Germany’s Bundesbank released further detail on its gold holdings on Wednesday, saying it transferred 210 tonnes of gold back to the country last year from vaults in Paris and New York. Frankfurt is now the largest storage location for the country’s gold reserves after New York, it said in a statement, reports Henry Sanderson in the FT. GoldCore Comment The Bundesbank’s repatriation of 200 tonnes of gold bullion reaffirms the fact that central banks today still view gold as a vital safe haven reserve currency and monetary asset. It also indicates a lack of trust between central banks and specifically with … Continue reading

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So apparently the Academy Awards are now the most racist, evil thing in the world, having surpassed the left’s last most racist, evil thing in the world (what was that again? Halloween costumes? Interracial wrestling? It’s so hard to keep track). The tragic fact that for the second year in a row no “actors of color” were nominated in the best performance categories has touched off a wave of garment-rending outrage among “diversity” advocates in politics and the media. You see, the Oscars are supposed to “reflect America.” Didn’t you know that? Well, apparently it’s true. “You don’t reflect America, … Continue reading

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Oregon — Precious few details are available today after a shootout between Oregon State Police and several people who had been occupying a wildlife refuge led to the arrest of seven individuals and left the group’s de facto spokesperson and Oregon militia member, Robert “LaVoy” Finicum, dead. As the Bundy Ranch Facebook page announced: “The resolve for principled liberty must go on. “America was fired upon by our government and one of liberty’s finest patriots has fallen. He will not go silent into eternity. Our appeal is to heaven.” There is some confusion over how, exactly, the situation escalated and … Continue reading

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Despite the popular perception, most psychopaths aren’t cold-blooded or psychotic killers.  Research suggests many of them live successfully among the rest of us, using their personality traits to get what they want in life. It has even been claimed that some of the world’s most powerful and successful people, including American presidents, exhibit traits of the behavioural disorder.  Here, writing for The Conversation, Scott Lilienfeld, professor of psychology at Emory University and student Ashley Watts reveal the theory behind ‘successful psychopathy’. Psychopathy is not easily defined, but most psychologists view it as a personality disorder characterised by superficial charm with profound … Continue reading

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The consumption of chlorine changes HDL (“good”) cholesterol into LDL cholesterol, creates oxidative damage throughout a body, acts as an immunosuppressant, causes severe arterial damage, and it destroys fatty acids which are needed for heart health. Chlorine is even one of the main causes of respiratory illnesses in wintertime, for people use humidifiers, which release chlorine gas when they are used with chlorinated water. Showering in chlorinated water similarly releases the gas, and this is strongly tied to asthma. Nevertheless, chlorine remains the standard chemical that is used to sterilize water supplies throughout the world. It is toxic to every … Continue reading

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Clever people are more likely to be healthier than those with a lower IQ due to a genetic link between how our bodies manage diseases and intelligence. Researchers from Scotland analysed data from around 100,000 people held in the UK Biobank. They compared each person’s mental test data with their genome and found that traits linked to disease and thinking skills shared the same genetic influences. In particular, the international team of scientists led by the University of Edinburgh found ‘significant negative genetic correlations’ between a person’s education and verbal-numerical reasoning skills and Alzheimer’s disease, coronary artery disease and strokes.  … Continue reading

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Slate, a once-semi-readable website, published a 2,925-word tome on Tuesday by a guy who is really sad because he managed rack up $200,000 in student loan debt by getting a useless degree at a fancypants private college and then, by borrowing more cash to be a graduate student. The bitter, billowing borrower is Samuel Garner — currently a bioethicist at a Washington, D.C. nonprofit. Garner’s tale of woe and world-historical budgetary stupidity begins — as he tells it, in excruciating detail — when he was a high school senior. He was a “consumer” of the “vacuous platitudes” on college brochures, and so he excitedly … Continue reading

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At a time when America’s public sector is apparently too strapped financially even to provide safe drinking water for some of its residents, the Obama administration plans to commit the nation to spending at least $1 trillion over the next three decades to improve our ability to fight a nuclear war. That’s right — an almost unthinkable war that would end up destroying much of the habitable portion of the globe. That wasn’t the message President Obama conveyed in April, 2009 when he declared in Prague, “The existence of thousands of nuclear weapons is the most dangerous legacy of the … Continue reading

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Inflation-racked Argentina is preparing to issue larger-denomination banknotes to alleviate critical shortages of cash in the country. What a difference between the Argentine government and most other Western governments, which seek to crack down on the use of cash. Argentina’s 100 peso note is equivalent to a little over $7, and with inflation in Argentina having run in double digits for years, the 100 peso note is becoming too small a denomination to facilitate cash transactions. Therefore the Argentine central bank will be issuing 200 and 500 peso notes this year, and a 1,000 peso note next year. While the … Continue reading

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The financial burden and rising costs of cancer treatment put many patients in debt or filing for bankruptcy, and this added financial stress is shortening their lives, according to latest research. The researchers found that colon, breast and thyroid patients who went into debt had an 80 percent higher risk of early death, compared to those with the same cancer but financially stable. Lead researcher Dr. Scott Ramsey said, “Bankruptcy, for reasons that we don’t know, is a serious threat to survival for cancer patients.” Medical expenses are one of the most common reasons why people file for bankruptcy, as … Continue reading

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Ask someone what his or her favorite parody movie is and you’ll hear Blazing Saddles, Airplane!, or some other classic of the genre. But ask what their favorite parody novel is and you’ll likely get a blank stare. To help you answer this difficult, life-defining question the next time you’re asked, here are the stories of a few novels that get the last laugh. 1. BORED OF THE RINGS J.R.R. Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings has sold more than 150 million copies and been translated into over 35 languages since it was first published in 1955. While it has never reached … Continue reading

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If only there was a way to magically “shut off” our cravings for all of our vices. Some kind of pill or shot that just took it all away… It sounds very sci-fi, but it’s close to becoming a reality. U.K. researchers are preparing to investigate whether hormones found in the gut could help people beat their addictions, and stop people who have given up smoking, drinking, and even overeating from relapsing into their bad habits. “For a couple of months about 40% of people can manage to stop smoking, within a year it is 6-8% – the relapse rate … Continue reading

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If your teenage years are long gone and you still haven’t bothered to get a driver’s license, you’re not alone. According to a recent study, the percentage of people with a driver’s license decreased across all age groups between 2011 and 2014. And, while the decrease began for those over 44 around 2008 and for those over 69 around 2011, there has been a continuous decrease for those 16 to 44 years old since 1983. According to The Atlantic, researchers are unsure why fewer people are driving. Some of the reasons suggested by an earlier study of unlicensed young adults include cost, … Continue reading

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A few years back when my kids were still pretty young, one of my girls and I and the family dog took a short walk in National Forest not too far from where we live. I had let the dog off the leash to stretch its legs while my young daughter and I enjoyed a leisurely stroll down a familiar trail. Free from the leash, the dog shot off down the trail only to come to an abrupt stop several hundred yards away, her hackles up, and staring intensely into the thick manzanita that lined each side of the trail. … Continue reading

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Seventy years ago this month, George Orwell wrote up 11 tips for making and consuming tea. Published under the title A Nice Cup of Tea in the January 12, 1946 edition of the Evening Standard, Orwell noted that “at least four [points] are acutely controversial.” That’s a bold claim! So what does it take to make an Orwellian cup of tea? Read on. A NICE CUP OF TEA BY GEORGE ORWELL If you look up ‘tea’ in the first cookery book that comes to hand you will probably find that it is unmentioned; or at most you will find a … Continue reading

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