The cold glass of a Bud is already sweating in your hand as your eyes frantically search the room, the table, the floor, realizing you’ve misplaced the thing you need the most – a bottle opener. But have no fear, we’ve put together a video showing eight ways you can crack open your ale or lager with something that can already be found around your house – or even on your body. Dig into your pocket and grab a dollar or that lighter to pop off the cap and enjoy that sweet amber nectar. If you don’t smoke and only … Continue reading

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I rarely tell people that I don’t believe in voting. Participation in the body politic is widely considered to be both a privilege and an imperative to the enlightened urban citizen. To choose otherwise is quite literally heresy – and heretics by and large have a difficult time of it in society. The platitudes I face as a non-voter are known to everyone, precisely because they are platitudes – People have marched for miles! or Immigrants crossed oceans!The fables are beautiful and they are compelling. But that does not make them true. I do not agree that secretly flicking a … Continue reading

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This weekend 150 of the world’s most powerful people are meeting in the Kempinski Hotel Taschenbergpalais in Dresden, Germany. A £25million security operation means their secret meetings will be protected by hundreds of police officers and soldiers. But who are they and what are they doing? It is known as the Bilderberg Conference and many people believe those attending are part of a ‘new world order’ who secretly run the world. Some even claim it is a cover name for the illuminati, a secret and sinister order founded in 18th century Bavaria. Ever since its formation in 1954 – at … Continue reading

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The key to great barbecue is to keep it simple: meat slow-smoked over wood. America’s barbecue scene is diverse, ranging from roadside shacks to full restaurants serving craft beer and brisket. Many barbecue joints create an admixture of styles from key cities like Memphis, Kansas City, and St. Louis, and states like Texas and the Carolinas. And even though the meat is the star of the show, what would a good barbecue meal be without a few solid sides? Here’s our roundup of the best barbecue joint in every state. 1. ALABAMA // SAW’S BBQ Location: Homewood, Alabama Last year, … Continue reading

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Dads aren’t usually very picky about Father’s Day presents — if you get them something, anything — even if it’s a World’s Greatest Dad mug or tie — they’re typically simply tickled pink that someone remembered them at all. Those low expectations are going work to your advantage this year — because this year, you’re not only going to remember to get your Pops something for Father’s Day, you’re going to come through with something truly fun, useful, and/or unique. For those looking to not only meet but exceed dear old dad’s expectations, we present the following selection of gift ideas: For … Continue reading

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The 64th annual Bilderberg Conference is being held in in Dresden, Germany, from today until Saturday sending ardent Illuminati New World Order conspiracy theorists crazy. If ever the powers that be wanted to fuel a theory there is a secret sect above the elected rulers of the world’s top nations, then Bilderberg is how to do it. Inside, no journalists are allowed in and there is no opening or closing press conferences or statements. On top of this, no minutes are taken and attendees are urged not to discuss what goes on inside with anyone else. The organisers of the … Continue reading

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Many of us remember (or still watch!) the old Popeye cartoons where the title character would instantly gain much greater physical strength by eating a can of spinach. But did you know that it could also build the strength of the macular pigment, a shield against vision loss? Macular degeneration is a common age-related complaint, partly because the macula in the center of our eyes can easily become damaged by prolonged bright light exposure, or looking directly at strong light sources such as the sun, without protection. The risk of this damage, however, can be reduced by increasing the amount … Continue reading

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Another aspect of President Obama’s “fundamental transformation” appears to be the return of tuberculosis to the United States, adding one more dimension of third world status to our new way of life. A highly communicable and fatal disease, TB is spread by coughing, making its spread in crowded environments – theatres, subways, schools, you name it —  particularly likely. One of the epic battles in the history of public health in the United States was the (until now) successful effort to contain it. I vividly remember returning to the United States from Tokyo in 1968 on a flight that had … Continue reading

