You’ve surely heard of aspartame. In our restaurants and in our homes, it’s a controversial ingredient that some shrug their shoulders at, others angrily defend, and many wholeheartedly oppose. In America’s war against obesity, consumers have become more than just health conscious; they are demanding low-calorie alternatives to their favourite foods to ensure they don’t pack on the pounds even when choosing to indulge. The market’s desire for these products has grown exponentially, making it more and more acceptable for restaurants and brands to offer lower calorie meal and drink options, and for people to take advantage of them, too. Aspartame is one … Continue reading

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After a Russian commercial airliner was downed over Egypt’s Sinai last October, Western media reported that the Islamic State bombing was retaliation against Russian airstrikes in Syria. The killing of 224 people, mostly Russian tourists on holiday, was matter-of-factly treated as an act of war by a fanatical group without an air force resorting to terrorism as a way to strike back. Yet, Western militaries have killed infinitely more innocent civilians in the Middle East than Russia has. Then why won’t Western officials and media cite retaliation for that Western violence as a cause of terrorist attacks on New York, Paris, … Continue reading

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We’ve previously talked about bizarre things that happened during the Cold War, and there are much more such stories. Four decades truly is more than enough time for all sorts of wackiness. 10 Nixon’s Pretend Attack On The Soviets In October 1969, nuclear-armed bombers took off from the US and raced over the North Pole. The move looked very much like a preemptive strike against the communists. It wasn’t; it was just part of Richard Nixon’s crazy plan to make the Soviet Union think he was crazy. Nixon’s thinking was that if the Soviets thought he was crazy, they would … Continue reading

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23 April 2016: the day that marks 400 years since the death of playwright William Shakespeare. The Bard’s legacy is still strongly felt around the world, with his influence upon the English language showing little sign of relenting. Even those who never want to hear his name again after studying the tragedies at school must accept that Shakespeare is everywhere. His plays are still widely considered the pinnacle and his mastery of words continue to impress and inspire. Only recently has Benedict Cumberbatch tackled arguably the most challenging of Shakespeare’s roles, Hamlet, on the London stage, while Michael Fassbender won … Continue reading

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If you try to think of all the scary situations that people can find themselves in, you’ll realize that most, if not all of them have something in common. They all involve a feeling of helplessness. That’s the common thread in just about every scary scenario and phobia, and that’s what really scares most people. And that fear is cranked up to 11 when another person is making us feel helpless. There is nothing more frightening than being at the mercy of a violent person that wants to do you harm. And if you ever find yourself at the mercy … Continue reading

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SKINCENTIAL SCIENCES, a company with an innovative line of cosmetic products marketed as a way to erase blemishes and soften skin, has caught the attention of beauty bloggers on YouTube, Oprah’s lifestyle magazine, and celebrity skin care professionals. Documents obtained by The Intercept reveal that the firm has also attracted interest and funding from In-Q-Tel, the venture capital arm of the Central Intelligence Agency. The previously undisclosed relationship with the CIA might come as some surprise to a visitor to the website of Clearista, the main product line of Skincential Sciences, which boasts of a “formula so you can feel confident and beautiful in your … Continue reading

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This goes back a long way. The Panamanian state was originally created to function on behalf of the rich and self-seeking of this world – or rather their antecedents in America – when the 20th century was barely born. Panama was created by the United States for purely selfish commercial reasons, right on that historical hinge between the imminent demise of Britain as the great global empire, and the rise of the new American imperium. The writer Ken Silverstein put it with estimable simplicity in an article for Vice magazine two years ago: “In 1903, the administration of Theodore Roosevelt created … Continue reading

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When meeting a psychopath you may be easily manipulated and taken in their charm. So if you have to do business with one, you’re better off doing it on Facebook or via email, researchers say. Experts found traditionally successful manipulators who are classified as being part of the dark triad – people with narcissistic, psychopathic or Machiavellian tendencies – don’t send very compelling online messages and seem to rely on looks and body language in person to convey charm. Psychopaths tend to lack empathy and be anti-social while narcissists lean toward grandiosity and self-adoration, and people with Machiavellian qualities are … Continue reading

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A major international film festival received threatening calls from “high government officials” in Houston warning them not to show the controversial anti-vaccine film that was recently pulled by the Tribeca Film Festival. Vaxxed: From Cover-Up to Catastrophe, directed by former physician Dr. Andrew Wakefield, explores the link between vaccines and autism and alleges a cover-up involving the CDC. The documentary was set to premiere at the Tribeca Film Festival later this month. After initially expressing support for the movie, Robert De Niro, one of the festival founders, agreed to drop it after speaking with scientific professionals. Infowars can exclusively reveal … Continue reading

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A battlefield of 3,250 years ago in Germany is yielding remains of wounded warriors, wooden clubs, spear points, flint and bronze arrowheads and bronze knives and swords. The gruesome scene, frozen in time by peat, is unlike anything else from the Bronze Age in Northern Europe, where, researchers thought, large-scale warfare didn’t begin until later. As it is, no one knows who these people were who fought on the banks of the Tollense River in northern Germany near the Baltic Sea because there are no written records from the time. The Tollense River near the village Weltzin. (Public Domain) But … Continue reading

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A Unified Europe: Born In the USA The former Bank of England head Mervyn King said this week that the “depression” in Europe “has happened almost as a deliberate act of policy”. Specifically, King said that the formation of the European Union has doomed Europe to economic malaise. He points out that Greece is experiencing “a depression deeper than the United States experienced in the 1930s”. The depths of Greece’s depression Credit: RBS economics/RBS Indeed. Moreover – as Martin Armstrong has warned for decades – letting countries like Greece join he Euro without first structurally adjusting their debts was a recipe for … Continue reading

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Washington is behind the recently released offshore revelations known as the Panama Papers, WikiLeaks has claimed, saying that the attack was “produced” to target Russia and President Putin. On Wednesday, the international whistleblowing organization said on Twitter that the Panama Papers data leak was produced by the Organized Crime and Corruption Reporting Project (OCCRP), “which targets Russia and [the] former USSR.” The “Putin attack” was funded by the US Agency for International Development (USAID) and American hedge fund billionaire George Soros, WikiLeaks added, saying that the US government’s funding of such an attack is a serious blow to its integrity. … Continue reading

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Peter Schiff was on Tuesday’s edition of PreMarket Prep, where he reiterated his bearish thesis for the market in the wake of the Federal Reserve’s decision not to raise interest rates last week. Schiff wasn’t convinced by the positive market talk coming out of the Fed. “I knew that it was all talk, and when Janet Yellen actually spoke she validated what I said,” Schiff said. “She basically came out and said ‘We’re not raising rates and it’s not because we think the economy is weak, it’s because we decided that lower interest rates are appropriate.’ Which is all B.S, … Continue reading

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Some words and phrases we use today still hold their original meanings. Others have evolved into something completely different, their origins disguised by the passage of time. Rediscovering the origins of old words sheds light on their modern meanings. 10 Scapegoat Today’s meaning: A person who is blamed for the mistakes of others Real goats may be saddened to learn the origins of “scapegoat,” which was birthed in an ancient Hebrew tradition. Yom Kippur was a day of atonement and the holiest day in the Jewish calendar. Made from the Hebrew words for “goat for Azazel,” “scapegoat” was first used … Continue reading

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