ReadyNutrition Readers, I’m the last person on earth who would ever advocate going out and buying a brand-new vehicle from a showroom floor.  For any of you who may be selling automobiles, this is no insult to you or your products.  This article is meant to point out the advantages to “recycling” that older vehicle you have, and making an old thing into something new.  This has to do with a preparatory and survival mentality, not about saving dollars.  It has to do with things that may help you when you need them after the SHTF. We have already seen … Continue reading

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Had she not passed away in 1962, Marilyn Monroe would have been 90 years old today. Would she have continued acting? Retired to become Mrs. Joe DiMaggio for the second time? Carved out an Oscar-winning career for herself? What could have been remains a mystery, much like Monroe herself. In honor of her birthday, here are 14 things we do know. 1. HER FIRST MARRIAGE WAS ARRANGED. As a child, Norma Jean Baker was in and out of foster homes, state care, and the guardianship of various family friends. She never knew her father, and her mother had been committed … Continue reading

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‘Drinking alcohol is like borrowing fun from tomorrow’, or so the saying goes. And anyone who has been over-served on a night out will know the truth of it. A recent survey revealed the average Brit spends up to two years of their lives nursing hangovers. That means up to five hours a week are spent enduring a pounding headache, the misery of nausea, sore muscles, all compounded by the hangover guilt. Legend has it there are lots of hangover cures out there, with everyone having their own opinion of what works best. But, to separate fact from fiction when … Continue reading

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The entrepreneur who wants to “once and for all” settle the debate over how the towers fell on 9/11 is facing obstacles and skepticism from both sides. In a video introducing his now-defunct 9/11 Redux campaign on the crowdfunding site Indiegogo, Paul Salo pledges to fly an empty, auto-piloted Boeing 767 filled with jet fuel into an abandoned building — to see if it will result in the building’s collapse. Many skeptics of the official narrative for what transpired on 9/11 are wary of Salo’s capacity to prove anything, despite his stated intention to be as true as possible to … Continue reading

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Whether it’s a sore back from sitting too long,an old sports injury or just something we can come to expect with age, most people suffer from aches and pains at some point in their lives. But not everyone is keen to turn to the medicine cabinet or may find the tablets don’t work that well. Be it general stiffness, constant niggles or something more serious, for many people no one particular treatment will work. This is when what you have in the fridge, cupboard or fruit bowl can come in handy to try a natural alternative. Certain foods are thought … Continue reading

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Latin has left a massive footprint on the English lexicon: According to some estimates, 60 percent of its vocabulary ultimately comes from the language. English’s Latin derivatives come in a variety of shapes and sizes, from equality to grandiloquent to quid pro quo. Academic and abstract, many of these borrowings feel very Latin-y. But there are a number of borrowings so ingrained in the English language that we no longer even recognize that they’ve been lifted straight out of Latin. 1. EXIT If you tell someone to exit the motorway, you’re telling them the third-person singular present indicative form of the irregular exeo: … Continue reading

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This article was written by Dickson Buchanan Jr., SchiffGold Precious Metals Specialist. Any views expressed are his own and do not necessarily reflect the views of Peter Schiff or SchiffGold. Whether intuitively or analytically, we all know that the dollar is not such a great form of money. That’s putting it lightly, though. A dollar is a terrible form of money when you take a closer look. Those who have lived longer on this earth tend to grasp this reality more clearly. Like trying to walk up a downward-moving escalator, the momentum of a falling dollar is always against you. This becomes … Continue reading

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The number of ‘whistleblowers’ that have emerged over the years regarding the ongoing ‘war against terror’ is truly eye-opening. Unfortunately, many remain innocently ignorant given the fact that mainstream corporate media will not touch this stuff. They are, however, very quick to jump on the ‘terrorist’ bandwagon when an alleged attack is carried out, supposedly by ‘The Islamic State.’ As prominent author and Canadian economist Dr. Michel Chossudovsky said, a statement that’s been used in several articles here at Collective Evolution: We are dealing with a criminal undertaking at a global level…The global war on terrorism…is fake, it’s based on … Continue reading

