Marc Faber, editor of the “Gloom, Doom & Boom Report,” has advised investors that now is a good time to invest in gold  because stocks will crash over 40% and the world is on the verge of a new liquidity and debt crisis. Faber says investors would be prudent to diversify into safe haven in gold bullion which has risen 3% this year and is currently at $1,096 an ounce. He recently told MarketWatch that the stock-market downturn could result in stocks hitting lows not seen in five years. Faber warns that the S&P 500, which fell to 1,881 yesterday, could drop to its 2011 low … Continue reading

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Beards may contain bacteria which could potentially be developed into new antibiotics, a study has found. Researchers found that clean-shaven men were actually more likely to harbour infection-causing bacteria resistant to antibiotics when compared to bearded men. The study, published in the Journal of Hospital Infection, tested swabs from the faces of 408 hospital staff with and without facial hair. According to the results, clean-shaven men are more than three times as likely to be carrying methicillin-resistant staph auerus (MRSA) on their cheeks as their bearded counterparts. Clean-shaven men were also more than 10 per cent more likely to have … Continue reading

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The upcoming GOP primary donnybrook between the establishment right and the anti-establishment right has had a foreshadowing in Polish politics over the past dozen years in the war between Poland’s two dominant parties, both conservative. If you want to know what a Trump presidency might be like, the bumptious populist conservative government elected in Poland three months ago offers some clues. In the U.S. before the rise of Trump, the emerging schisms on the right—globalism versus nationalism, elitism versus populism, diversity versus solidarity—were mostly papered over by Republicans for the sake of putting up a united front against Democrats. But … Continue reading

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It’s often been quoted as the one certainty in life – and now it’s possible to find out exactly how you’re likely to die. An interactive chart has been created which calculates the likelihood of a person dying from the likes of cancer, infection or external causes based both on a person’s current age and how old they are when they go. Using information from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, UCLA statistician Nathan Yau has created the colourful graphic revealing what you are most likely to die from once factors such as gender and race have been considered. … Continue reading

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If reports of an imminent indictment for Hillary Clinton are true – that is, if we’re not being played by the administration – then Democrats must be immersed in intense, behind-the-scenes maneuvering to avert a disaster or mitigate the fallout.  That surely involves the White House, which may well have the final say on Hillary’s future.  Depending on the extent of the evidence, the administration might be unable to quash an indictment outright without threatening another Saturday Night Massacre, but it might be able to navigate a lesser charge.  With an assist from the president, that could conceivably make an … Continue reading

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With all our modern technology, it can be easy to assume that we know everything. With a few swipes of our finger, any of us can view detailed photos of the surface of Pluto or take a Google Street View tour through Antarctica’s McMurdo Station. Truly, the age of mystery is over. Or is it? In spite of all our miraculous tech, we’re still a long way from understanding even some basic things about our planet. Here are 10 intriguing mysteries still surrounding our world. 10 The Unmapped Regions Of Our Greatest Cities The phrase “off the map” conjures images of … Continue reading

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A huge planet might be sitting at the edge of our solar system without ever being seen. The world — which could be about ten times as massive as Earth — would be large enough to become the ninth planet of our solar system. The planet hasn’t yet been seen by scientists. Instead, they have found it by watching the way that dwarf planets and other objects in the outer solar system move — their orbits seem to be disturbed by something huge but hidden sitting out there. “If there’s going to be another planet in the solar system, I … Continue reading

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The United States Senate Select Committee to Study Governmental Operations with Respect to Intelligence Activities found in 1975 that the CIA submitted stories to the American press: Wikipedia adds details: After 1953, the network was overseen by Allen W. Dulles, director of the CIA. By this time, Operation Mockingbird had a major influence over 25 newspapers and wire agencies. The usual methodology was placing reports developed from intelligence provided by the CIA to witting or unwitting reporters. Those reports would then be repeated or cited by the preceding reporters which in turn would then be cited throughout the media wire … Continue reading

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Originally published by United States – What is it about Hollywood elites who jump on their soapboxes proclaiming to be saviors of America, but then do everything imaginable to undermine the core principles of its founding? Take Hollywood’s anti-gun glitterati for example. Between making personal fortunes from glorifying guns in their movies and living exuberant lifestyles that includes armed security, one would think they would support their fellow Americans right to self-defense. Nope. We’ve all heard of former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg and his scandalous anti-gun program Everytown For Gun Safety. Now, Academy Award-winning actress Julianne Moore has recently … Continue reading

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When it comes to success, it’s easy to think that people blessed with brains are inevitably going to leave the rest of us in the dust. But new research from Stanford University will change your mind (and your attitude). Psychologist Carol Dweck has spent her entire career studying attitude and performance, and her latest study shows that your attitude is a better predictor of your success than your IQ. Dweck found that people’s core attitudes fall into one of two categories: a fixed mindset or a growth mindset. With a fixed mindset, you believe you are who you are and … Continue reading

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Just three days into excavations at archaeological ruins in the jungle of Honduras – believed to be the legendary ‘White City’ – and researchers have already unearthed a dozen ancient artifacts which may serve to shed light on the mysterious civilization that once inhabited the region. Two years ago, an aerial search of the dense jungle of Honduras fuelled by local legends of a lost ancient city, revealed miles of seemingly man-made features. Announcements quickly spread that archaeologists had found La Ciudad Blanca (“The White City”), otherwise known as “City of the Monkey God”. An initial ground expedition early last … Continue reading

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Here’s an ambiguous sentence for you: “Because of the agency’s oversight, the corporation’s behavior was sanctioned.” Does that mean, ‘Because the agency oversaw the company’s behavior, they imposed a penalty for some transgression’ or does it mean, ‘Because the agency was inattentive, they overlooked the misbehavior and gave it their approval by default’? We’ve stumbled into the looking-glass world of “contronyms”—words that are their own antonyms. 1. Sanction (via French, from Latin sanctio(n-), from sancire ‘ratify,’) can mean ‘give official permission or approval for (an action)’ or conversely, ‘impose a penalty on.’ 2. Oversight is the noun form of two … Continue reading

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It was not uncommon for the ancient Romans to travel long distances all across Europe. Actually during the Roman Empire, Rome had an incredible road network which extended from northern England all the way to southern Egypt. At its peak, the Empire’s stone paved road network reached 53,000 miles (85,000 kilometers)! Roman roads were very reliable, they were the most relied on roads in Europe for many centuries after the collapse of the Roman Empire. It could be argued that they were more reliable than our roads today considering how long they could last and how little maintenance they required. … Continue reading

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Federal regulators have approved a new type of seasonal flu vaccine with a booster in it that’s intended to trigger a stronger immunity response in the elderly. What they fail to mention is that this newfangled flu vaccine could cause chronic health problems far worse than the flu itself. Fluad, made by Novartis Vaccines and Diagnostics Limited, contains an adjuvant called MF59, which is a substance that boosts or directs the immune response of a vaccinated individual. The adjuvant in Fluad uses an oil-in-water emulsion of squalene oil, a naturally-occurring substance produced by humans, animals, and plants that is highly … Continue reading

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I hope the Cologne mass sexual assaults will be of lasting and huge significance to European history, and I even think they might. (Recently arrived Arab migrants sexually assaulted large numbers of German women in front of the Cologne Cathedral on New Year’s Eve, in case you have been in a catatonic trance for a fortnight.) Why did these attacks happen? A large number of Muslim boys, sexually frustrated, drunk because unused to drink, surrounded by attractive, infidel girls—these are a large part of the reason. But I think part of it is a desire to demonstrate that they are … Continue reading

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