsibility, some get argumentative. The result is either a traffic citation or a warning citation. Motorists can also receive traffic tickets if they’re involved in a traffic collision. In most cases, a ticket does get issued. While some police departments allow officers discretion–is it really worth it to issue citations for traffic accidents with little damage?–others have a blanket policy to write tickets for all offenders in traffic collisions. As a result, police departments often times get criticized for being “ticket happy.” In Alpharetta, Georgia Officer … Continue reading

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Right now, the sun is a cueball, as seen below in this image today from the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) and has been without sunspots for 10 days. So far in 2018, 61% of days have been without sunspots. IMAGE: NASA SDO Via Robert Zimmerman, Behind The Black On Sunday NOAA posted its monthly update of the solar cycle, covering sunspot activity for March 2018. Below is my annotated version of that graph. March 2018 was the least active month for sunspots since the middle of 2009, almost nine years ago. In fact, activity in the past few months has been so … Continue reading

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Justin’s note: Stop saying offensive words. That’s what the Associated Press (AP) is telling writers. You see, the AP puts out a stylebook every year that includes universal guidelines for stylistic matters like punctuation, capitalization, and even word choice. In a recent version, the AP encouraged writers to not use words such as “pro-life,” “migrant,” “refugee,” “Islamist,” and “terrorist.” It’s completely ludicrous. Yet, sadly, it’s a sign of the times. In the interview below, Doug Casey tears down the AP’s blacklist and discusses why this is happening… Justin: Doug, what do you think of the AP censoring writers? Are you surprised at … Continue reading

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While Parkland has kicked the gun control debate up into high gear, it wasn’t the gun’s fault. We all know this. We also know that there were countless failures along the way that permitted a 19-year-old with a history of being troubled to purchase a firearm and shoot up his former school. As Glenn Reynolds (better known to some as Instapundit) notes, if we want to be serious about stopping mass shootings, law enforcement failures need to start being punished [shooters’ names redacted]. Law enforcement keeps failing, and people keep dying.  Where are the consequences? Where is the accountability? Despite receiving a … Continue reading

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Our most recent article about the most recent minor eruptions at Yellowstone briefly touched on the mitigation process this type of disaster entails and the evacuation efforts that would need to be made for millions before a supervolcano were to erupt. This brings to mind an even greater question of how the world governments would be able to feed and care for citizens without the help of the sun. Following a massive volcanic eruption, and especially in the case of a supervolcano erupting, the eruption would blast 240 cubic miles of rock, dust and volcanic ash into the sky. This would spread throughout … Continue reading

The post Volcanic Winter Has Happened Before appeared first on LewRockwell.

Nigel Farage has turned his back on US President Donald Trump, as the former UKIP chief cautioned Britain against intervening alongside the US in Syria. In an unprecedented break with the Republican leader, Farage said he would not want the UK to join forces with the US against Syrian President Bashar Assad. Farage’s statement follows a volley of tweets from Trump warning Russia he intended to launch “nice and new and ‘smart’” missiles against Syria. While Prime Minister Theresa May has joined French President Emmanuel Macron and Trump in saying those responsible for an alleged chemical attack in Douma, Syria, should be … Continue reading

The post Nigel Farage Breaks With Donald Trump appeared first on LewRockwell.

A series of earthquakes shook the US yesterday with several hitting worryingly close to the Ring of Fire, sparking fears a massive tremor could be on the way. The most powerful of this latest cluster – which also shook Alaska and California – came in Perry, Oklahoma, where a 4.3 magnitude tremor struck. This follows on from a flurry of earthquakes in California at the weekend, with experts warning residents to ‘get those earthquake preparedness kits ready’. Both California and Alaska are on the much-feared Ring of Fire – the most active fault-line in the world. The most powerful of this latest … Continue reading

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