SINGAPORE ― Legendary investor Jim Rogers called for South Korea to put a greater focus on taking measures to help North Korea open and reform its economy rather than holding war games every year. Rogers said that unification will become a breakthrough for Korea to overcome various economic challenges. “All you have to do is to take down the demilitarized zone. Stop spending money on defense. You had those war games every year for 50 years,” said Rogers, chairman of Rogers Holdings, in an exclusive interview with The Korea Times in his residence in Singapore. He said Seoul needs to … Continue reading

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The hero of the latest Coen Brothers film, Hail, Caesar! is a cinephile’s joke. Named Eddie Mannix (and played by Josh Brolin), he runs a Hollywood studio that looks much like MGM did in the Forties. He’s a decent, dependable guy – when not smoothing over scandals among the stars, he’s at home for a meal with his sweet-natured wife. Although many of Hail, Caesar!’s more unlikely set-ups are based on fact – foul-mouthed swimming stars, actors adopting their own illegitimate children and studio staff taking the rap for celebrity murders – this fictional Eddie Mannix is more or less … Continue reading

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A discovery of giant underwater craters at the bottom of Barents Sea could offer a viable explanation for the disappearance of ships in the Bermuda Triangle. Scientists have found craters up to half a mile wide and 150ft deep, believed to have been caused by build-ups of methane off the coast of natural gas-rich Norway. The methane would have leaked from deposits of natural gas further below the surface and created cavities which finally bursts, scientists say. ‘Multiple giant craters exist on the sea floor in an area in the west-central Barents Sea … and are probably a cause of … Continue reading

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Typos can be embarrassing. They can also be costly. And not just for those individuals whose jobs depend on knowing the difference between “it’s” and “its” or where a comma is most appropriate. In 2013, bauble-loving Texans got the deal of a lifetime when a misprint in a Macy’s mailer advertised a $1500 necklace for just $47. (It should have read $497.) It didn’t take long for the entire inventory to be zapped, at a loss of $450 a pop to the retail giant. (Not to mention plenty of faces as red as the star in the company’s logo.) Google, on … Continue reading

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Pi has been known for almost 4000 years—but even if we calculated the number of seconds in those 4000 years and calculated pi to that number of places, we would still only be approximating its actual value. Here’s a brief history of finding pi: The ancient Babylonians calculated the area of a circle by taking 3 times the square of its radius, which gave a value of pi = 3. One Babylonian tablet (ca. 1900–1680 BC) indicates a value of 3.125 for pi, which is a closer approximation. The Rhind Papyrus (ca.1650 BC) gives us insight into the mathematics of … Continue reading

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The University of Missouri (MU) is losing about 1500 students and is facing a huge $32 million budget shortfall four months after it attracted national attention as the site of massive race-based campus protests. “I am writing to you today to confirm that we project a very significant budget shortfall due to an unexpectedly sharp decline in first-year enrollments and student retention this coming fall. I wish I had better news,” said MU interim chancellor Hank Foley in a Wednesday letter to school staff that was obtained by Fox Sports. According to Foley’s letter, MU will have about 1500 fewer students in … Continue reading

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A tick will sneak up on you or your dog, take up residence on your body, administer a painless bite into the skin and engorge itself with blood. A single tick bite can transmit multiple pathogens as well as creating secondary infections and allergic reactions.  Do you know what to do and how to protect yourself? What is a tick? The tick is often mistaken as an insect but is actually a small arachnid. Ticks are external parasites (ectoparasites) that feed on the blood of mammals, birds, some reptiles, and amphibians. The term for a diet consisting of only blood … Continue reading

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Edward Snowden, the whistleblower whose NSA revelations sparked a debate on mass surveillance, has waded into the arguments over the FBI’s attempt to force Apple to help it unlock the iPhone 5C of one of the San Bernardino shooters. The FBI says that only Apple can deactivate certain passcode protections on the iPhone, which will allow law enforcement to guess the passcode by using brute-force. Talking via video link from Moscow to the Common Cause Blueprint for a Great Democracy conference, Snowden said: “The FBI says Apple has the ‘exclusive technical means’ to unlock the phone. Respectfully, that’s bullshit.” Snowden then … Continue reading

