Black lives may matter, but some matter less than others. Poor Stephon Clark. He was so close to the sainthood that is bestowed upon any black person who’s shot by a cop…or by a white…or by a white Hispanic…or by pretty much anyone except another black. Clark certainly had the credentials for canonization. A long criminal record, past violent offenses, and he was tall (it really helps if shot thugs are tall, because then they can be lovingly remembered as “gentle giants”). Last month, when Clark decided to go on a window-smashing rampage in his neighborhood (as a direct challenge to … Continue reading

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It can be readily argued that the most important event of the 20th century was the First World War. This massive conflagration saw the demise of a number of great world powers and dynasties (Romanovs, Hohenzollerns, Habsburgs and the Ottomans) and a redrawing of the global maps especially in the Middle East. World War I was also the spark for the Russian Revolution, the immiseration of Germany and the rise of Hitler, thus begetting World War II. Eugene Rogan has written a fascinating book about that part of World War I that receives much less coverage than others; namely, the … Continue reading

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Guns save lives. We say that over and over, and we provide a mountain of data to prove it, but some people refuse to see it that way. They look at the numbers and apparently read it as “Blah, blah, blah” or something. So we tend to share stories of people defending themselves to prove that it does happen and isn’t some clever manipulation of data. You know, like this woman in South Carolina who killed an alleged attacker with a shotgun. Cherokee County Coroner Dennis Fowler said a Gaffney man was shot and killed during an alleged home invasion early Friday … Continue reading

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The stock market continued its yo-yo ways on Friday. After three straight days of healthy gains, the Dow Jones Industrials fell 572 points to end the week, closing below 24,000. The Nasdaq also plunged, dropping 161 points. Peter Schiff has been saying for weeks this is a bear market. Well, now even Pres. Trump has said investors may see some short-term pain in the stock market. But the president says it will all be worth it because we will get long-term gain, referring to the benefits we’ll reap when we win the trade war. In his most recent podcast, Peter said that’s not … Continue reading

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Whether you know it or now, you are at war. It’s not a shooting in the street war, at least not yet, but it is a war. Specifically, the people in charge have decided to wage war on segments of the American society. To paraphrase the late historian Christopher Lasch, the managerial elite has turned their back on average Americans and opted instead for a ruthlessly cosmopolitan view of life, one that values rootlessness, internationalism and transience. Increasingly, their ends are in direct conflict with liberal democracy. Another way of looking at this is that the managerial elite has reached class consciousness in … Continue reading

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As year six students across the country nervously prepare to take their SATs tests, a group of adults are going back to try their hand at the exams meant for 11-year-olds – with some very surprising results. Channel 4’s Class Of Mum And Dad gets 19 parents to take the exams – but more than half failed them on their first go. The average age of the group was 40, but they were all put in their school uniforms to see how they could cope in school in 2018. The adults, who include a legal secretary, a managing director, a … Continue reading

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Some eight earthquakes have rocked the United States in quick succession, all of which have taken place on April 9. The strongest of the earthquakes, and also the most recent, came in Perry, Oklahoma, when a 4.3 magnitude tremor hit the central US state. However, there have been no reports of damage to buildings in the area. People took to social media to share their experience, with one writing: “Another earthquake in Oklahoma, shaking us awake just now!” The strongest earthquake came in Oklahoma Other people share similar views, with Twitter user Arianna saying that she believes this is a … Continue reading

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One of the very first things I did when I first started prepping was to bolster my pantry with basic staples that could be used for a variety of purposes.  When it was suggested that I store salt, and lots of it, I was a disbeliever. After all, conventional mainstream wisdom had taught me that salt was the bad guy. But is it really? I made it my mission to determine whether salt is a good thing, a bad thing, or simply something best treated as an item to “use in moderation”. Editor’s Note: This article has been updated and revised … Continue reading

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Update: One of our commenters, Brandon Beeson, was kind enough to put this into a Google Doc as a checklist. Click here to access that document. Feel free to print and use as needed! Thanks Brandon! When buying a home, most people probably first think of the financial responsibility. Don’t let yourself forget, however, about the time and labor that home ownership also requires. Just like regular oil changes for your car keep your engine happy and healthy, keeping up with regular home maintenance tasks will keep you from future headaches and wasted money. It can be intimidating to think about these … Continue reading

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After the Fidesz party secured a strong majority in the country’s parliament in Sunday’s elections, there have been reports that the new government could adopt a legislation to ban migration-friendly, non-governmental organizations on Hungarian soil. All NGOs in Hungary that advocate open borders and a liberal approach toward migration might be potentially banned starting from May, Janos Halasz, a Fidesz spokesman said on Monday, cited by the state news agency MTI. The official noted that the new parliament, which could be formed by the end of April, could adopt the new legislation among its first initiatives. The law will, among other things, introduce a 25 percent tax on foreign financial … Continue reading

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Afua Hirsch, quite unintentionally, has provided us with a searing insight into the 21st-century politics of identity. Her narcissistic study of her personal identity – Brit(ish): On Race, Identity and Belonging – is intended to be a memoir-cum-treatise on what it’s like to be black and of African origin in Britain in the early part of the millennium. But it works far better as a glimpse, an often terrifying glimpse, into the myopia and backwardness and insatiable appetite for victim status that motors the identitarianism that is now the dominant ideology of the bourgeoisie. This book documenting a well-educated woman’s descent into … Continue reading

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The fallout from the Salisbury attack could become “worse” than the cold war, retired Russia general Evgeny Buzhinsky has claimed. More than 100 Russian diplomats have been expelled form western countries from across the globe in response the UK accusing Russia for being responsible for a military grade nerve-agent attack on Sergei Skripal and his daughter. Speaking on the Today programme, Mr Buzhinsky warned how the reaction from Russia over the expelled diplomats could lead to the “last war in the history of mankind”, ramping up World War 3 fears. He said: “It is a cold war. It’s worse than the cold war because … Continue reading

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The leaders of the U.S., U.K., France and other Western countries have said they are positive that Putin’s Russia poisoned the Russian double agents living in Salisbury, the Skripals, using a deadly, military grade “Novichok” nerve agent which is of Russian origin. But this claim falls apart upon inspection … Specifically, the Times reported: Stephen Davies, a consultant in emergency medicine at the Salisbury NHS Foundation Trust, said that no one other than Sergei and Yulia Skripal and Detective Sergeant Nick Bailey had needed treatment. Dr. Davies explained: Further to your report (“Poison exposure leaves almost 40 needing treatment”, Mar 14), may I … Continue reading

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It is said that during the 1990s’ time of troubles in Russia a popular view held that the prevailing chaos and ruin could only be redressed by a leader meeting the description of “Adolf Vissarionovich Pinochet.” (Адольф Виссарионович Пиночет). The composite name of this hypothetical rescuer featured (1) the surname “Pinochet” of the anti-communist Chilean military strongman, (2) the patronymic “Vissarionovich” of Joseph “the Great Helmsman” Stalin, and (3) the first name “Adolf” of – well, you know… Let’s leave aside for now whether Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin bears any remote resemblance to this imaginary (but 20 years ago, much hoped-for) personage except to … Continue reading

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“I just want you to know that you may have scared me in the moment, I am definitely not afraid of you now. And, I hope you understand the severity of the situation in which you put yourself in because you came within two-point-five seconds of having a full clip unloaded into your skull,” said Keri Reeves, a homeowner in Oconee County, South Carolina, when she confronted a would-be burglar in court. She dismissed his — Ralph Goss’s — request, via a hand raise, to comment and continued: “I hope and pray to god that you don’t ever get the … Continue reading

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