No one knows the formula for a successful book. Is it the abundance of description, or perhaps the lack of it? Is it brutally honest language, short sentences, or a bizarre story line? The answer remains wonderfully elusive, although everyone will agree that hard work is key to a book’s success. Well, almost everyone. Every so often, a rogue writer comes along with big dreams and a sneaky scheme, duping critics, and readers alike. And while some maintain honesty is the best policy, that certainly wasn’t the case for these 10 literary hoaxers. 10 Naked Came The Stranger Naked Came the … Continue reading

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Major volcanic eruptions may have paved the way for the Roman Empire’s success in Egypt and the Middle East. These eruptions helped destroy the Ptolemaic Kingdom on the Nile, which ruled in the Hellenistic period, scientists say. The domestic unrest and ensuing uprising led to the Kingdom’s destruction in Egypt and North Africa 30 BC. Researchers at Yale University were able to discover a link between volcanic eruptions and region by combining historical accounts with climate data. ‘So far, Hellenistic history has never had any climate component,’ Joseph Manning, a historian at Yale University told the meeting of the European … Continue reading

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I believe that the best foods are those born out of necessity. Looking at that old rooster in the yard, one might conclude that the tough old bird will taste of chewy, tough game. But somewhere along the line, a very hungry person in France decided to braise that old bird in red wine (along with bacon and other goodness), creating the beloved dish now known as coq au vin. The truth of the matter is most of our favorite comfort foods are not haute cuisine. We learn to make do with what we have, and more likely, what we … Continue reading

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Brexiteers should have been prepared for the shattering intervention of the US.  The European Union always was an American project. It was Washington that drove European integration in the late 1940s, and funded it covertly under the Truman, Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, and Nixon administrations. While irritated at times, the US has relied on the EU ever since as the anchor to American regional interests alongside NATO. There has never been a divide-and-rule strategy. The eurosceptic camp has been strangely blind to this, somehow supposing that powerful forces across the Atlantic are egging on British secession, and will hail them as liberators. … Continue reading

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Killing from the Inside Out: Moral Injury and Just War – Robert Emmet Meagher Church of Spies: The Pope’s Secret War Against Hitler – Mark Riebling Alias Shakespeare – Joseph Sobran 9 Presidents Who Screwed Up America: And Four Who Tried to Save Her – Brion McClanahan The Good War That Wasn’t-and Why It Matters – Ted Grimsrud The Lost History of 1914: Reconsidering the Year the Great War Began – Jack Beatty American War Machine: Deep Politics, the CIA Global Drug Connection, and the Road to Afghanistan – Peter Dale Scott Against the State: An Anarcho-Capitalist Manifesto – Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr. Austrian School for Investors: Austrian Investing … Continue reading

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Human life begins in a bright flash of light as a sperm meets an egg, scientists have shown for the first time, after capturing the astonishing ‘fireworks’ on film. An explosion of tiny sparks erupts from the egg at the exact moment of conception. Scientists had seen the phenomenon occur in other animals but it is the first time is has been also shown to happen in humans. Not only is it an incredible spectacle, highlighting the very moment that a new life begins, the size of the flash can be used to determine the quality of the fertilised egg. … Continue reading

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Two black students at Salisbury University drew a stick figure hanging from a noose on a whiteboard in the taxpayer-funded school’s library, police say. The image also featured the word “Nigger!” (with the exclamation point) and the hashtag #WhitePower The hoax incident caused great calamity on the 8,657-student campus in Salisbury, Md. The Salisbury University Police Department initiated a hate-crime investigation. However, upon learning that the unidentified students are black, authorities chose to file no charges, reports The Daily Times, a local newspaper. The racist image appeared on a Blackwell Library on April 10, around the time of the school’s eighth annual … Continue reading

