Pinworms exist among many subjects that most people would rather not talk about. And who could blame them? In case you don’t know, pinworms are an intestinal parasite that anyone can be infected with if they happen to ingest their microscopic eggs. They live in your bowels for several weeks before emerging from your rectum at night to lay eggs, which leads to unbearable itching. That itching gets the eggs under your fingernails and bed sheets, which helps the parasite spread to new hosts. I can already sense some of you moving your cursor to click away from this dreadful … Continue reading

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It is said that well-behaved women seldom make history. Throughout the ages, there have been queens, rulers, and empresses who defied traditional roles and behaviors to wield power, influence, and authority that forever changed the course of history. 10 Queen Ranavalona I – Madagascar Queen Ranavalona I of Madagascar wasn’t known by the abominable moniker “mad monarch” for nothing. Suspected of poisoning her husband to succeed him, she initiated a brutal campaign against those who refused to abandon Christianity during her harrowing 33-year reign. Those who didn’t acquiesce were tossed over cliffs, dismembered, or scalded viciously. Determined to keep Madagascar free … Continue reading

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Hundreds of thousands of Brits could risk missing the upcoming EU referendum after voters’ details were wiped off the register amid an electoral roll reshuffle which is aimed at clamping down on fraud. Statistics from the Office of National Statistics (ONS) show that up to 600,000 people could have been missed off the register after comparing numbers to the same period last year. The statistics, the first since individual voter registration (IVR) was introduced, show a dramatic reduction in the number of young people and people from deprived areas. The new system has been implemented to try and crack down … Continue reading

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Parts of a sickening video released by Islamic State militants that shows members of the terror group beheading 21 Coptic Christians have been faked, experts have claimed. The footage, which lasts five minutes, shows the Egyptian Christians dressed in jumpsuits being marched one by one along a lonely beach, each held by a fighter clad in black. The captives, their faces uncovered, are made to kneel before being forced to lie down. The masked jihadists then behead them simultaneously. While experts believe the men were killed by the terrorists, questions have been raised over whether some scenes – including one … Continue reading

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Physiology doesn’t lie: Women are less effective than men at meeting military objectives, and far more likely to be injured in combat. Let’s stop denying reality in a misguided effort toward “equality” and agree that women should not be drafted to combat roles. Men were built for fighting. Women were built for childbearing. It’s interesting to note how stubbornly true—even obvious—these statements remain, despite aggressive efforts to bury them. Modern people have a penchant for denying obvious things. Dysfunctional politics and political correctness have brought us to the point of potentially approving women’s inclusion in a military draft. The Senate … Continue reading

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In early January, the news that an immense ninth planet likely exists beyond Pluto set the scientific community ablaze. We still have a lot to learn about this potential new solar sibling, but we do know that it’s huge—at least 10 times as massive as the Earth. The astronomers who discovered it even nicknamed it “Fatty.” And the fact that such a huge body has gone undetected just goes to show how little we truly know about our own solar system and how much science has left to teach us. 10 It Was Discovered By The Guy Who Killed Pluto … Continue reading

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An astonishing thing just happened in Britain. UKIP leader Nigel Farage, a strong supporter of US Tea Party Politics, invited the radical left-wing politician George Galloway to be his surprise guest speaker. Their common cause: Liberate Britain from the unelected soviet style apparatchiks who run the European Union. … On Friday I surprised, perhaps even stunned, some of my long term supporters by introducing a surprise guest: George Galloway. On a whole host of political issues George and I are diametrically opposed. We could not have a cosy chat over coffee about Israel, economic policy or a host of other … Continue reading

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Nearly 45 years ago, Clint Eastwood and director Don Siegel changed action cinema forever with Dirty Harry, a brutal crime drama about a take-no-prisoners cop who also gets the dirtiest jobs in his city, and the killer he’s trying to bring down. The film was a massive box office hit, divided critics with its apparent political messages, and made Eastwood into the biggest movie star in the world. Now, if you’re feeling lucky, here are 11 facts about the iconic film … punk. 1. IT ORIGINALLY HAD A DIFFERENT TITLE. Though it’s hard to imagine the film was not being … Continue reading

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Originally published by USA – Discussions about the role of guns in society often founder under the weight of dueling statistics thrown out by both sides. I’d like to avoid the statistical food fight and base this article solely on the ethics of armed self-defense. How much do you value your life? Modern America has a strong pacifist streak that originated among some of our Christian denominations and spread to non-religious people, most notably during the 1960s.  It is now associated with the liberal side of the political spectrum and with those who support strict gun control. It is easy to … Continue reading

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Aeroflot, founded on this day in 1923, is one of the world’s safest airlines. The website – which judges the vulnerability of carriers according to a number of criteria – gives it the maximum seven stars, placing it alongside the likes of Qantas and BA (and ahead of Ryanair) in its latest ratings. The Russian airline has been involved in just one fatal accident in the past 20 years. But it wasn’t always thus. Aeroflot’s safety record was once the stuff of nervous fliers’ nightmares – and the numbers are truly staggering. During 1973 alone, it was involved in … Continue reading

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Forty-eight years ago (in 1968), the country was in the midst of another presidential campaign that came at a seminal moment in American history. Five years earlier, John F. Kennedy had been murdered, and Dr. Martin Luther King had been assassinated in April of 1968. The Vietnam War was escalating. Race riots were becoming a fact of urban life. Racial and generational politics as well as social issues were threatening to tear the country apart. Then on the night of June 5th, 1968, after John Kennedy’s brother Robert had won the all-important California Primary, America got yet another jolt: the … Continue reading

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The war on cash heated up this week when a former Obama economic adviser/ex-Treasury secretary floated the idea of eliminating the $100 bill. Lawrence Summers called for death to the Benjamins in a post on his Washington Post blog titled It’s Time to Kill the $100 Bill. The post announced the release of a paper by Harvard’s Mossavar Rahmani Center for Business and Government senior Fellow Peter Sands arguing that governments should stop issuing high-denomination currency such as 500 euro notes and $100 bills. The paper even proposed withdrawing such currency them from circulation. Cash warriors always publicly center their … Continue reading

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Findings of a study on the link between sucralose and cancer that caused uproar when they were presented at a cancer conference in 2013 have finally been published. The food industry dismissed the results of the study when they were presented in London, but they are now available for the world to see in the peer-reviewed International Journal of Occupational and Environmental Health. In response to the study, the consumer group The Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) is recommended that people avoid consuming sucralose, more popularly known as Splenda. The study found that: “sucralose administered in feed to … Continue reading

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