“I just want you to know that you may have scared me in the moment, I am definitely not afraid of you now. And, I hope you understand the severity of the situation in which you put yourself in because you came within two-point-five seconds of having a full clip unloaded into your skull,” said Keri Reeves, a homeowner in Oconee County, South Carolina, when she confronted a would-be burglar in court. She dismissed his — Ralph Goss’s — request, via a hand raise, to comment and continued: “I hope and pray to god that you don’t ever get the … Continue reading

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In September 1859, the Earth was struck by an awe-inspiring coronal mass ejection (CME). Astronomers observed a brilliantly bright white flare emerging from the Sun, and auroras were seen as far south as Cuba and Jamaica.[1] This massive solar event wreaked havoc on electrical equipment across the world; telegraph wires burned off their poles, streams of fire poured forth from electrical circuits, and telegraph lines remained operative even with the batteries disconnected. Today, electronics are more prevalent than they were in 1859 by many orders of magnitude. Almost every home in the developed world is connected to an electrical grid, billions of … Continue reading

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Wow, just wow. There has been a lot of talk in the media, social websites, and video sites about certain things going on that may seem puzzling or down right confusing to the average citizen of the United States. If you want a view into the attitudes and point of view of the average law enforcement person, you’ll get it in the first several chapters of this book. In fact, I think it’s quite deliberate on the part of the author. Some may not like it and feel he is talking down, or talking rough, or whatever, BUT, he is … Continue reading

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Elon Musk has famously compared AI to ‘summoning the devil’. Now the Tesla billionaire claims the technology could lead to the creation of immortal robot leaders from which humanity can never escape. His comments were made in the new documentary ‘Do You Trust This Computer?’ by Chris Paine which premiered in Los Angeles last night. The documentary explores the potential advantages and dangers of AI. In it, an impassioned Musk talks about the nightmarish possibility that AI built by authoritarian governments could outlast individual leaders. This, he say, will create a permanent structure of oppression. We could create ‘an immortal … Continue reading

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“As a dog returns to its vomit, so fools repeat their folly.” – Prov. 26:11 It appears there is some repeat folly brewing. Remember subprime mortgages? Well, they’re back.  According to an article published by SovereignMan, subprime volume at US banks doubled over the last 12 months and it is on pace to double again this year. Subprime loans rank among the fastest growing investments for banks in the US. SovereignMan has dubbed these foolish bankers “financius dumbassus” to emphasize the folly of repeating a practice that nearly brought down the entire global economy. Bottom line– financius dumbassus is once again back to its old ways… making risky … Continue reading

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Europe is committing suicide- or at least it’s leaders have decided to commit suicide. Whether European people decide to go along with this is, naturally, another matter. ~ Douglas Murray, The Strange Death of Europe Europe is my home. It is where I live. Everything I value is here- on this continent. Everything I love and will suffer to lose is here. My country, separate, slightly odd, provincial and uncool; Brexit Britain, land of bad food and uncharitable reputations on dental hygiene and house cleanliness, is a European country too. God knows it is a conflicted time to be an Englishman … Continue reading

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Forty-nine years ago, Senator Ted Kennedy drove his car into a pond on an island off Martha’s Vineyard, killing passenger Mary Jo Kopechne. The story of what really happened that night has been the subject of much speculation and debate for nearly five decades, and is now the subject of the film Chappaquiddick, opening this weekend. While the release is considered wide, Chappaquiddick is only positioned in less than half as many theaters as other new competitors at the box office — A Quiet Place and Blockers, both releasing this weekend, have north of 3,300 screens apiece, compared to Chappaquiddick’s 1,500+. With several heavy-hitting holdovers like Ready Player One and Black … Continue reading

