New York City could be hit with a $39 billion in damage with 30 million tons of debris clogging the streets if a long-overdue earthquake hit. The city of 8.5 million people is not thought of as a tremor hot spot, but the five boroughs are riddled with fault lines that could bring dozens of buildings down. Because the city is so dense and littered with thousands of tall buildings, even a 5.0 magnitude earthquake nearby would cause such damage, experts fear. New York City is not thought of as a tremor hot spot, but the five boroughs are riddled with … Continue reading

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Since the February 14 shooting at a Parkland, Florida high school, the anti-gun rhetoric has flown hard and heavy. Gun owners have been demonized, and the NRA has been labeled a terrorist organization. The left has done everything it can to stigmatize gun owners, making it socially taboo for gun owners to speak up. Despite that, however, there’s been yet another increase in firearm sales based on NICS checks, a typical proxy for gun sales. In fact, the 2,767,699 NICS checks from March 2018 stand as the third most of any month, ever. The FBI launched the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) back … Continue reading

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UK Foreign Secretary has now been called out by Russian officials, British politicians and thousands of social media users on his misleading claim on the origin of the Novichok nerve agent in Sergei Skripal’s poisoning. Boris Johnson, however, doesn’t seem to mind. The best defense is a good offense – seems to be his thinking. The leader of the Labour Party has on March 4 reminded the British public in a televised interview that Boris Johnson has “claimed on German television that this was a Russian produced nerve agent, and Porton Down then examined it and said all they could identify was as Novichok, they couldn’t … Continue reading

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Stanley Kubrick’s 2001: A Space Odyssey was a watershed moment in filmmaking. The epic sci-fi story of extraterrestrials and higher planes of existence bridged the gap between studio pictures and art films, all because of the inimitable genius of its writer/director. Here are 12 facts about the sci-fi classic, on the 50th anniversary of its release. 1. THE BOOK AND THE MOVIE WERE DEVELOPED CONCURRENTLY.  2001: A Space Odyssey sprang from a February 1964 lunch between director Stanley Kubrick and Roger Caras, the publicist for Kubrick’s previous film Dr. Strangelove. Kubrick told Caras that for his next movie he wanted to do a movie … Continue reading

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Despite seeing it millions of times, most people are unaware of a common form of the letter ‘g’. The lowercase ‘looptail g’ is used in most novels, newspapers and email messages, yet a new study shows a surprising number of adults don’t know what it looks like. Many of those tested couldn’t pick out a looptail g from a lineup and a shocking number were unaware that two forms of the letter exist at all. According to the researchers, the phenomenon likely occurs because we don’t learn to write the letter’s looptail form at school, meaning few of us commit … Continue reading

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As Porton Down now confirm, here is a straightforward lie from the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, a lie that British diplomats around the world have been promoting to foreign governments. The key point is that the FCO knew it was lying. This was published six days after I was told by an FCO source, and published, that Porton Down scientists were refusing to say the substance came from Russia. The FCO knew this. I have now received confirmation from a well placed FCO source that Porton Down scientists are not able to identify the nerve agent as being of Russian manufacture, and have … Continue reading

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Stanley Kubrick’s 2001: A Space Odyssey was a watershed moment in filmmaking. The epic sci-fi story of extraterrestrials and higher planes of existence bridged the gap between studio pictures and art films, all because of the inimitable genius of its writer/director. Here are 12 facts about the sci-fi classic, on the 50th anniversary of its release. 1. THE BOOK AND THE MOVIE WERE DEVELOPED CONCURRENTLY.  2001: A Space Odyssey sprang from a February 1964 lunch between director Stanley Kubrick and Roger Caras, the publicist for Kubrick’s previous film Dr. Strangelove. Kubrick told Caras that for his next movie he wanted to do a movie … Continue reading

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It’s no secret that members of the media use their own personal agenda’s and bias to beam out specific messages to the masses, this is something that everybody can agree on. It’s been done since the inception of media and has since grown into a massive brainwashing tool, one which now influences the masses on a collective scale. This is why we see so much information from mainstream media outlets, regarding major events, that is completely contradicted by other news outlets and sources. Too often, the source of information from mainstream media outlets is their “intel,” and we simply believe … Continue reading

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Julian Assange has been silenced again, and the timing is most suspicious. With the Cambridge Analytica story dominating the news, it seems some powerful people have reasons to keep the brave WikiLeaks boss quiet right now. Ecuador is a small country, and one can only imagine the brutal behind-the-scenes pressure exerted on it by Western powers to increase the isolation of Julian Assange from the public space. Now, his internet access has been cut off and many of his visitors are refused access, thus rendering a slow social death to a person who’s spent almost six years confined to an … Continue reading

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Sky News reports that the Chief of Britain’s Military Research Center of Porton Down says experts were unable to identify the precise source of nerve agent that was used in poisoning Sergei and Yulia Skripal. In what can only be described as a complete and massive embarrassment to the ‘Theresa May – Boris Johnson’ hoax poisoning narrative that has been pushed by western mainstream media over the last two weeks, scientists from Porton Down have not been able to establish where the Novichok nerve agent used to poison Sergei and Yulia Skripal was made. Via Sky News… Gary Aitkenhead, chief executive of the Defence … Continue reading

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After rallying on Friday, stocks tanked on Monday, dropping over 450 points. In fact, it was the worst first day of the second quarter since the Great Depression. Most analysts blamed the plunge on the escalating trade war, but Peter Schiff has a different take. He said it was just another bad day in a bear market. In fact, he said the market could have rallied because the Chinese response wasn’t as bad as it could have been. But when you’re in a bear market, all news is bad news. As I expected, traders came back from the Passover-Easter break and started … Continue reading

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The chief executive from the film studio behind a movie about the Chappaquiddick scandal has said he was pressured to dump the project. Byron Allen, the CEO of Entertainment Studios and the executive producer of Chappaquiddick, says ‘some very powerful people…tried to put pressure’ on him ‘not to release this movie.’ ‘They went out of their way to try and influence me in a negative way,’ he told Variety. ‘I made it very clear that I’m not about the right, I’m not about the left. ‘I’m about the truth.’ Chappaquiddick refers to the island next to Martha’s Vineyard which was the … Continue reading

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Seeking the truth ought to be our prime directive in our quest for knowledge, understanding, and hopefully wisdom. What Dr. Ryan T. Anderson offers to us in this impeccably researched volume is a clear-eyed search for truth and the fruit of that labor in prose that strikes the right balance of precision and readability for a wide audience. Transgender Ideology and its powerful ally of Identity Politics seems to have become a fierce intellectual contagion wreaking havoc on its would be opponents. If you want to begin to make sense of what’s happening, get the context of, and prepare for … Continue reading

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Nearly 4,000 years ago in the mid 18th century BC, the King of Babylon passed away, leaving the throne to his 18-year old son Hammurabi. Hammurabi was smart enough to know that his kingship would be incredibly short if he didn’t do something quickly to assert his power. So as his first order of business, Hammurabi made a bold proclamation that won him incredible support from his people: he forgave ALL citizens’ debt that was owed to the government… including high-ranking government officials. This proved to be enormously popular. Ancient Babylon had a highly advanced system of credit, and the … Continue reading

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