An empty interrogation chair, a windowless warehouse, and a prison is known as The Salt Pit where inmates were kept in complete darkness , constantly shackled in isolated cells with loud noise or music and only a bucket to use for human waste. These haunting images curated by British photographer Edmund Clark and counter-terrorism investigator Crofton Black confront the nature of contemporary warfare head on, and in doing so reveal the invisible mechanisms of state control. One picture shows The Salt Pit, the CIA’s first prison in Afghanistan, upon which the visiting Federal Bureau of Prisons commented they had ‘never been … Continue reading

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Despite how unnatural milk consumption beyond infancy is in the natural world — every other species weans their young off milk after a certain age and then never drinks it again — humans continue to be bombarded with the idea that cow’s milk not only ‘does the body well,’ but is also the best source of calcium available to us. We are told that we cannot achieve strong and healthy bones if we do not consume this type of calcium, and thanks to remarkable marketing efforts on the part of the dairy industry, we believe it. The idea that milk is … Continue reading

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In spite of astrology, the ancients accumulated a surprisingly large body of astronomical knowledge. This age-old love of stars bridges time and space. Most importantly, it reminds us of just how little we are. 10 Babylonian Jupiter Tablet The ancient Babylonian people in what is now modern-day Iraq obsessed over the stars long before the birth of Christ. A set of ancient tablets from the early centuries BC have revealed planetary math that was previously credited to 14th-century Europeans. The Babylonians followed heavenly bodies across the sky and appointed them as prognosticators of Earthly events, birthing “modern” astrology and the … Continue reading

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Bloomberg has numerous offices around the world, many of which appear to have quite an independent streak, at least, that is our impression. Readers who occasionally watch clips from Bloomberg’s Asia Edition are probably aware of this. One can often see in-depth interviews there with people who espouse views far from the mainstream and who are highly critical of governments and central banking, such as e.g. Dr. Marc Faber or Jim Rogers, to name two prominent ones. What must be stressed here is the “in depth” qualification – there is a big difference between e.g. CNBC offering 60 seconds of … Continue reading

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***MAJOR SPOILERS AHEAD*** Netflix original series, House of Cards, has never shied away from controversial storylines. The narrative has followed Frank Underwood’s rise to power from Congressional whip to Vice President to President. His meteoric ascent to power was always trailed by a dark shadow, though — one that perhaps mirrors the real life brutality, scandal, and corruption that accompanies the machinations of most high-level politicians. House of Cards is particularly ruthless in this regard. Frank Underwood has personally killed two people. One, a journalist with whom he has been having an affair. She learns too much, and during a discreet … Continue reading

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In this interview with Gordon T Long of the Financial Repression Authority, Egon von Greyerz explains the critical importance of wealth preservation and why Gold is and always will be the optimum means of maintaining purchasing power, insuring your wealth and holding liquidity. Egon and Gordon’s discussion also includes: Holding Gold for insurance purposes, rising Gold demand and massive supply shortages in future Thoughts on a cashless society and bail ins: why we are losing control of our money ZIRP, NIRP: governments run out of tools to stimulate the economy Safe haven? Switzerland the land of gold tradition, unique political system and best jurisdiction Primary … Continue reading

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One of the central arguments used by governments looking to restrict internet freedoms and justify total surveillance is that social media and various other internet platforms allow “terrorists” to spread propaganda and incite violence. And of course, the only way to stop this horrible phenomenon — according to conventional wisdom — is to closely regulate speech on the internet, as well as adopt sweeping surveillance policies. Or at least, so we’re told. Which is why many were bewildered by Twitter’s decision to block “hacktivists” accused of “harassing” accounts linked to ISIS and other terrorist groups. The move made headlines earlier … Continue reading

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We’ve all had those late nights in the office when simple tasks start taking longer and it feels as though our brain power has deserted us. So what exactly can we do to give our brains a boost when it feels like it’s running out of juice? Dr Jenny Brockis, author of ‘Future Brain: The 12 Keys to Create Your High-Performance Brain’ believes it’s all about unlocking the full potential of your brain. She claims there are a number of tricks that can boost your brain’s performance almost immediately Healthista reports. From a quick-fix solution to give your brain a … Continue reading

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If you like brain teasers, we’ve got a doozy for you. In this TED-Ed lesson, Alex Gendler walks us through the “prisoner hat riddle,” a classic puzzle. In this version, you and nine other humans have been abducted by aliens. The aliens would like to eat you all, but not if you can prove your intelligence. So they propose a test. The aliens line you up, placing you in order of height (tallest in the back, shortest in front), and place black or white hats on each of you. You must face forward, and you mustn’t look at your own … Continue reading

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Life – it turns out that you’ve been doing it all wrong. Because last week it was revealed that cooks, who for decades have crumbled Oxo stock cubes into their cooking with their fingers, are making a basic mistake. The ‘correct’ – and certainly more efficient way – to add an Oxo cube to your food is to crush and flatten the stock in its foil wrapper before opening the packet with scissors and tipping the resulting granules neatly into your saucepan. The disclosure caused an uproar on social media. So what other everyday things have we been doing ‘the … Continue reading

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Many of us take for granted how close our razor shaves without tearing our skin to shreds – but a huge amount of engineering and technology goes on behind the scenes. From the angle of the blades to their increasing number, and so-called ‘skin fins’ designed to pull the skin taut, there is a lot of hidden science inside your daily routine. Now a principal scientist from Gillette has told MailOnline why they are shaped the way they are, why the number of blades is so important and what the lubricants bars, or ‘lubebars’ are really made of. Dr Kristina … Continue reading

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On August 6, 1945, the world, sadly, entered the atomic age. Without warning, a single nuclear bomb on the Japanese city of Hiroshima killed about 90,000 people instantly and injured many others — who then died from radiation sickness. Three days later, a second atomic strike on the city of Nagasaki killed some 37,000 people and injured another 43,000. Together the two bombs eventually killed an estimated 200,000 Japanese civilians. “The Library of Congress adds roughly 60 million pages to its holdings each year, a huge cache of information for the public. However, also each year, the U.S. Government classifies nearly … Continue reading

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ReadyNutrition Readers, this article is going to highlight several effective naturopathic remedies to assist in the removal of radiation from the human body.  The information can be used if you are undergoing any treatments that have radiation therapy attached to them, such as chemotherapy, and can also be taken into consideration for preparation and survival.  We have Fukushima that is an ongoing release of radiation into the Pacific Ocean, and we also have a world situation where the nations are poised on the brink of thermonuclear war. Knowing what to do when this type of disaster occurs can save your life … Continue reading

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What goes around comes around, and we don’t just mean records on a turntable. Audiophiles swear by the sound quality of vinyl over CDs, MP3s, and other files, and now younger generations are starting to see the light. Vinyl sales continue to increase each year as CD sales drop, which means that more and more young people are borrowing albums from their parents or buying their own while those who grew up with them are perhaps dusting off their cherished collections. New records are typically more expensive than other formats, but fans would argue that the listening experience and ability … Continue reading

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