Ever get frustrated with the limited options that Netflix offers you when you log onto the home page? There are thousands upon thousands of TV shows and movies available to stream, but they’re not all available to you because Netflix uses an algorithm that only gives you options based on what they think you might like to watch. But there is an easier way to finding something to watch, at least if you know the secret codes that unlock Netflix’s categories and sub-genres. Netflix has more than 76,000 categories of all of the TV shows and movies available in its … Continue reading

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Climate change is the biggest scam in the history of the world – a $1.5 trillion-a-year conspiracy against the taxpayer, every cent, penny and centime of which ends in the pockets of the wrong kind of people, none of which goes towards a cause remotely worth funding, all of it a complete and utter waste. Here is an edited version of a speech on this subject I gave last week to the World Taxpayers’ Associations in Berlin. Good evening ladies and gentlemen; Guten Abend meine Damen und Herren. May I say how grateful I am to Staffan Wennberg and the … Continue reading

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Folding a shirt isn’t exactly rocket science, but there are a few ways you can do it and not all methods are created equal. Here are some fast ways to keep your shirts wrinkle-free, organized, and efficiently packed away. Your laundry origami will never be the same. The five-second t-shirt fold takes some practice, but it’s definitely the fastest way to get those shirts flat and sorted. Read the Whole Article

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Leos are leaders, Librans are fair-minded and those born under the sign of Virgo compulsively clean. We all know the good traits our star signs are meant to bestow on us, but what about the bad? Who’s moody, who’s stubborn and who’s (whisper it) a grade-A nightmare? All is revealed in a new edition of a book called the Darkside Zodiac, by English astrologer Stella Hyde — a ‘grudge-bearing Cancer’. So, how do you fare? As we reveal, some of our favourite stars could experience their own signs’ downfalls… and we even explore what jobs they might suit should their … Continue reading

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Imagine if your job required you to read other people’s resumes all day long? You’d go out of your mind. It would be fun reading resumes if people wrote interesting things about themselves, but almost all of us have been trained since childhood not to do that. We write our resumes in a horrible zombie language, instead. We write our resumes as though the goal of a resume is to sound exactly like every other job-seeker on earth! Here are ten awful phrases and terms to take out of your resume. You could do it this weekend! You’re allowed to … Continue reading

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New evidence strengthens the idea that there is a mysterious planet hiding at the far edge of our solar system. Objects have been spotted moving around unusually at the edge of our solar system. And the best explanation for the strange orbits is the mysterious Planet Nine, according to one of the scientists who has argued that the hidden planet exists. In January, a pair of scientists argued that they had found another planet, based on calculations using objects at the distant end of our solar system. By studying the orbit of six objects in the Kuiper Belt – a … Continue reading

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(UR) Washington, D.C. —  There’s a reason most parliamentary and presidential democracies have more than two political parties, and both Trump and Sanders are examples of why. Both nominee-hopefuls have increasingly come to represent polar opposites of the singular problem that the American two-party political system is suffering from Stagnation. With only two parties, what this presidential race is showing is that there has been a tendency for those parties to become static and unbending in their policy, stance, and platform. Historically, one or both of the parties must then break, either because the progressive edges within the party force it apart, … Continue reading

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Serrapeptase is a proteolytic (protein destroying) enzyme found in silkworms. Serrapeptase digests inflammations, scars (non-living tissue), blood clots, cysts, arterial plaque, and inflammation in all forms. Doctors in Asia and Europe have been prescribing serrapeptase to treat various forms of inflammation for the past 30 years, yet in North America, where it is considered a supplement, is remains relatively unknown. Popularized by the late German physician Dr. Hans Nieper, who used it to treat his patients, serrapeptase treats many different chronic pain and inflammation conditions: Cardiovascular Disease – Serrapeptase gradually cleans out plaques (made of fat, cholesterol, cellular waste, calcium, and fibrin) in … Continue reading

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The Budwig Protocol is our most recommended anti-cancer therapy; although other effective alternatives exist. We covered the best of them in detail within our documentary, The Cancer Report. What follows is a brief listing of the natural anti-cancer therapies which we consider being the safest and most effective. Essiac tea Vitamin B-17 (laetrile) Oxygen/ozone therapy possibly including intravenous hydrogen peroxide High-dose vitamin C therapy The Hoxsey Regimen Gerson Protocol Most cancer patients react with panic upon learning of their diagnosis. This panicked reaction enables doctors to convince patients to do almost anything, including poisoning themselves with radiation. After years of … Continue reading

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Originally published by AmmoLand.com. Louisiana – We have a million new gun owners each month, and I have a word of advice for them.  Ignore a lot of the advice you’re given. You see, gun owners are like everyone else. We want a contradiction. That can be embarrassing the first time you go shopping, particularly if you’re trying to buy a handgun. I’ve seen it time after time. Let’s be honest with new gun buyers. We not only want a contradiction; we want the perfect contradiction. We quickly find out that we want a heavy gun because it is more comfortable to shoot. … Continue reading

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We all know sugar rots our teeth and can make us fat. But there are other little-known hidden dangers of the white stuff that can seriously harm our health, new guide reveals. Created by Beneden,a healthcare and insurance provider, the online tool below shows exactly how sugar affects the body… From kidney and liver problems to erectile dysfunction and a dampened immune system, it makes for alarming reading.  Read the Whole Article

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Originally published by AmmoLand.com. Grimes, IA – Handi-Racker is one effortless way to rack the slide on most any semi-auto pistol. Yes, most of us can rack a slide with our hands. But for those with arthritis, weak or small hands, or who may be disabled (even missing an appendage), slide operation can be difficult or impossible! Handi-Racker makes these problems disappear. Simply place the Handi-Racker atop the slide and place the front of the Handi-Racker against any firm surface and push the pistol forward and the slide is effortlessly functioned. The Handi-Racker also makes it effortless to clear a hard-stuck jam, and … Continue reading

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An accident involving a Flydubai plane was inevitable, a former Flydubai captain told RT on condition of anonymity. He revealed that pilots are forced to work while exhausted while saying he had been “worked to death” despite complaints. Speaking to RT in Doha, the former pilot said Flydubai’s top management was aware of the issue, but had done nothing to resolve it. “When I was still at the company, one of the last things I told management is that there would be an accident because of pilot fatigue,” he said. The reason for fatigue is simple – pilots are being … Continue reading

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“Over the last 12 to 24 months, many sectors have had huge declines,” the editor and publisher of the Gloom, Boom & Doom report told CNBC’s “Fast Money” traders on Tuesday. “And I see here, there are some opportunities.” ”[The U.S. dollar] is not a desirable currency,” said Faber, perplexed why the world has been so “enthusiastic” about the greenback. “I think the most desirable currency will be gold, silver, platinum and palladium. I still think the mining sector has embarked on a new bull market.” “I think that in Asia, the sentiment turned very bearish at the end of … Continue reading

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