Gin is perhaps the most versatile of the distilled spirits. Sure, whiskey is delicious. With a world full of smoky single malts and spicy ryes (not to mention bourbons, and the underrated yet very fine selection of Irish whiskeys), who would need to stray? But gin has a wonderfully complex flavor profile that is unrivaled by any other spirit. At its core, gin is a neutral spirit that has been flavored with juniper, and often a variety of herbs, spices, flowers, citrus, and other flavors. Lemon, orange, and lime, as well as coriander, cardamom, and allspice are all common. Right … Continue reading

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Marcus Aurelius Antoninus, known more commonly as Marcus Aurelius, was the 16th emperor of Rome, who reigned from 161 AD to his death in 180 AD. Marcus Aurelius is remembered as the last of the Five Good Emperors (the other four being Nerva, Trajan, Hadrian and Antoninus Pius). Apart from being a Roman emperor, Marcus Aurelius is also known today for his intellectual pursuits and is considered as one of the most important Stoic philosophers. The Life of Marcus Aurelius Marcus Aurelius was born into an aristocratic family in Rome in 121 AD. His uncle was Titus Aurelius Antoninus (Hadrian’s successor, … Continue reading

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Listen to the Podcast Mike Gleason: It is my privilege now to be joined by a man who needs little introduction, Marc Faber; editor and publisher of The Gloom, Boom & Doom Report. Dr. Faber has frequently appeared on financial shows across the globe and he’s a well-known Austrian school economist, and an investment adviser. It’s a real honor to have him on with us today. Dr. Faber, thank you so much for joining us. Marc Faber: It’s my pleasure, thank you very much. Mike Gleason: Well, I want to start out by asking you about the current state of … Continue reading

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Originally published by USA – A unifying principle of American law governing the defensive use of deadly force is that a victim may use such force when an attacker threatens violence capable of causing death or grave bodily harm. There is little doubt that it is justified when the robber draws and points a handgun at the victim. But what if an unarmed assailant advances with fists clenched, clearly getting ready to beat his victim?  Should the victim take a few punches and hope he remains conscious long enough to draw and shoot, thus stopping his attacker? At what point short … Continue reading

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Probiotics are a common remedy for stomach troubles but it turns out, probiotics can work wonders on your blood pressure, too, according to new research. Treatment could be as simple as daily doses of foods you may already have on hand. Australian researchers at Griffith University’s Health Institute and School of Medicine have found that eating foods rich in probiotics may help lower blood pressure. These findings were recently published in the journal Hypertension. Generally speaking, probiotics are living microorganisms that make their home in your gut. Of course, these microorganisms also thrive in some common foods like these three tasty … Continue reading

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For decades, we were told that eating fat would lead us to early grave. Horror stories of clogged arteries and coronaries were the norm while foods such as pasta were seen as healthy. But research is increasingly disproving this theory – and sugar is now public enemy number one. In fact, fat is good for us and should be our medicine, claims cardiologist Dr. Aseem Malhotra, who is based in Surrey. He says a mounting slew of evidence suggests that far from contributing to heart problems, having full-fat dairy in your diet may actually protect you from heart disease and type … Continue reading

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When it comes to scientists, brilliance and eccentricity seem to go hand in hand. Some of the most innovative minds in human history have also been the strangest. From eccentric geniuses to the downright insane, here are some of history’s greatest mad scientists. 1. JOHANN CONRAD DIPPEL  Born in Castle Frankenstein in 1673, Johann Conrad Dippel was a theologian, alchemist, and scientist who developed a popular dye called Prussian Blue that is still used to this day. But Dippel is better remembered for his more controversial experiments. He mixed animal bones and hides together in a stew he called “Dippel’s … Continue reading

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Dr Sepp Fegerl makes his living telling the rich and famous where they’ve gone wrong in their lives. Today, though, it’s my turn to be subjected to his analysis. He has his hands around my liver and doesn’t like what he’s found. ‘I should only be able to get two fingers under it, but I can get three,’ he says. Is that bad? ‘It’s not Wunderbar,’ he mutters, squeezing away like someone trying to make sausages under water. A few days ago, I was just another cheerful passenger touching down at Salzburg airport, bound for the Vivamayr Clinic on the … Continue reading

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People often ask our agony uncle Honest John how they can make their car last. And he refers them to the advice of Irv Gordon (above), who owns a Volvo P1800 which he bought new in 1966 and has since driven more than 3,000,000 miles. That’s the equivalent of 120 times around the world. Irv has driven the car daily in all weathers and is still on the original engine. Here are his top 10 tips. 1. Start with a car you really like. “If you don’t like your car, you’ll never go the distance.” 2. Change the oil and … Continue reading

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ReadyNutrition Readers, this piece is designed to give to you some methods that work that will make your daily travel more secure.  To and from work, school, or running errands, it is important for you and your family to know where each one is, what you’re doing, and when you’re due back home.  Rest assured, it is designed to give you a format so that you can look out for one another on a daily basis or when the world takes a nosedive. By performing these steps on a daily basis, you will be practicing for an emergency, whether temporary or … Continue reading

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January has been the month of the cold that would not die at the McKay household. First one-half of the family got sick, then the other, then the first half again. It was a downright pandemic around here. Productivity, morale, and my gains — my poor, poor gains! — have suffered greatly. It’s gotten me thinking about how to better handle getting sick in the future, and how to prevent getting sick in the first place. When it comes to the latter, proper and regular hand-washing is one of the most important weapons in your cold and flu-fighting arsenal. In the past I’ve … Continue reading

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The sun is in the midst of its quietest period in more than a century. Several days ago, it was in ‘cue ball’ mode, with an incredible image from Nasa showing no large visible sunspots seen on its surface. Astronomers say this isn’t unusual, and solar activity waxes and wanes in 11-year cycles, and we’re currently in Cycle 24, which began in 2008. However, if the current trend continues, then the Earth could be headed for a ‘mini ice age’ researchers have warned. We’ve had the smallest number of sunspots in this cycle since Cycle 14, which reached its maximum … Continue reading

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What air traveler hasn’t considered the possibility of having to take over the controls of an airliner in an emergency? Commercial pilot Tim Morgan made the following video and answered the question on Quora in masterful detail. Just knowing that it’s possible helps provide peace of mind, even with your heart racing. Read more on

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This is Part 3 of our three-part series on the techniques of trolls. The first two installments were concerned mostly with sabotage and disinformation on the Internet. They were posted anonymously some time ago. The first two appear to have been written by a professional troll for the “benefit” of less experienced trolls on how to prevent the sharing of inconvenient facts on political forums. As we pointed out in Part 1, we would normally not publish such material because we cannot verify any of it. Yet, we feel we have actually witnessed these maneuvers on Internet forums. Part 3 … Continue reading

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