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I have speculated that, given the immunity offered to Bryan Pagliano, it is possible that a grand jury has been convened.  But I a not a lawyer, much less a former US Attorney.  Joseph E. diGenova, on the other hand, is one of a small group of attorneys generally considered a super lawyer, and not only a veteran US Attorney but the former US Attorney for Washington, DC, at the very top of federal prosecutors. So when Joe diGenova offers an opinion on the likelihood of a grand jury being empanelled, we (a group that includes Hillary Clinton! – possibly the … Continue reading

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Day in and day out barbers shoot the breeze with the wide variety of men who walk into their shops. As these men settle in the barber’s chair and get a trim, they share tidbits about their lives, their problems, and their observations on the world today. Since barbers spend so much time listening to and talking with other men, we figured they might have accumulated some pearls of wisdom on how men can live life well. So we asked 8 barbers from a wide range of ages, experience, and backgrounds to answer this question: “What’s your best advice on … Continue reading

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A new FBI initiative based on Britain’s “anti-terror” mass surveillance program instructs high schools across America to inform on students who express “anti-government” and “anarchist” political beliefs. “High school students are ideal targets for recruitment by violent extremists seeking support for their radical ideologies, foreign fighter networks, or conducting acts of targeted violence within our borders. High schools must remain vigilant in educating their students about catalysts that drive violent extremism and the potential consequences of embracing extremist belief,” states an unclassified document released in January by the FBI’s Office of Partner Engagement, the agency’s primary liaison with the law … Continue reading

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Incredible photos of the first motorcycle journey across America have emerged, revealing a tale of incredible endurance and dogged determination. George Wyman traveled from San Francisco to New York City in 1903 in 50 days, across mountains, desert, mud tracks and railway tracks. The journey had never been attempted before and his bike was so busted that in the last 150 miles he had pedal himself, reported Atlas Obscura. His California Moto Bike was essentially just a push bike frame with a small one and a quarter horsepower motor attached. His route took him through Nevada, Utah, and Wyoming, across Nebraska, Iowa, … Continue reading

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Often described as having the best “view from the office” in the world, airline pilots are tasked with shuttling hundreds of passengers to and from domestic and international destinations. The responsibility is considerable, and so are the requirements: Commercial airlines typically demand thousands of hours of flight time and dues-paying in cargo and regional jobs before they’ll even grant an interview. And even then, the odds of making it to the prized “left chair”—the captain’s seat—are a long shot. To find out what makes these top-class aviators tick, we asked three pilots for major commercial carriers about life in the … Continue reading

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Exposure to electromagnetic frequency radiation has been shown by medical studies and the Navy to cause numerous health problems, including corneal damage, tubular degeneration of testicles, brain heating, sterility, altered penile function, death, cranial nerve disorders, seizures, convulsions, depression, insomnia, chest pain, and sparking between dental fillings. And that list is far from complete. That being said, electromagnetic warfare testing and training has been covertly conducted by the U.S. Navy on public roads in Washington State — for over five years. An exclusive report from Truthout divulged the secretive EMF testing, discovered through a number of Freedom of Information Act requests … Continue reading

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Don’t you find clock faces quite aggressive, their hands and numbers constantly reminding you of the passing of the time? If so, this beautiful invention is for you. The Fibonacci clock lets you know the time more subtly, by changing colours and requiring you do some adding up. The Fibonacci sequence is the sequence beginning 1, 1 and where each number is the sum of the previous two. Its first five digits are: 1, 1, 2, 3, 5 Philippe Chrétien from Montreal, Canada, noticed that these numbers are all you need to express all the numbers from 1 to 12. … Continue reading

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