With so much of our lives now conducted online, it is hardly surprising people struggle to remember long lists of complex passwords to keep their personal details secure. But it seems many of us are not learning the lessons of recent online security breaches, choosing instead to use some of the most common – and easily guessable – codes around. An annual list of the 25 most common passwords on the internet show that people are still putting their faith in ‘password1; and ‘123456’ to keep their online accounts safe. The findings will no doubt cause online security experts to … Continue reading

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When news first broke of the detention of two U.S. ships in Iranian territorial waters, the U.S. media — aside from depicting it as an act of Iranian aggression — uncritically cited the U.S. government’s explanation for what happened. One of the boats, we were told, experienced “mechanical failure” and thus “inadvertently drifted” into Iranian waters. On CBS News, Joe Biden told Charlie Rose, “One of the boats had engine failure, drifted into Iranian waters.” Provided their government script, U.S. media outlets repeatedly cited these phrases — “mechanical failure” and “inadvertently drifted” and “boat in distress” — like some sort of hypnotic mantra. Here’s … Continue reading

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In 2013, construction crews in the city of Nevşehir, in the Cappadocia region of Turkey, were demolishing low-income housing ringing a Byzantine castle when they unearthed something astonishing: entrances to a massive underground city. Dating to at least Byzantine times, the vast network of tunnels and rooms had been carved into volcanic ash rock called tuff that gives Cappadocia—famed for its otherworldly “fairy houses,” cave churches, and evocative geologic formations—its singular terrain. It’s not the first underground city to be discovered in the region; there are some 250 known subterranean dwellings of various sizes hidden within the fantastical landscape. The two … Continue reading

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The Phoenix Program in Vietnam in many ways provides a blue print for our own times. Assassinations and torture are the essence of the war on terror. As are death squads and false flag terror attacks. As are mass surveillance of the populace. Thanks to the work of Douglas Valentine in his classic book “The Phoenix Program” we have an extremely detailed account of the Phoenix Program exposing a classic example of the brutality of the CIA’s counter insurgency wars. By studying the Phoenix program one can gain a great deal of insight into the  wars in Afghanistan, Syria and … Continue reading

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According to a “sensational” article by The Telegraph, the US director of National Intelligence was recently instructed by Congress to “conduct a major review into Russian clandestine funding of European parties over the last decade.” [1] This disclosure —a classic “controlled leak”— is intended to warn disobedient yet popular political entities across Europe to scale back their ambitions to rebalance the roles and weight of their nation states within the European Union. Hungary’s Jobbik, Greece’s Golden Dawn, Italy’s Lega Nord, and France’s Front National are explicitly included in the US “warning list,” while other unnamed “parties” in Austria, the Czech Republic, … Continue reading

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Originally published by AmmoLand.com. Ft Collins, CO –) Trends! After talking with several large gun-retailers and ammunition manufacturers last week, I see pistol caliber trends continuing to favor the 9×19. At the SHOT Show, now only a week and a half away, I’ll confirm. The fastest-selling handguns right now are the: Glock G19 XD/M 9mm Compact S&W Shield, 9mm Compact SIG 320, 9mm Compact H&K VP9, 9mm Other 9mm, polymer-framed, striker-fired, pistols that may be coming on are the Walther PPQ, FNS, Beretta APX, Ruger All-American. The latter two are just emerging, and I’m looking forward to seeing them at the … Continue reading

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The devil is in the detail. In Britain we do judge a person by small, seemingly insignificant minutiae. You may think you’re pretty recherché but are you more Elephant and Castle than Alnwick Castle? Let’s find out…. Handshake You can tell so much about someone from their handshake. Too firm and perhaps they are over compensating; too limp and they’re bound to posses a rather timid personality. A good handshake is firm, but not too firm and comes from the wrist, not the arm. Fail to greet someone with a solid handshake and you may as well pack your bags … Continue reading

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On average, a person speaks somewhere between 7,000 and 20,000 words every day. Most of these are just fillers like “and,” “so,” and “on.” But the words that are used to convey a message often carry stories of their own. We can track words back in time, reaching hundreds or thousands of years into history. However, communicating with the people of those times (ignoring the fact that they are dead) might prove difficult, as words evolve over time to have new meanings. 10 Hazard Have you ever played a game of dice? Maybe bet a couple of dollars on a … Continue reading

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Everyone has bad habits. I don’t believe there is a human being alive who doesn’t. In everyday life, most of these aren’t a big deal. So you forget to put your shoes away, no one is going to die from that. You’re not a bad person if you have a weakness for chocolate. Survival situations, however, are different from real life. A bad habit that may simply be an annoyance to your spouse on a regular day could have severe consequences in an emergency. Here are 5 examples of bad habits that will kill you when your survival is on the … Continue reading

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The mainstream world of economics and investment has the attention span of a 12-year-old hopped up on sugar. A couple of months ago, it was all doom and gloom for gold. The Fed was talking interest rate hikes, government spokespersons were claiming victory over the recession, and mainstream analysts were hastily pounding nails in gold’s coffin. Cancel the wake, because today everybody has turned bullish on gold with the price up more than 9% since New Year’s Day. A headline at CNN Money earlier this week boldly proclaimed, “Gold is 2016’s most beloved asset.” The story highlights the more than … Continue reading

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Legend has it that the Oracle of Delphi connected priests with super natural beings who passed along advanced technology and information. And conspiracy theorists claim that is how a modern-day laptop ended up in a Greek sculpture from 100 BC. But historians say the sculpture is just a deceased woman ‘touching the lid of a shallow chest’. ‘I am not saying that this is depicting an ancient laptop computer,’ StillSpeakingOut, conspiracy theorists, said in a video he released on YouTube in 2014. ‘But when I look at the sculpture I can’t help but think about the Oracle of Delphi, which … Continue reading

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In the days of old, leisure time was not thought of as a chance to “veg out,” but as an opportunity to pursue one’s passions and interests — an outlet for the sides of a man that were not stimulated in his professional vocation. Hobbies were deemed important for the way in which they can strengthen every part of a man’s life. They can bring you joy, increase your eye for detail, keep your mind sharp, expand your creativity, help you meet friends, and teach you valuable skills. In short, hobbies add interest to your life and help you become a more well-rounded man. … Continue reading

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Car and Driver and Good Housekeeping. Who knew the two magazines had anything in common? Well now they do: cars. They’ve teamed up for a Best New Car Awards for 2016. The first-time awards are included in Good Housekeeping’s February issue. The magazine worked with Car and Driver to identify 41 vehicles that engineers from the Good Housekeeping Institute evaluated, driving them more than 2,000 miles on real roads. “Women control a large percentage of the car purchasing decision in their homes, yet no one can speak to them in a manner like Good Housekeeping can,” said the magazine’s editor-in-chief, Jane Francisco. “Combined … Continue reading

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Ted Cruz, the junior Senator from Texas and presumptive Republican presidential nominee, is routinely billed by the mainstream media as a Tea Party outsider who is reviled by fellow Republicans as a “wacko bird” along with Kentucky Senator Rand Paul and GOP Rep. Justin Amash of Michigan. It is not simply his wife’s connection to Goldman Sachs and investment banking or his unreported loan from the multinational investment banking firm, however, that betrays this image. A closer look at Cruz reveals he is a neocon insider, not a renegade outsider. His campaign manager, Chad C. Sweet, co-founded the Chertoff Group with … Continue reading

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