Originally published by AmmoLand.com. Minneapolis, MN – The world leader in firearms information and values is proud to announce the 2016 Blue Book Top Ten- Awards for innovation in the Firearms Industry. The Blue Book of Gun Values Top Ten Firearms Industry Awards for innovation and excellence in firearms and related accessories is back by popular demand for its third year. After touring the booths and speaking with manufacturers at the 2016 SHOT Show, this was an especially tough year for our panel of editors and experts to select the best of the best. Save a couple standout firearms, there wasn’t a … Continue reading

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A Kentucky woman heroically turned the tables on the man who was trying to rob her at knifepoint by shooting him in the neck and buttocks with her own gun. The unidentified woman was being stalked by John Ganobick on the night of January 26 when he followed her into a shopping mall elevator to the parking lot. Exiting the elevator with her, he gave chase when she ran to her car and tried to beat her – leaving his victim fearing she would be raped. But he quickly found himself on the receiving end of some rough justice when … Continue reading

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Media and government officials keep telling us the economy looks great, but a peek behind the curtain tells a different story. Some people do see the writing on the wall. Peter Schiff has been saying the US may well have already entered a recession. Last month, Jim Grant echoed Peter, saying the US economy likely went into recession in December 2015. And in a recent interview, Rogers Holdings Chairman Jim Rogers said there is a 100% probability the US will be in a downturn within a year: It’s been seven years, eight years since we had the last recession in … Continue reading

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The honeypot might be the most glamorized espionage technique in fiction. It’s a tale of hushed phone calls and late-night rendezvous, of secrets whispered through lying lips. But femme fatales and lovers’ plots are not exclusive to fiction. Although the honeypot isn’t used as often as other spy techniques, it still has a place in the real world. 10 For The Love Of Clayton Lonetree There was never a man lonelier than Clayton Lonetree. A Navajo native, Sergeant Lonetree was stationed at the US embassy in Moscow during the Cold War, and unlike many of the other Marine guards on … Continue reading

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The iceberg that sank the Titanic is thought to be 100,000 years old, according to scientists who have been tracing the origins of the colossal lump. The staggering discovery was uncovered after researchers cross-checked data on ocean currents and witness descriptions from 1912. Having spent time carefully tracing the iceberg, scientists now believe its originates from snow which fell 100,000 years which formed glaciers south-west of Greenland. When the Titanic smashed into the side of the iceberg in 1912, the iceberg is thought to have measured 400 feet in length, with a mass of 1.5m tonnes. The staggering size of … Continue reading

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The name Christopher Columbus is the Anglicization of the Latin Christophorus Columbus. His name in Italian is Cristoforo Colombo and in Spanish Cristóbal Colón. The story of Columbus is not at all that we have been told. This article is not written to infer that Columbus did not travel to America; there is plenty of historical evidence to establish that fact. The chapter does, however, validate that by the time Columbus made his voyage, both North and South America had been explored surveyed and claimed by two separate European nations and that Spain had knowledge of this fact. This chapter … Continue reading

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Admit it. You get it wrong sometimes. I don’t care how many degrees you have, how steeped you are in the highest register of formal discourse, how vicious you are with the red pen, how many children’s wrists you have slapped with a ruler. You sometimes write there when you mean their or they’re. Yes, you. You may catch it every time, correct it before pressing “send,” but you do it. The language just makes it so easy to do. Not only are these three words pronounced exactly the same, they are all constantly in use in everyday discourse. Wait … Continue reading

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Government-funded housing projects in the United States nearly all began with a common dream—to end urban slums and provide an affordable, safe housing option for low- to middle-income families. This dream has fallen so far that even many residents of some of the nation’s most infamous housing projects have called for their demolition. From gang violence to the robust drug trade to the incompetence of many local housing authority offices, large-scale government housing has seen some very dark days. Sadly, it’s the projects’ most vulnerable residents, the young and the very old, who suffer the most. They are the ones … Continue reading

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Marc Faber from the Gloom, Boom and Doom Report gave a rather alarming outlook for companies in the oil industry during his interview with ET Now. Faber stated that oil prices have dropped roughly from $100 to $30, and most of the energy-related firms will sink into bankruptcy. He stated that the oil industry in the Middle East has been depreciating, which has negatively affected the resource sector. Some of the countries that have been hard hit include Brazil, Russia, and South Africa among others. He also added that he does not believe that the price will not drop below … Continue reading

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Editor’s Note: This is an excerpt from Tim Ferriss‘ new book, The Four Hour Chef.  An Introduction to Dehydrating Food Dehydration is all about removing water from food. Doing this helps to preserve the food (bacteria need water) and concentrate flavor. It’s a common misconception that you need heat to dehydrate food. But low humidity, not heat, is the driving force behind dehydration. Warming the air surrounding the food helps keep it dry, but if the air doesn’t move, the food will stay wet. So when dehydrating food in the kitchen, make certain that air can freely circulate around it. … Continue reading

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After my attack on activist and environmental journalist Mark Lynas, I thought I’d test the waters with Tom Chivers who is a science editor at Buzzfeed. Chivers has been a nemesis of mine since my days at the Telegraph. A likeable, good natured nemesis – but an irritant nonetheless. It’s bloody annoying when you’re a seasoned hack breaking stories like Climategate showing alarmists to be a bunch of lying charlatans and you’ve got some dogged progressive fresh out of ‘uni’ in the neighbouring pages, brandishing his science degree like it automatically trumps your Oxford arts degree, explaining patiently, goodnaturedly, passively aggressively that … Continue reading

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We are constantly bombarded with conflicting information about healthy food choices, so it’s no wonder many of us are confused about what we should be eating. Hidden sugars and preservatives can often mean so-called ‘lighter’ foods are laden with hidden calories, sugars and fats. Mark Killick, Technical Nutritionist at NutriCentre, has pitted some of our favourite dishes, snacks and drinks against each other. Take our quiz to discover whether you’re making the right choices at meal times. WHICH IS HEALTHIER?  HUMMUS OR GUACAMOLE?   ANSWER: GUACAMOLE MARK SAYS: Both hummus and guacamole can be considered healthy foods. Although hummus contains more protein … Continue reading

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As adults, we are constantly in awe of children and their abilities. Deep in the process of learning, they are thrown into trying a variety of disciples, both physically, mentally, and spiritually. But when they say something that seems so mature and witty, we almost can’t believe it. Perhaps it’s because we don’t expect them to be able to have such deep thoughts, but what we often forget is that their cleverness is a result of their brains being able to soak up information like a sponge. By now it’s common thought that our education is in need of deep reform, … Continue reading

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Originally published by AmmoLand.com. Louisiana – Ordinary citizens stopped mass murder.  Mass murder is defined as four or more victims killed in the same event. Many people were at risk in the stories this month.  Armed citizens like you saved lives until the police could come and make an arrest.  You did it, and the media never gave you credit. Let me say, “Thank you!”  Here are a few of the news stories since I reported in mid-January. You saved lives in a shopping mall. 22-year-old Matthew Willhite was carrying his handgun concealed as he does every day.  This day he was … Continue reading

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