Over the course of my 40-something years, I have made and lost several fortunes. Sometimes it’s been my fault, sometimes it’s been no-one’s fault and sometimes I’ve been left railing against the iniquity of it all. Regardless, the end result is always the same: you go back to square one, dust yourself off and start again. You hope that only the good bit of history will repeat itself, but deep down you know that your personal boom and bust cycle is probably as entrenched as that of the UK economy. Even so, I’d say my experience has been pretty positive … Continue reading

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The occupation of the headquarters of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in Harney County, Oregon by a small group of armed protesters represents a new and confrontational tactic in the Sagebrush Rebellion–the decades old struggle of Western ranchers against federal control of state lands. While the majority of rancher disputes are against the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) the US Fish and Wildlife Service has been just as ruthless–in this case expanding the wildlife refuge at the expense of neighboring ranchers. This week I’ll detail the struggle of the Hammond family, and of Ammon Bundy the protest leader. When you … Continue reading

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If you have resolved to give up coffee in the New Year, you can give yourself a break. For experts say there is no need for most people to avoid coffee. Professor Clare Collins, of the Dietitians Association of Australia, said: ‘One of the first things that people give up when they go on a health kick is coffee, and that’s a crazy thing to do, because there’s evidence of health benefits.’ Her detailed review of research on the topic concluded that coffee drinkers have a lower odds of developing liver cancer and of dying unexpectedly. They are also at … Continue reading

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Among the lies about himself Obama consistently repeats is that he was a constitutional law professor. Lie one:  Obama was never a professor; he was a lecturer.  He did not have the qualifications to be a professor.  Obama never published a single law paper.  He was hired by the University of Chicago when they learned he had been given a book contract on race and law directly after graduating from Harvard.  There was no book – just the contract, which he later reneged on.  This is not the normal level of accomplishment for a University of Chicago professor or even … Continue reading

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1955: Revenge of the Creature Clint Eastwood’s long and distinguished film career began in 1955, when he was 25, in the B Movie REVENGE OF THE CREATURE. Eastwood had decided to try acting after serving as a boot camp swimming instructor in the US Army in northern California. Eastwood landed a contract with Universal Studios, earning $75 a week, and his first role was a brief scene in which he played a lab technician called Jennings. It was the only 3D film of 1955 and a sequel to Creature from the Black Lagoon. Eastwood’s character tells Professor Ferguson that a … Continue reading

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Widespread corruption destroys empires. By way of example, corruption was one of the main causes of the collapse of the Roman Empire: The Praetorian Guard—the emperor’s personal bodyguards—assassinated and installed new sovereigns at will, and once even auctioned the spot off to the highest bidder [and see this]. The political rot also extended to the Roman Senate, which failed to temper the excesses of the emperors due to its own widespread corruption and incompetence. As the situation worsened, civic pride waned and many Roman citizens lost trust in their leadership. The Ottoman Empire started its decline when the sale of offices, … Continue reading

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We are now paying for the excesses of the past and everything is going to go down more than it should, says Jim Rogers, US investor and author. Meanwhile, China may play a key role in the showdown between Saudi Arabia and Iran, he added. This week, crude fell to its lowest level in more than 11 years, while Iranian outrage over Saudi Arabia’s execution of a prominent Shiite cleric spells doom for any possible production cap deal that would have reversed the negative trend in oil prices. Global Brent crude benchmarks hit $34.93 a barrel on Wednesday, down 1.5 … Continue reading

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Originally published by AmmoLand.com. USA – “These are the times that try men’s souls” was written by Thomas Paine, patriot and United States Founding Father, in his book The American Crisis in 1776. Now some 240 years later, being faced with menacing terrorist activities here at home and abroad, we can certainly identify with his words. We are even more aware now of the necessity for being prepared just in case to defend our way of life and our very lives. There are things we can do now to be prepared for our own personal protection when we carry concealed. What follows … Continue reading

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This past Wednesday at 1:30 a.m. a Southern man who goes by the moniker “Saint Negro” tweeted, “We are doing the same thing Rosa Parks did,” under a fake Twitter account called @Ammon_Bundy. Ammon is obviously the son of rancher Cliven Bundy and he’s in Oregon right now fighting for his fellow ranchers the Hammonds, who are back in prison for daring to preserve their land. It’s an inspiring act of civil disobedience torn right out of the Constitution, but the media class doesn’t like it because the Hammonds are white. We want occupations to be done by cool black … Continue reading

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A CIA agent with more than 21-years’ field experience claims newly declassified evidence suggests that Adolf Hitler faked his own death before escaping to the Canary Islands by air before continuing to Argentina. Bob Baer, who spent his lifetime involved in counter-intelligence and espionage said the official version of history with Hitler killing himself in his Berlin bunker does not stand up to official scrutiny. He claims that newly released FBI files suggest that investigators at the time were also suspicious about whether the Nazi dictator had shot himself in the head. According to the Hunting Hitler documentary on History … Continue reading

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Youtube star Hickok45, known for his colloquial attitude as he shoots an array of firearms at his backyard range, had his channel shutdown Tuesday night for violating Google’s policies, but it was restored just after lunchtime on Wednesday. “It was a long scary morning. I really don’t know what I’d do if I were not able to inflict lame humor upon millions of shooting enthusiasts every week!” said Hickok45, operated by Greg Kinman, in a post on Facebook. “Life is fragile, especially ‘virtual’ life.” Hickok45 issued a statement Wednesday morning that explained the brief termination was sparked because of issues with Google+, a type of networking functionality … Continue reading

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We’ve all heard that honey and lemon can help soothe a cough. Now, however, a leading expert in cough and respiratory medicine believes chocolate is even better.  Here, Professor Alyn Morice, head of cardiovascular and respiratory studies at the University of Hull, and a founding member of the International Society for the Study of Cough, claims there is research to prove it… Chocolate can calm coughs. I know that might sound like something out of Mary Poppins, but as an independent clinician who has spent years researching the mechanism of cough, I can assure you the evidence is actually as … Continue reading

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Instances of volcanic eruptions are their highest for 300 years and scientists fear a major one that could kill millions and devastate the planet is a real possibility. Experts at the European Science Foundation said volcanoes – especially super-volcanoes like the one at Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming, which has a caldera measuring 34 by 45 miles (55 by 72 km) – pose more threat to Earth and the survival of humans than asteroids, earthquakes, nuclear war and global warming. There are few real contingency plans in place to deal with the ticking time bomb, which they conclude is likely to … Continue reading

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H.H. Holmes, born Herman Webster Mudgett circa 1860, would come to be recognized as one of America’s first serial killers. But to this day, because of the nature in which he disposed of the bodies and his wildly inconsistent stories and confessions, much of the facts about his life are unclear. So is his death count: Police at the time suspected around nine or 10 victims, while other estimates are in the hundreds; in his published confession, Holmes himself claimed credit for the deaths of 27 people—but several “victims” were later found to still be alive. To make matters more confusing, … Continue reading

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Terror, intimidation and violence are the glue that holds empire together. Aerial bombardment, drone and missile attacks, artillery and mortar strikes, targeted assassinations, massacres, the detention of tens of thousands, death squad killings, torture, wholesale surveillance, extraordinary renditions, curfews, propaganda, a loss of civil liberties and pliant political puppets are the grist of our wars and proxy wars. Countries we seek to dominate, from Indonesia and Guatemala to Iraq and Afghanistan, are intimately familiar with these brutal mechanisms of control. But the reality of empire rarely reaches the American public. The few atrocities that come to light are dismissed as … Continue reading

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