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Most people have a lot of really stupid ideas about what to do during a medical emergency. 90% of these ideas are probably gleaned from what we see on television. Even though we know deep down that movies and tv shows do not reflect reality, after seeing our favorite characters perform the same medical procedures over and over, we start to assume that they must be based in fact. The rest are old wives tales that simply refuse to die. So if you don’t have any medical training, leave it to the professionals. And if a professional isn’t available, take … Continue reading

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‘Good manners will open doors that the best education cannot’, so said Clarence Thomas, an American lawyer. Very apt! So just how perfect is your politesse? Can you hob nob with the crème de la crème, or are you more Crystal Palace than Buckingham Palace? Take my quick quiz to find out. 1) When invited to a dinner at 7.30pm at a private house, what time should you arrive? a) 7.20pm b) 7.30pm c) 7.40pm 2) When served as a first course, which is the correct way to eat asparagus? a) With a knife and fork b) With just a … Continue reading

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The additional Special Forces the US will deploy in Syria are going to carry guns and engage in combat, says former Pentagon analyst Michael Maloof. The mission is potentially to train, but the question is what forces they will train, he adds. The deployment of up to 250 Special Forces soldiers increases US forces in Syria six-fold and is aimed at helping militia fighters who have clawed back territory from Islamic State militants in a string of victories. US President Barack Obama has confirmed plans to increase the US troop presence in Syria. He said the additional 250 personnel are … Continue reading

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The additional Special Forces the US will deploy in Syria are going to carry guns and engage in combat, says former Pentagon analyst Michael Maloof. The mission is potentially to train, but the question is what forces they will train, he adds. The deployment of up to 250 Special Forces soldiers increases US forces in Syria six-fold and is aimed at helping militia fighters who have clawed back territory from Islamic State militants in a string of victories. US President Barack Obama has confirmed plans to increase the US troop presence in Syria. He said the additional 250 personnel are … Continue reading

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On the 30th anniversary of the world’s worst nuclear catastrophe yet, a new report shows radioactive contamination from the 1986 explosion at Chernobyl in Ukraine still lingers in startlingly large amounts across the border in neighboring Belarus. In an exclusive report by the Associated Press, fresh milk from a Belarusian dairy farm contained a radioactive isotope, traceable to the Chernobyl disaster, at “levels 10 times higher than the nation’s food safety limits” — thirty years after the accident occurred. Though the AP turned to a laboratory to test the milk, dairy farmer Nikolai Chubenok called the results “impossible.” “There is … Continue reading

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Eruptions at Snake River Plain in Idaho were “significantly larger” than geologists had previously thought. Scientists from the University of Leicester discovered there were a staggering 12 massive eruptions over the course of four million years, beginning 12 million years ago. The massive eruptions helped to form the 100 kilometre-wide Snake River Basin, with one of the most powerful eruptions occurring 8.1 million years ago. The eruption’s volume exceeded 1,900 km3 and created a 1.3km thick caldera. Furthermore, the Snake River Plain is situated on the Yellowstone Hotspot track, a region which spans from Nevada, through Oregon and Idaho and … Continue reading

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Depression, no matters the cause, level of severity, of the length of time a person has suffered should be taken seriously. Feeling down and blue is something everyone experiences at some point in life but when this feeling becomes overwhelming and long-lasting, more than likely depression has set in. Although there are times when conventional medicine is needed to treat this mental condition there are many times when Anti-Depression natural remedies are the best treatment. Before providing some of the more effective natural cures for depression, we wanted to mention a couple of key points. For starters, of the approximate … Continue reading

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LAST SUMMER I PAID a visit to Georgetown University’s Lauinger Library as part of my research on legendary CIA counterspy James Jesus Angleton. I went there to investigate Angleton’s famous mole hunt, one of the least flattering episodes of his eventful career. By the early 1960s, Angleton was convinced the KGB had managed to insert a penetration agent high in the ranks of the CIA. In researching and writing a biography of Angleton, I constantly confront a conundrum: Was the man utterly brilliant? Or completely nuts? Angleton is one of America’s archetypal spies. He was the model for Harlot in Harlot’s Ghost, Norman … Continue reading

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