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In commemoration of Bobby Kennedy’s assassination on this day nearly half a century ago, WhoWhatWhy offers a real treat to students of history. In an extensive podcast, Kennedy confidante Paul Schrade, who was also shot that fateful night, talks about his relationship to RFK and reveals insights never heard before. The 91-year-old Schrade begins with a leisurely reminiscence on early labor and political days, of special interest to those with some background in those issues. Starting nine minutes in, he turns to the RFK assassination. Paul Schrade had known Bobby Kennedy for years. They had worked in the political trenches, … Continue reading

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Prime ministers, finance ministers, leading entrepreneurs and a former spy chief are among the attendees at this year’s influential Bilderberg conference, but one regular guest, George Osborne, will be absent. The guest list for the conference, which begins on Thursday in Dresden, was released on Tuesday and includes a large number of senior politicians and policymakers, dozens of bank bosses and high-finance billionaires who will gather inside the newly erected security fence around the Hotel Taschenbergpalais. Two prime ministers, four finance ministers, the head of the IMF and a vice-president of the European commission are all listed as attendees. With … Continue reading

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ReadyNutriton Guys and Gals, this article deals with preparation on a different slant: something you may be able to do in your home state to protect you from “Big Daddy” the Federal Government.  Remember, preparation is not only for ELE’s (Extinction Level Events) or an apocalyptic cataclysm.  I would venture to put forth that when one loses their home, this is an apocalyptic event in itself.  One of the things that you may be able to use to prevent this “capture” of your home by the Federal and State government is a Homestead Declaration, and I encourage all of you … Continue reading

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Between 1276 and 1178 BC, a confederation of pirates known collectively as the Sea Peoples terrorized the coastal cities and civilizations of the eastern Mediterranean. For the most part, these pirates, who were the Bronze Age precursors to the Vikings of Scandinavia, preyed upon Egypt, which at that time was in its New Kingdom period. What followed was a series of destructive raids that culminated in two major battles—the Battle of Djahy and the Battle of the Delta. The former, a land battle, was won by the army of Pharaoh Ramses III. The latter, a naval battle, not only repulsed … Continue reading

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No minutes will be taken. No reporters will be allowed in. There will be no opening press conference, no closing statement, and participants will be asked not to quote each other. Welcome to the 64th Bilderberg Conference. Rich and powerful bankers, prime ministers and former heads of the CIA and MI6 are about to join other members of the global elite for arguably the world’s most high-powered but secretive annual meeting which this year is being held in Dresden. By their own admission, those organising the Bilderberg meetings have “never sought any public attention”, while always denying conspiracy theories that they are a … Continue reading

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2016 BILDERBERG MEETING Dresden, Germany 9-12 June Final list of Participants CHAIRMAN: Castries, Henri de (FRA), Chairman and CEO, AXA Group Aboutaleb, Ahmed (NLD), Mayor, City of Rotterdam Achleitner, Paul M. (DEU), Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Deutsche Bank AG Agius, Marcus (GBR), Chairman, PA Consulting Group Ahrenkiel, Thomas (DNK), Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Defence Albuquerque, Maria Luís (PRT), Former Minister of Finance; MP, Social Democratic Party Alierta, César (ESP), Executive Chairman and CEO, Telefónica Altman, Roger C. (USA), Executive Chairman, Evercore Altman, Sam (USA), President, Y CombinatorAndersson, Magdalena (SWE), Minister of Finance Applebaum, Anne (USA), Columnist Washington Post; Director of the … Continue reading

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You may already know your favorite moments from Caddyshack, which turns 35 years old today, by heart. But after reading this list, you’ll be a lock for membership at Bushwood Country Club. 1. CADDYSHACK GOT MADE BECAUSE OF ANIMAL HOUSE. Caddyshack director and co-writer Harold Ramis were also a co-writer of the 1978 National Lampoon comedy classic Animal House, along with eventual Caddyshack co-writer and producer Douglas Kenney. Held to only a $3 million budget, their film of frat-house shenanigans went on to gross $141 million at the box office. You would think that box office success would afford the filmmakers … Continue reading

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