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IMAGE CREDIT: HARLEQUEEN VIA WIKIMEDIA COMMONS // CC BY-SA 2.0 Superstition is a fascinating thing. It tends to arise in times of turmoil or uncertainty, and it gives us a way to feel like we’re in control of a situation. But it can also be a great window into the way people think. Here are 15 surprising historical good-luck theories from around the world. 1. WEAR YOUR UNDERPANTS INSIDE OUT. If you want to guarantee yourself a good year, you’ll need to do as Colombian people do and put on a pair of yellow underpants, inside out, on December 31. At … Continue reading

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It’s that bizarre time of year, when daredevil challengers take part in the famous Cooper’s Hill cheese rolling competition. Champion chaser Chris Anderson won the competition again, securing an incredible 17th race win, after leaving his rivals for dust. The 28-year-old soldier may love competing in the unusual race but admits he absolutely hates cheese. He dedicated his win in memory of a friend who recently passed away. “It’s brilliant, I’m really happy. My friend Izzy John sadly passed away recently so this is for him and his family. He won it multiple times,” he said. “Cheese rolling is really … Continue reading

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They say a man’s house is his castle, but some homes are definitely an acquired taste. As humans have reached every corner of the globe, they have also fought tooth and nail to create a patch of land to call their own – occasionally in the most bizarre places. The following pictures show houses in locations that would take a sturdy backbone to sleep in. From the house perched perilously atop a towering rock in Georgia to the only building on an entire Icelandic island, some abodes look straight out of a Tolkien fantasy. Whether they hang over a cluster … Continue reading

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The Last of the Freemen – Carl Trotz Dead Wake: The Last Crossing of the Lusitania – Erik Larson The Confessions of Congressman X – Congressman X Against the State: An Anarcho-Capitalist Manifesto – Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr. Liar Liar Cruz on Fire: Exposing the Biggest Fraud in US Political History – Paul W LeBon A History of Medieval Europe: From Constantine to Saint Louis – R.H.C. Davis America’s Great Depression – Murray N. Rothbard Battlefield America: The War on the American People – John W. Whitehead Crippled America: How to Make America Great Again – Donald J. Trump Jeb! and the Bush Crime Family: The Inside Story of an … Continue reading

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The Obama administration cat-and-mouse game, also known as filing freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests, has hit a brick wall with the Central Intelligence Agency with WMR’s request for “copies of all records generated between January 1, 1947 and May 5, 2016, concerning the Central Intelligence Agency’s employment of or contacts with Rafael Bienvenidos Cruz, Sr., the Cuban-born grandfather of Texas Senator Ted Cruz.” We also requested all similar records generated between January 1, 1956, and May 5, 2016, concerning the CIA’s relationships with Rafael Bienvenidos Cruz y Diaz, Jr., the Cuban-born father of Ted Cruz. The agency has not … Continue reading

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By The Siberian Times reporter Locals have heard ‘booms from the underworld’ in a giant ravine but now scientists say it holds secrets of the planet’s past. Many Yakutian people are said to be scared to approach the Batagaika Crater – also known as the Batagaika Megaslump: believing in the upper, middle and under worlds, they see this as a doorway to the last of these. The fearsome noises are probably just the thuds of falling soil at a landmark that is a one-kilometre-long gash up to 100 metres (328 feet) deep in the Siberian taiga. Batagaika started to form in … Continue reading

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Whether it’s an upcoming wedding, graduation, or simply another day at the office, a pair of shiny shoes can set you apart as a man who cares about the details. Not only does shining your shoes look good, it is a necessary part of properly caring for and maintaining a nice pair of leather shoes or boots. The polish itself helps moisturize and waterproof the leather, lengthening the lifespan of your shoes. And the buffing and shining ensures a clean, pulled-together look no matter the occasion. This article provides the complete multimedia guide to shining your shoes. There are a number … Continue reading

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