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Yellowstone National Park Public Affairs confirmed that there could be a supervolcano eruption imminently – and that they were putting themselves through their paces so that they were ready for any eventuality. Spokesman Morgan Warthin said: “Every opportunity like this, every training opportunity reveals both where our strengths are. “But also how we can improve.” Mr Warthin knows that emergency services will need to be absolutely prepared if a catastrophe strikes near Mammoth in Yellowstone National Park. A model bus crash was simulated for the first time in several years, in order to steel emergency workers for a crisis. The … Continue reading

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Thousands of Google employees have signed an open letter urging the tech giant not to work on a US government surveillance engine which could use artificial intelligence to improve the targeting of drone strikes. “We believe that Google should not be in the business of war. Therefore we ask that Project Maven be cancelled and that Google draft, publicize, and enforce a clear policy stating that neither Google nor its contractors will ever build warfare technology,” reads the letter which was published by the New York Times on Tuesday. It’s great that Google employees are protesting their company’s Pentagon AI drone research, but … Continue reading

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Arizona – On Wednesday, 28 March, 2018, the West Maypole Avenue Church of Christ was having a Bible study that started at 7:30 p.m. At 8:09 p.m., the study was interrupted by 27-year-old Kenneth Baines, who announced an armed robbery. A 57-year-old armed church member was seated inside. The church member was legally armed and had a concealed carry permit. It seems likely that he was a member of a voluntary church security team, as later reports refer to him as a “security guard”, but no report mentions that he had a security guard license, or that he was paid as a security … Continue reading

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John Bolton’s March 22 appointment-by-tweet as President Donald Trump’s national security adviser has given “March Madness” a new and ominous meaning.  There is less than a week left to batten down the hatches before Bolton makes U.S. foreign policy worse that it already is. During a recent interview with The Intercept’s Jeremy Scahill  (minutes 35 to 51) I mentioned that Bolton fits seamlessly into a group of take-no-prisoners zealots once widely known in Washington circles as “the crazies,” and now more commonly referred to as “neocons.” Beginning in the 1970s, “the crazies” sobriquet was applied to Cold Warriors hell bent on bashing Russians, Chinese, Arabs … Continue reading

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Since September 2015 Germany has been in a weird state. It started with Chancellor Merkel’s unilateral and unconstitutional opening of borders to mostly uneducated young men from rather violent societies, without proper checks, sometimes without any checks. That state has continued unabated since then – only mitigated due to other countries further south, most notably Hungary, closing their borders very firmly. All the while crime and violence committed by migrants have risen sharply, including rapes and murders, with a few actual, deadly terror attacks mixed in for good measure. But it gets weirder. Instead of driving her from office in … Continue reading

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Fears of a trade war between the US and China have cast a shadow over Wall Street and spurred the buying of gold as a safe haven. Investor Peter Schiff is convinced that gold is on the verge of a breakthrough. We are already in a bear market, Schiff said in his latest podcast. Technically, analysts don’t start talking ‘bear market’ until the stock market drops 20 percent, but, as Schiff says, you have to drop 10 percent before you get to 20. “So, if this is a bear market, if we ultimately go down by more than 20 percent, … Continue reading

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As Porton Down now confirm, here is a straightforward lie from the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, a lie that British diplomats around the world have been promoting to foreign governments. The key point is that the FCO knew it was lying. This was published six days after I was told by an FCO source, and published, that Porton Down scientists were refusing to say the substance came from Russia. The FCO knew this. I have now received confirmation from a well placed FCO source that Porton Down scientists are not able to identify the nerve agent as being of Russian manufacture, and have … Continue reading

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Hillary Clinton revealed she believes things are only to get worse in the US while Donald Trump remains president. Clinton, who was speaking at women’s club The Wing in Manhattan, urged her audience to vote in the midterms because ‘I don’t think we’ve seen the bottom yet’. ‘You can march from now until doomsday, but if you don’t elect people who agree with you nothing will change,’ she said on Tuesday night. A huge line of women formed around the block to watch Clinton, who was still wearing a cast after breaking her wrist in India, speak at the women-only social club. Clinton … Continue reading

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